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Flow Healing System
Lesson 1: The Language of Freedom
Steven Budden, HHWP, MFA
 How language creates our world
 Ways youve been using words to create pain
 What Freedom means!
 Short cuts to discover your own blocks
 Proven Tools to help you break free & Thrive
What youll learn:
How Stories Shape your Life
 Trace back to childhood and BEYOND
 Intense experiences anchor them in our body/mind
 We regress into these stories at certain triggers
A human being is a constellation of stories
2 Kinds of Stories that can cause pain!
2. Origin Story
 Someone told us a story and we accepted it
 Often from childhood, sometimes from adulthood
 These stories run in our unconscious as truth
1. Adopted Story
We carry stories about our past, our present,
our future, our religion, our soul. Even our name
and origin is a story that we have created / adopted.
Excavating Stories
The 鍖rst stage in this process is the DISCOVERY stage.!
Try these KEY questions:
 Some of them are on the surface for all to see
 Others are deep in shadow
 Some we are ashamed of
 Others we are proud of and will defend
(sometimes to the death)
How do we discover our our own stories?
Keep in Mind:
What Freedom Means
When I use the word Freedom I mean
 Freedom from meaningless ritual
 Freedom from limitations
 Freedom from our negative thoughts
 Freedom from painful patterns
 Freedom from automatic responses
Ways we hold onto our stories
 Physiologically- They are Wired in our Bodies
 Progressive thought loops
 Energetically / Spiritually / Karmically
Language Effects
You have freedom when you're easy in your harness.
Robert Frost
Language is at the ROOT of our BEING.
Why do we hold onto stories?
Especially when they continue to hurt us?
 Our ego associates our sense of self with it
 It meets our needs to feel Unique and signi鍖cant
 Paradoxically, it also meets our need for connection (for
instance, my mother had this ailment, so me having it is a way to
connect with her)
 We feel we deserve punishment (unconsciously)
We fear the unknown, and a story makes something known
Example: A mysterious health condition appears. We research it online
and 鍖nd a label that 鍖ts. Even though the ailment or dis-ease may be
terrible, it meets our need for knowing and also for connection
(when we discover that other people have the same dis-ease too).
We have adopted a story. LIFE has CHANGED.
Language and Disease
Language can actually anchor dis-ease into our bodies
Lets go back to the Key statements and think of some ways you use it.
Examples: I have  Terrible Vision
 Bad Knees
 Flat feet
 Poor digestion
 Poor posture
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Celiacs Disease
Whenever you repeat one of these statements, it
becomes a part of your identity, and your cells
receive the message to keep perpetuating it.
As Barbara Hoberman Levine puts it:
Your Body Believes Every Word you Say
We are meaning makers
We go through life looking for labels and stories that apply.
Be careful about committing to a story or a dis-ease.
Certain diagnoses, such as Cancer, are very dif鍖cult to undo.
When a doctor tells us we have 5 years to live, for instance, and we
believe them, we have adopted a story which has shifted the course
of our lives dramatically. Our entire physiology will often adapt to 鍖t
into that paradigm.
When we dont consciously choose our stories, others choose them for us.
These stories come to us in various guises. Think of SONGS, MOVIES,
What are you choosing right NOW?
Do Words Heal?
Can a simple language shift change our lives?
Practical Applications:
 We think in language
 Shifting language shifts thoughts
 Thoughts are the seeds of all creation
Instead of I HAVE arthritis, consider saying at certain moments I
notice a pain in my elbow. or I am noticing a burning in my
There are certain moments that the joints dont hurt. The story
oversimpli鍖es and overshadows the painless moments.
Do you see how this creates SPACE for healing?
More Examples
Instead of I AM allergic to X, try:
In the past Ive noticed a rash when I eat X, so I choose not to eat it at this
Instead of I have bad knees, consider:
In the past Ive noticed (sensation) during certain activities.
Stories lock us into the PAST.
We want to embrace the PRESENT.
So we can create the FUTURE.
Sensations are continually arising and passing away. In some sense,
all labels oversimplify.
So if youre going to oversimplify, make it empowering.
When stories drop away
There are moments when stories drop away and we are
able to meet the present moment with our full self
I call this being in Flow.
Stories enter in the realm of THOUGHT.
And life happens in the realm of EXPERIENCE.
There are no authentic stories. Byron Katie
Action Steps
 Complete the worksheets below.
 Use your cue words to notice subtle shifts in STORY.
