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Courtney Trautweiler-LIS 5260
Kita hidup di Era Digital
Kewarganegaraan Digital
Hidup di Dunia Digital kita, dimulai dari bayi.
What is Digital Citizenship?
Kewarganegaraan digital dapat didefinisikan
sebagai norma-norma yang sesuai, perilaku
yang bertanggung jawab dengan
memperhatikan penggunaan teknologi.
(Ribble, 2011)
(Reinecke, 2010)
Prinsip Karakter
• Penyesuaian
• Belas kasihan
• Perenungan
• Keberanian
• Kejujuran
• Inisiatif
• Loyalitas
• Optimis
• Ketekunan
• Menghormati
• Tanggung Jawab
• Kepercayaan-Kelayakan
(ICLE, 2005)
"Sebagai contoh, rasa hormat nilai, umum untuk
banyak persediaan, mungkin disajikan kembali:
MENGHORMATI dalam masyarakat lokal, global,
dan digital. " (Ohler, 2011)
Nilai Modern vs Dunia Digital
"Nilai-nilai ini tampaknya dapat diterima
untuk setiap usia, tapi mereka
membutuhkan penyetelan untuk
sepenuhnya berlaku untuk dunia maya. "
Siapa yang akan mengajarkan
Kewarganegaraan Digital?
9 Elemen Kewarganegaraan Digital :
• Akses
• Perdagangan
• Komunikasi
• Literasi
• Etiket
• Hukum
• Hak & Tanggung Jawab
• Kesehatan & Kebugaran
• Keamanan
(Ribble, 2011)
Digital Access:
berpartisipasi penuh
elektronik dalam
Digital Commerce:
membeli elektronik dan
penjualan barang.
Digital Communication:
pertukaran informasi
Digital Literacy:
proses untuk mengajar dan
belajar tentang teknologi
dan penggunaan teknologi
Digital Etiquette:
perilaku atau prosedur
standar elektronik.
Digital Law:
bertanggung jawab
elektronik untuk tindakan
dan perbuatan.
(So, Do You Have Good Online Etiquette? , 2011)
Digital Rights &
kebebasan yang diperluas ke
semua orang di dunia digital.
Digital Health & Wellness:
fisik dan psikologis
kesejahteraan di dunia
teknologi digital.
Digital Security (self-protection):   
tindakan pencegahan elektronik untuk menjamin
Mengajar Anak-Anak
BrainPop NetSmartz
Mengajarkan Remaja
Menggunakan apa yang MEREKA 
gunakan, untuk mengajari mereka
(RozzyBearHere, 2010) (Web 2.0 Icons, 2008)http://youtu.be/MX0aycyAAJA
Short Video To Follow….
Mengajarkan Guru
Sebuah gudang besar pengetahuan 
Kewarganegaraan  Digital, untuk guru dan siswa.
Apa yang harus kita ajarkan kepada 
Pada masa lalu ...
Reaksi terhadap perilaku buruk  usia digital 
memiliki 2 bentuk:
Menyikapi secara kasus
per kasus OR
dengan sewenang-wenang
memblokir sebagian besar
dari Internet dan
mengeluarkan siswa
Pendekatan orang yang TIDAK bekerja
• Mereka tidak menunjukkan bagaimana isu-
isu yang terhubung dan seharusnya 
ditangani dengan 'terhubung' dengan cara.
• Mereka tidak mengajar siswa bagaimana 
menjadi warga negara digital.
Apa yang mereka lakukan adalah memperkuat 
bahwa siswa harus menjalani kehidupan digital 
mereka jauh dari sekolah dan orang dewasa.
(Ohler, 2011)
(Ohler, 2011)
Pendidikan Berkarakter:
Solusi untuk Memilih
(Hassett, 2010)
Membentuk, program pendidikan
karakter agresif proaktif yang
menggunakan alat digital siswa.
