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CV Kent Erhagen,
EF engineering AB
Personal Information:
Kent Erhagen
Teknikringen 1F
SE-58330 Link旦ping
+46 (0) 70-3225636
E-mail kent.erhagen@efeng.se
rebro, Sweden
Link旦ping, Sweden
Military service,
rebro, Sweden
University of
Link旦ping, Sweden
4 year Technical Gymnasium, Chemical engineer
Master of Science in Mechanical Technology
Company medic officer
PhD courses in Mechanical Design and Machine
Elements, 80 points of 240 points
Kurser / Coursers:
1976-77 PhD courses in Mechanical Design and Machine elements
1981 Course in advanced pulp and paper technology
1982 Valve technology
1983 Pump and pipe system
1990 Control technology practically
1997 Gasturbine technology
1999 Legal basic course
2001 PED course
English Native speaking
German Understanding conversation and reading
Spain Basic
Kent Erhagen Sidan 1 2016-11-10 1
2013- EF engineering AB
oct - dec 2013 Visser & Smit Hanab,
Commisioning manager and supervisor of waste fire steamboiler
dec 2013- sep 2015 Siemens Nuclear Power Division
Technical expert, purchaser co-ordinator, quality control and inspections of
valves and other process equipment for Plex-project to Oskarshamn 2 nuclear
may 2015 DekonAB
Training of operators of waste fire plant in Link旦ping
oct 2015  mar 2016 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery
Inspection and test of miscellaneous pressure equipment
april 2016-present Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery
quality review of technical documents related to the CE marking of lifting tools
CSA certification (Canadian standards) of gas turbine system
2012-13 Lumisigns AB
CEO and owner
Technical and commercial development of printed electroluminescent colors
2005- EF valves AB, Owner
Business planing
Preparation of budgetary
Developing rules for the company's operations and procedures
Marketing plans
Selection criteria and quality standards on suppliers
Quality control and auditing of suppliers
Requirements specification, tender documentation of valves etc.
Discussions and contract negotiations with suppliers
Production of promotional material in terms of Component specifications,
Press releases, Webb materials, etc.
Sales plans and activities through customer visits and exhibitions
Flow calculation of (control) valves and piping.
Materials and criteria for material selection based on pressure,
temperature, media and PED.
Specification and selection of products according to PED requirements, EN-
Kent Erhagen Sidan 2 2016-11-10 2
standards or other standards
Development of model for cost and price calculation
Purchasing specifications and logististisk handling, exports and imports
Delivery monitoring and quality controll
Production and material testing
Business Administration tasks and fundings
Financial accounting and monitoring
Annual Report
2000-2004 Flowserve NAF AB, Marketing and Sales Manager, General Manager of NAF
AB Office in Kolding, Denmark
Business strategic planing
Preparation of budgetary
Marketing plans and sales strategy and planning
Selection criteria and quality standards on suppliers
Discussions and contract negotiations with suppliers
Quality control and auditing of suppliers
Requirements specification, tender documentation of valves etc.
Production of promotional material in terms of Component specifications
Sales activities through customer visits and exhibitions
Personal issues and management strategy
Flow Calculation of control valves and piping
Materials and kreterier for material selection based on pressure,
temperature, media and PED.
Dealing with PED certificate and materials testing
Business Administration issues
1985-2000 ABB Carbon (ASEA PFBC)
Process and system manager
Flow, thermodynamic and strength calculations of steam pipes and
components in boiler system.
System design, system responsible for the boiler steam systems,
emergency feed water systems, start-up heating system and emergency
blow-off system.
Design and procurement specification of components such as emergency
feed water pump, steam separator, desuperheater, blow-off valve, safety
valves control valves, flash tank etc.
Kent Erhagen Sidan 3 2016-11-10 3
Project Manager, PFBCproject V辰rtan, Stockholm
Project leader for emergency feed water pump system,
boiler system, boiler preheating system and pressure relief system.
Establishing of time schdules and costs
Reporting and monitoring of time schedules and costs
Preparation of purchasing documents and negotiations with
subcontractors and supplier
Supervision, inspection and negotiations with subcontractors
Process and Design Manager
System and Design Manager for Boiler system, Boiler Preheater
system, Emergency feed water pump, Pressure relief system
Process expert in commissioning group, V辰rtan, Stockholm
Process and Systems specialist during commissioning and test operation
of the two PFBC-boiler in V辰rtan, Stockholm
Drawing up test instructions and operation manuals
Preparation of commissioning instructions the start-up and test leader
Inspections and reporting of commissioning
Investigation of operational problems and analysis of process
Compilation and evaluation of test operation program and
implementation of new instructions based on experience
from test operation.
