Bouncer the Labrador has chronic lameness in his right forelimb due to elbow dysplasia and degenerative joint disease. Radiographs show osteophyte formation in the right elbow joint. The osteophytes form in an attempt to stabilize the unstable joint, while pain results from inflamed nerve endings in exposed subchondral bone. The degenerative joint disease is accelerated by bony and cartilaginous fragments in the joint space acting as constant irritants.
Flash the horse is acutely lame in his left forelimb and diagnosed with a superficial digital flexor tendon lesion based on ultrasound and nerve blocks. Ultrasound can identify normal tendon passage and appearance as well as lesions, which
2. Bouncer the Labrador
Bouncer is chronically lame (approximately 3/5) on the right fore,
and is diagnosed with elbow dysplasia and secondary
degenerative joint disease.
Right elbow- Abnormal Left Elbow-Normal
3. What do you need to know about the
anatomy of the affected region?
Identify normal anatomy of the elbow joint visible on
humerus, head of radius +
trochlear notch of ulna,
anconeal process of ulna
engaged within
olecranon/ulnar fossa of
humerus, radiolucent joint
space, physis.
4. osteophytes
Bouncers Right Elbow
How can you link the underlying pathological processes
to the resulting clinical signs and changes shown?
Lameness - joint instability (osetophyte formation an
attempt to stabilize the joint)
Pain - inflamed nerve endings in exposed subchondral bone
DJD- arthritic changes accelerated by boney/cartilaginous
fragments in the joint space serving as constant irritants
5. Flash the Horse
Flash is acutely lame on
the left fore (3/5), and is
diagnosed with a
superficial digital flexor
tendon (SDFT) lesion
based on ultrasound
and nerve blocks
Suspensory Ligament
Accessory Check Ligament
Suspensory Ligament
Image 1
What do you need to know about the
anatomy of the affected region?
Normal passage and appearance of
distal limb structures
How distal limb structures appear on
ultrasound: Long axis: even, linear appearance.
Short axis: speckled appearance
Suspensory Ligament
How can you link the underlying pathological
processes to the resulting clinical signs and
changes shown?
Lesions preceded by microdamage due to stress and heat.
Editor's Notes
#5: periarticular osteophytes = multiple bony outgrowths/spurs
-Initiated by mechanical instability of the joint and/or inflammatory cytokines
-can form within joint cavity
-Often secondary synovial inflammation and hyperplasia