This document discusses several key principles of software architecture:
- Separation of concerns breaks applications into distinct features that overlap functionality as little as possible to optimize individual features independently.
- The single responsibility principle assigns each component a specific feature to make components cohesive and easier to optimize if features change.
- The principle of least knowledge states components should not know internal details of other components to make them cohesive and easier to optimize if features change.
- The DRY principle avoids duplicating functionality across components to simplify changes and prevent inconsistencies.
- Avoiding big upfront design allows for agile evolution if requirements are unclear.
2. Separation of concerns
Break your application into distinct features
that overlap in functionality as little as possible.
The main benefit of this approach is that a
feature or functionality can be optimized
independently of other features or
3. Separation of concerns
Break your application into distinct
features that overlap in functionality as
little as possible. The main benefit of this
approach is that a feature or
functionality can be optimized
independently of other features or
4. Single Responsibility Principle
Each component or a module should be
responsible for only a specific feature or
functionality. This makes your components
cohesive and makes it easier to optimize the
components if a specific feature or functionality
5. Principle of least knowledge
A component or an object should not know
about internal details of other components or
objects. Also known as the Law of Demeter
(LoD). This makes your components cohesive and
makes it easier to optimize the components if a
specific feature or functionality changes.
6. Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY)
There should be only one component providing a
specific functionality; the functionality should
not be duplicated in any other component.
Duplication of functionality within an application
can make it difficult to implement changes,
decrease clarity, and introduce potential
7. Avoid doing a big design upfront (BDUF)
If your application requirements are unclear, or if
there is a possibility of the design evolving over
time, avoid making a large design effort
prematurely. Doing some initial up front
modeling, it's just that you are doing so in an
effective and agile manner. Create very slim,
high-level models early in the project which
overview the scope of the effort and identify a
likely architectural strategy.
8. Prefer composition over inheritance
Wherever possible, use composition over
inheritance when reusing functionality because
inheritance increases the dependency between
parent and child classes, thereby limiting the
reuse of child classes. With composition, it's easy
to change behavior on the fly with Dependency
Injection / Setters. Inheritance is more rigid as
most languages do not allow you to derive from
more than one type.