Site manager, project Escatron, Spain
Process and Systems specialist during commissioning and test operation
of the PFBC-boiler in Escatron, Spain
Preparation of commissioning instructions the start-up and test leader
Inspections and reporting of commissioning activities
Investigation of operational problems and analysis of process disturbances
Compilation and evaluation of test operation program and
implementation of new operating instructions based on experiences
from test operation
Kent Erhagen Sidan 4 2016-11-10 4
Project Manager, sales project
Adaptation of system solutions according to the conditions in
tender description.
Finsp奪ngCost estimates of boiler systems
Preparation of purchasing requirements and negotiations with subcontractors
Project Manager, cost reduction project
Analysis and evaluation of existing systems
Suggestions on cost-cutting changes
Cost estimates of boiler systems
Preparation of tender documents
Mapping of alternative suppliers in low-cost countries
Visiting, inspection and negotiations with subcontractors
Project Manager, PFBC project Cottbus, Germany
Project Manager for the Steam Boiler and Boiler Pressure Vessle
Envelope of the PFBC-project Cottbus, Germany.
Project budget 400MSEK
Technical, economical and time responsible for pressure vessel and boiler
Responsible for procurements, delivery and erection
1981-1985 Munksj旦 AB, Pulp Mill, Maintenance Engineer and Assistant Maintenance
Manager, Aspabruk
Maintenance planning
Problem solving, calculation, dimensioning and design of components
and system
Technical- and finacial investigations of investment projects
Project leader
Procurement and management of maintenance work and major
1979-1981 Senior School, Brinellskolan Fagersta, Teacher
Teaching in Mathematics, Physics, Technology, Energy at
Technical Senior High School
Teaching in Mathematics at Economics Senior High School
Kent Erhagen Sidan 5 2016-11-10 5
1977-1979 Asea Stal AB, (ABB AB) Finsp奪ng, Design and calculation of axial steam
turbines inner parts
Design and flow calculation of a steam turbine blade system, pressure
drop, efficiency, losses, thermal transients
Strength calculation of turbine blades, start-up and peak stress of vanes and
1975-1977 University of Link旦ping, PhD student and teaching assistant
Mechanical design, Machine elements, Hydrodynamic bearing
Kent Erhagen Sidan 6 2016-11-10 6

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Kent Erhagen CV-2016-08

  • 1. CV Kent Erhagen, EF engineering AB Personal Information: Namn Name Kent Erhagen Adress Adress Teknikringen 1F SE-58330 Link旦ping Land Country Sverige Sweden F旦dd Born 1951 Telefon Phone +46 (0) 70-3225636 E-mail kent.erhagen@efeng.se Utbildning/Education: 1968-1971 1971-1976 1973-1974 1976-1978 rebro, Sweden Link旦ping, Sweden Military service, rebro, Sweden University of Link旦ping, Sweden 4 year Technical Gymnasium, Chemical engineer Master of Science in Mechanical Technology Company medic officer PhD courses in Mechanical Design and Machine Elements, 80 points of 240 points Kurser / Coursers: 1976-77 PhD courses in Mechanical Design and Machine elements 1981 Course in advanced pulp and paper technology 1982 Valve technology 1983 Pump and pipe system 1990 Control technology practically 1997 Gasturbine technology 1999 Legal basic course 2001 PED course Languages: English Native speaking German Understanding conversation and reading Spain Basic Kent Erhagen Sidan 1 2016-11-10 1
  • 2. Employments 2013- EF engineering AB Assignments: oct - dec 2013 Visser & Smit Hanab, Commisioning manager and supervisor of waste fire steamboiler dec 2013- sep 2015 Siemens Nuclear Power Division Technical expert, purchaser co-ordinator, quality control and inspections of valves and other process equipment for Plex-project to Oskarshamn 2 nuclear reactor may 2015 DekonAB Training of operators of waste fire plant in Link旦ping oct 2015 mar 2016 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Inspection and test of miscellaneous pressure equipment april 2016-present Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery quality review of technical documents related to the CE marking of lifting tools CSA certification (Canadian standards) of gas turbine system 2012-13 Lumisigns AB CEO and owner Technical and commercial development of printed electroluminescent colors 2005- EF valves AB, Owner Business planing Preparation of budgetary Developing rules for the company's operations and procedures Marketing plans Selection criteria and quality standards on suppliers Quality control and auditing of suppliers Requirements specification, tender documentation of valves etc. Discussions and contract negotiations with suppliers Production of promotional material in terms of Component specifications, Press releases, Webb materials, etc. Sales plans and activities through customer visits and exhibitions Flow calculation of (control) valves and piping. Materials and criteria for material selection based on pressure, temperature, media and PED. Specification and selection of products according to PED requirements, EN- Kent Erhagen Sidan 2 2016-11-10 2