 Begin to consciously catch yourself and rewrite your stories
 Share your experience in the comments and help others
Welcome to FLOW
I will see you soon in Lesson 2: Lightening the Dark

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Flow Healing Arts Language of Freedom Steven Budden

  • 1. Flow Healing System Lesson 1: The Language of Freedom Steven Budden, HHWP, MFA How language creates our world Ways youve been using words to create pain What Freedom means! Short cuts to discover your own blocks Proven Tools to help you break free & Thrive What youll learn:
  • 2. How Stories Shape your Life Trace back to childhood and BEYOND Intense experiences anchor them in our body/mind We regress into these stories at certain triggers A human being is a constellation of stories 2 Kinds of Stories that can cause pain! 2. Origin Story Someone told us a story and we accepted it Often from childhood, sometimes from adulthood These stories run in our unconscious as truth 1. Adopted Story We carry stories about our past, our present, our future, our religion, our soul. Even our name and origin is a story that we have created / adopted.
  • 3. Excavating Stories The 鍖rst stage in this process is the DISCOVERY stage.! ! Try these KEY questions: Some of them are on the surface for all to see Others are deep in shadow Some we are ashamed of Others we are proud of and will defend (sometimes to the death) I AM I HAVE I HAVE TO How do we discover our our own stories? Keep in Mind:
  • 4. What Freedom Means When I use the word Freedom I mean Freedom from meaningless ritual Freedom from limitations Freedom from our negative thoughts Freedom from painful patterns Freedom from automatic responses Ways we hold onto our stories Physiologically- They are Wired in our Bodies Progressive thought loops Energetically / Spiritually / Karmically Language Effects Body Mind Spirit You have freedom when you're easy in your harness. Robert Frost Language is at the ROOT of our BEING.
  • 5. Why do we hold onto stories? Especially when they continue to hurt us? Our ego associates our sense of self with it It meets our needs to feel Unique and signi鍖cant Paradoxically, it also meets our need for connection (for instance, my mother had this ailment, so me having it is a way to connect with her) We feel we deserve punishment (unconsciously) We fear the unknown, and a story makes something known Example: A mysterious health condition appears. We research it online and 鍖nd a label that 鍖ts. Even though the ailment or dis-ease may be terrible, it meets our need for knowing and also for connection (when we discover that other people have the same dis-ease too). We have adopted a story. LIFE has CHANGED.
  • 6. Language and Disease Language can actually anchor dis-ease into our bodies Lets go back to the Key statements and think of some ways you use it. Examples: I have Terrible Vision Bad Knees Flat feet Poor digestion Poor posture Psoriasis Anxiety Depression ADD Bulimia Cancer Multiple Sclerosis Parkinsons Celiacs Disease Whenever you repeat one of these statements, it becomes a part of your identity, and your cells receive the message to keep perpetuating it. ! As Barbara Hoberman Levine puts it: Your Body Believes Every Word you Say
  • 7. We are meaning makers We go through life looking for labels and stories that apply. Be careful about committing to a story or a dis-ease. ! Certain diagnoses, such as Cancer, are very dif鍖cult to undo. When a doctor tells us we have 5 years to live, for instance, and we believe them, we have adopted a story which has shifted the course of our lives dramatically. Our entire physiology will often adapt to 鍖t into that paradigm. Tip: When we dont consciously choose our stories, others choose them for us. These stories come to us in various guises. Think of SONGS, MOVIES, VIDEOS, SOCIAL MEDIA, etc. What are you choosing right NOW?
  • 8. Do Words Heal? Can a simple language shift change our lives? Practical Applications: We think in language Shifting language shifts thoughts Thoughts are the seeds of all creation Instead of I HAVE arthritis, consider saying at certain moments I notice a pain in my elbow. or I am noticing a burning in my wrist. ! There are certain moments that the joints dont hurt. The story oversimpli鍖es and overshadows the painless moments. ! Do you see how this creates SPACE for healing?
  • 9. More Examples Instead of I AM allergic to X, try: ! In the past Ive noticed a rash when I eat X, so I choose not to eat it at this moment. ! Instead of I have bad knees, consider: ! In the past Ive noticed (sensation) during certain activities. ! Stories lock us into the PAST. We want to embrace the PRESENT. So we can create the FUTURE. ! Sensations are continually arising and passing away. In some sense, all labels oversimplify. ! So if youre going to oversimplify, make it empowering.
  • 10. When stories drop away There are moments when stories drop away and we are able to meet the present moment with our full self I call this being in Flow. Stories enter in the realm of THOUGHT. ! And life happens in the realm of EXPERIENCE. There are no authentic stories. Byron Katie
  • 11. Action Steps Complete the worksheets below. Use your cue words to notice subtle shifts in STORY. Begin to consciously catch yourself and rewrite your stories Share your experience in the comments and help others grow Welcome to FLOW I will see you soon in Lesson 2: Lightening the Dark Thoughts