(Öhler, 2011)
Masukan kegiatan digital dalam
konteks masyarakat daripada
kehidupan pribadi siswa. (Öhler, 2011)
Libatkan siswa dalam proses
Untuk Hasil Terbaik
Kewarganegaraan Digital
• Lebih awal ditanami
• Sering kali disirami
• Secara teratur disiangi
• Brain Pop
– http://www.brainpop.com/technology/digitalcitizenship/
• Raising a Digital Child
– http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/uploads/09-0489_AWAY__26_DIGKIDS_.pdf
• Common Sense Media
– http://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators
• Connect Safely
– http://www.connectsafely.org/other-resources.html
• Digital Citizenship.net
– http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/
• Digital Citizenship
– http://www.nisd.net/digitalcitizen/Main_Page.html
• NetSmartz
– http://www.netsmartz.org
• ICLE - Character Education Programs. (2005). International Center for Leadership in Education. Retrieved
May 1, 2011, from http://www.leadered.com/guiding_princ.html
• Hassett, Bob (2010, February 23). "LJMS Values...Character Education Commercials." FCPS Home Page
Redirect Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. http
• Ohler, J. (2011). Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Character Education for the Digital Age.
Membership, policy, and professional development for educators – ASCD. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from
• Reinecke, M. (2010). Frontpage. Digital Citizen Wiki. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from
• Ribble, M. (2011). Nine Elements. Digital Citizenship. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from
• So, Do You Have Good Online Etiquette? | Empowered Online Entrepreneurs. (n.d.). Empowered Online
Entrepeneurs. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from http://empoweredonlineentrepreneurs.com/online-
• RozzyBearHere. (2009, October 5). Digital Citizenship - Who Will You Be? Retrieved May 1, 2011, from
• "Web 2.0 Icons." Iconstick. N.p., 26 June 2008. Web. 1 May 2011. <www.iconstick.com/wp-

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Kewarganegaraan Digital

Editor's Notes

  • #3: This is not an age that we grew up in, this is the age our children are growing up in. Kids won’t know about LPs, analog TV sets, wall phones, card catalogs that were really cards. We thought remote controls were impressive. We thought email was impressive and its almost passe’ now. Now we live in a globally connected world, where answers to questions can be found in seconds. People can reached at a moments notice.
  • #4: Smartphones – basically laptops in our pockets. Personal computers that are our hubs for work, school and play. Kids in class with laptops, doing research, creating online content, living a daily, digital life. Satellite TV, Broadband Internet and technology infusing our homes, schools and workplaces.
  • #5: Children and babies see their parents using technology daily. They see phones/tvs/computers in their homes and cars. They are getting hands on experience earlier and earlier. Personal statistics: Both of my children were proficient mouse users by the age of 4. I enjoyed their enjoyment of playing learning games on my personal pc.
  • #6: This is a very dry definition Expand the definition in laymen’s terms Similar to what we consider good citizenship in our community. Service to others, good work ethic, generosity, etc. &amp;quot;The 12 Guiding Principles of Exceptional Character,&amp;quot; developed by the International Center for Leadership in Education, are Adaptability, compassion, contemplation, courage, honesty, initiative, loyalty, optimism, perseverance, respect, responsibility, and trust-worthiness (www.leadered.com/guiding_princ.html). AASL Standard: 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.15, 3.1.6, 4.3.4
  • #7: Digital Citizenship Wordle Briefly explain what a Wordle is More interactive, engaging definition by keywords. Good DC conversation starter. Highlights many of the aspects of our digital world
  • #8: Seems simple enough to have a general understanding of these principles What is challenging is not assuming that every student/technology user understands/abides by them. Teaching these principles is the responsibility of parents, teachers, administrators, law enforcement officers, health care workers and the students themselves. These principles are a foundation for citizenship, but they also must be taught and reinforced early on to provide a basis for making digital citizens out of ourselves as well as our children and students. AASL Standard: 2.3.2, 3.1.6, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.3.3
  • #9: When thinking about those characters traits, teachers and administrators must also think of them in a digital context also. Especially when designing a Character Education Program in their districts or classrooms. Discuss other principles in terms of their digital context.
