The document outlines key success and failure modes for large-scale DevOps transformations. The six key success modes are: building ownership, cross-team collaboration, fostering win-win relationships, building shared practices, building a learning culture, and exploiting common tooling. The six key failure modes are: conflicting goals, physical separation, lack of trust, cultural differences, being too busy, and only implementing changes from the bottom-up or top-down.
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Key Success (and Failure) modes for Large Scale DevOps Transformation
1. Key Success (and Failure) modes for
Large Scale DevOps Transformation
Asheesh Mehdiratta
21. Summary
1. Build ownership
2. Cross Team collaboration
3. Foster win-win relationship
4. Build shared practices
5. Build a learning culture
6. Exploit Common Tooling
1. Conflicting goals
2. Physical separation
3. Lack of Trust
4. Cultural differences
5. We are too busy!
6. Only bottom up / top down