  • 3. standards or other standards Development of model for cost and price calculation Quotation Purchasing specifications and logististisk handling, exports and imports Delivery monitoring and quality controll Production and material testing Business Administration tasks and fundings Financial accounting and monitoring Annual Report 2000-2004 Flowserve NAF AB, Marketing and Sales Manager, General Manager of NAF AB Office in Kolding, Denmark Business strategic planing Preparation of budgetary Marketing plans and sales strategy and planning Selection criteria and quality standards on suppliers Discussions and contract negotiations with suppliers Quality control and auditing of suppliers Requirements specification, tender documentation of valves etc. Production of promotional material in terms of Component specifications Sales activities through customer visits and exhibitions Personal issues and management strategy Flow Calculation of control valves and piping Materials and kreterier for material selection based on pressure, temperature, media and PED. Dealing with PED certificate and materials testing Business Administration issues 1985-2000 ABB Carbon (ASEA PFBC) 1985-1987 Process and system manager Flow, thermodynamic and strength calculations of steam pipes and components in boiler system. System design, system responsible for the boiler steam systems, emergency feed water systems, start-up heating system and emergency blow-off system. Design and procurement specification of components such as emergency feed water pump, steam separator, desuperheater, blow-off valve, safety valves control valves, flash tank etc. Kent Erhagen Sidan 3 2016-11-10 3
  • 4. 1986-1988 Project Manager, PFBCproject V辰rtan, Stockholm Project leader for emergency feed water pump system, boiler system, boiler preheating system and pressure relief system. Establishing of time schdules and costs Reporting and monitoring of time schedules and costs Preparation of purchasing documents and negotiations with subcontractors and supplier Supervision, inspection and negotiations with subcontractors 1987-1989 Process and Design Manager System and Design Manager for Boiler system, Boiler Preheater system, Emergency feed water pump, Pressure relief system 1989-1992 Process expert in commissioning group, V辰rtan, Stockholm Process and Systems specialist during commissioning and test operation of the two PFBC-boiler in V辰rtan, Stockholm Drawing up test instructions and operation manuals Preparation of commissioning instructions the start-up and test leader Inspections and reporting of commissioning Investigation of operational problems and analysis of process disturbances. Compilation and evaluation of test operation program and implementation of new instructions based on experience from test operation. 1992-1993 Site manager, project Escatron, Spain Process and Systems specialist during commissioning and test operation of the PFBC-boiler in Escatron, Spain Preparation of commissioning instructions the start-up and test leader Inspections and reporting of commissioning activities Investigation of operational problems and analysis of process disturbances Compilation and evaluation of test operation program and implementation of new operating instructions based on experiences from test operation Kent Erhagen Sidan 4 2016-11-10 4
  • 5. 1993-1995 Project Manager, sales project Adaptation of system solutions according to the conditions in tender description. Finsp奪ngCost estimates of boiler systems Preparation of purchasing requirements and negotiations with subcontractors 1995 Project Manager, cost reduction project Analysis and evaluation of existing systems Suggestions on cost-cutting changes Cost estimates of boiler systems Preparation of tender documents Mapping of alternative suppliers in low-cost countries Visiting, inspection and negotiations with subcontractors 1995-2000 Project Manager, PFBC project Cottbus, Germany Project Manager for the Steam Boiler and Boiler Pressure Vessle Envelope of the PFBC-project Cottbus, Germany. Project budget 400MSEK Technical, economical and time responsible for pressure vessel and boiler systems Responsible for procurements, delivery and erection 1981-1985 Munksj旦 AB, Pulp Mill, Maintenance Engineer and Assistant Maintenance Manager, Aspabruk Maintenance planning Problem solving, calculation, dimensioning and design of components and system Technical- and finacial investigations of investment projects Project leader Procurement and management of maintenance work and major renovations 1979-1981 Senior School, Brinellskolan Fagersta, Teacher Teaching in Mathematics, Physics, Technology, Energy at Technical Senior High School Teaching in Mathematics at Economics Senior High School Kent Erhagen Sidan 5 2016-11-10 5
  • 6. 1977-1979 Asea Stal AB, (ABB AB) Finsp奪ng, Design and calculation of axial steam turbines inner parts Design and flow calculation of a steam turbine blade system, pressure drop, efficiency, losses, thermal transients Strength calculation of turbine blades, start-up and peak stress of vanes and partitions 1975-1977 University of Link旦ping, PhD student and teaching assistant Mechanical design, Machine elements, Hydrodynamic bearing Kent Erhagen Sidan 6 2016-11-10 6