  • #10: Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Law Enforcement, Community Members, and yes even students. Groups working together for a common cause By involving the students in the teaching process they won’t be as apt to brush off lessons and they become more invested in the outcome. AASL Standard: 1.3.4, 1.4.2, 2.1.5, 3.1.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.1-7
  • #11: This section is really for Educators and Parents. If you show this to students they will find it dry and unappealing. Its to lay the foundation for a Digital Citizenship curriculum. These elements should begin to be interwoven in the daily existence of students, teachers and parents. AASL Standard: 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.15, 3.1.6, 4.3.4
  • #12: Digital Access Need to make every effort to overcome the digital divide and ensure that the students have equal access to current technologies. Digital Commerce Being able to distinguish between legal/legitimate and illegitimate/illegal /immoral exchanges of goods online. Buying items online such as books, movies, and computers vs. gambling, illegal downloading/copyright violation and pornography.
  • #13: Digital Communication Emails, texting, blogs, cell phones Being able to select the most appropriate form/technology for communication Eg. Good form: calling your boss to let them know you’re running late Bad form: hitting reply all in an email, when you really should only respond to sender. Digital Literacy Teaching ourselves and students to be information literate. Having the skills to be able to use multiple forms of technology efficiently. Being able to successfully apply skills we have learned previously in a new situation. Having a toolbox of stored information technology knowledge.
  • #14: Digital Etiquette: There are standards of appropriate digital behavior that should be modeled and taught to adults as well as children and teens. Making rules is not enough. Rules should be made and the appropriate behaviors reinforced while the inappropriate ones are shown to be irresponsible. Digital Law: What is ethical and unethical in normal society holds true for the digital world too. Theft of identity, intellectual property, data; vandalism, abuse, copyright abuse/violations are illegal online also. Ethics are pretty straigthtforward. What is ethical face to face or in a court of law, is ethical online, and vice versa.
  • #15: Digital Rights Needs discussion, this would seem to border on some gray areas. I think it also hinges on the country you live in also. In America, the digital society is entitled to the same rights that are accorded in the Bill of Rights, however I believe these rights are assumed and not law. Right to privacy, free speech, etc. The online community needs to define these rights explicitly. Digital Health Ergonomics, repetitive stress syndrome, eye strain, Internet Addiction are all issues to consider and include in the lessons.
  • #16: Just like the locks on our doors, as digital citizens we need to take steps to protect our identities, personal and professional data. Use of biometrics is commonplace. Fingerprint scans, face scans and voice recognition are easily put in place. Virus protection, backups, strong passwords, avoiding social engineering. Also physical protections for laptops while travelling, surge protectors for power protection.
  • #17: Lots of online resources like BrainPop and Netsmartz are available with ready made programs to assist teachers and school districts in teaching the students to become digital citizens. AASL Standards: 1.1-4, 2.1-4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3
  • #18: Teens are going to feel like they know it all already, so instead of approaching it as a cut and dry lesson, use the technology they’re comfortable with to get the message across. Encourage them to create online content (wikis, blogs), multimedia content (videos, podcasts) to show their knowledge. The end of cyberbullying is going to start when the kids realize they have the power to stop it. Banning social media and smartphones is not the avenue to creating digital citizens. Teach them to use the technology judiciously, not by forbidding it. AASL Standards: 1.1-4, 2.1-4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3
  • #19: This would be a good starting point for getting curriculum and scope/plans. Once the teacher are familiar with the broad topic of Dcship, they can break it down into manageable chunks for the students. Dcship can then be interwoven into daily school life. *IMPORTANT* AASL Standards: 1.1-4, 2.1-4,3.1-4,4.2.3, 4.4
  • #20: Briefly discuss the topics. Can be used as a basis for a series of lessons on DCship AASL Standards:1.1-4, 3.1-4, 4.3, 4.4
  • #21: Neither approach is the correct solution No learning happens And by blocking digital access, the students learn to access it outside the school environment
  • #22: Discuss the interconnectivity of the misbehaviors and how they can be solved by taking a global approach to educating students. We shouldn’t segregate the students lives into two spheres, digital (outside school) and non-digital (or severely restricted digital) (@ school) Yes there will still be the issue of some misbehavior, but by forbidding access, we invite an increase in misbehavior. Teach them responsibility and EXPECT responsibility, and I believe they will respond positively.
  • #23: Digital tools: student venues such as smartphones, the Web, multimedia and social networking Allow them to teach themselves, using a standards based curriculum. They will feel empowered. AASL Standards: 1.1-4, 2.1-4, 3.1-4, 4.1-4,