Welcome to Lesson 1 of the Flow Healing System The Language of Freedom. Today we will begin to lay the groundwork, and recreate what is possible starting at the foundation. How language creates our world Ways youve been using words to create pain What Freedom means Short cuts to discover your own blocks Proven Tools to help you break free & Thrive Ready? Lets Go! ACTION STEPS 1. WORKSHEETS. These are lifted from the Flow into Joy Journeybook that I recently created for use with clients. Try the Presence Tracking Worksheet for a few days - A beautiful way to track thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Click here to get it. 2. Begin to tune into your CUE words to get more clarity around your stories. I AM I HAVE I HAVE TO. (Almost always a story) When these words arise there is a story to tune into, whether it be empowering or disempowering. Listen carefully. A few others I FEEL LIKE (This is a thought masquerading as a feeling) Any absolutes, like ALWAYS, NEVER, FOREVER. (replace with often, sometimes, for a while) BUT (But always negates what came before it). Instead, try AND, as in the classic example IT IS RAINING BUT I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE vs. IT IS RAINING AND I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE.