This document contains a presentation by ?ukasz Przywarty about new ways of human-computer interaction beyond keyboards and mice. It discusses emerging technologies like Leap Motion, Erghis Sphere, Nod, Nymi, Android Wear, Thumbles, Aireal, Touche, DrumPants, and Ishin-Den-Shin that enable touchless interaction. It also covers heuristics and hopes and worries regarding natural user interfaces (NUIs) that aim to make interaction more intuitive and physical.
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27. ? Precision - Please forgive me
? Personality - Let me bond with you
? Repeatability, length - Don’t make me repeat
? Environment - I’m not alone here
? Affordances - Please make it clear
NUI heuristics*
28. NUI Hopes
? Natural - almost invisible
? Direct - based on intuition
? Simple - no need to learn new device
? Easy - fast to learn (intuition, again)
? Physical - feel more natural
29. NUI Worries
? Culture - cultural differences, acceptance in society
? Abstraction - we still use metaphors
? Ergonomics - “put your hands up in the air”
? Cross-platform - “in the UK, the people switch devices 21
times per hour (TV and smartphone). 90% of people move
between devices and use them simultaneously”*
? CLI, GUI - are current GUIs so unnatural?
* An Event Apart San Diego 2014