Jutta Pauschenwein gave a presentation about online learning and teaching at the Excellence-in-ReSTI Kick-Off Meeting in Austria. She discussed her background and research interests in areas like visualization, reflection, games, and MOOCs. She advocated for a blended approach combining online and offline learning. Examples of blended models included starting with online discussions before face-to-face workshops and alternating between asynchronous online work and synchronous online meetings. Pauschenwein believes teachers need e-competencies and that learners benefit from open learning spaces that use familiar online tools. She raised questions about dealing with privacy regulations and the importance of factual knowledge.
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Keynote: Learning, communicating and working online
1. Learning, communicating and
working online
Excellence in research, social and technological
innovation project management
2.10.2018 Kick-Off Meeting in Eisenstadt, Austria
Jutta Pauschenwein
ZML Innovative Learning Scenarios
FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria
2. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
About myself & ZML
- Head of ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios at FH JOANNEUM
- Former theorectical physicist using an online network
already in the eighties
- Professional identity as e-convener / e-moderator
Current research activities:
- visualization in teaching and
- reflection-in-action,
- game-based learning,
3. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
Team of 10 people: teacher, sociologist, psychologist,
librarian, physicist, technician,
4. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018 4
Technology is a key driver for innovation
Drives: how we live, communicate, work, learn
My experience: online & offline is equally useful, fun,
difficult, annoying
We blend on & off in our daily live without thinking
about it! => useful competence for work & learning
7. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
- Start online in a discussion forum: saying hello, getting to
know each other, preparing for the first presence meeting
- Presence: f2f workshop: appreciate what was done online
(needs time), give input, support interaction, plan next online
phase (needs time)
- Asynchronous online learning: do tasks alone or in groups
- Synchronous online meeting: moderated discussion in video
conference, webinar with expert
- Asynchronous online learning: prepare for the next presence
- And so on
8. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
Distance learning only online
Online courses:
- E-moderating: four weeks online to learn the art of
supporting online groups
massive open
online courses
9. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
Thoughts and questions
I believe that
- teachers need e-competences: online moderation, how to
build/structure online learning material, online communication, =>
invest into teacher training
- learners need an open learning space and diverse tasks to foster
emergent learning, to learn what they need/want to learn
- we should use all the tools the learners use privately and in work (was
also a recommendation by Gilly Salmon)
My questions are:
- How to deal with GDPR issues (general data protection regulation)?
- How important is knowledge about facts nowadays?
10. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
- SIEMENS, Georg (2005). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. In: International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Vol. 2 No. 1, Jan 2005.
- SALMON, Gilly (2012). E-moderating: The key to online teaching and learning. Routledge.
- SALMON, Gilly (2013). E-tivities: The key to active online learning. Routledge.
- SCHN, Donald, A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Basic
Books.Sch旦n, Donald A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching
and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.
- SCHN, Donald A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and
learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.
- SOUSANIS, Nick (2015) Unflattening: A Visual-Verbal Inquiry into Learning in Many Dimensions. Harvard
University Press
- WEICK, Karl E. (1995). Sensemaking in Organization. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks
- WENGER, Etienne (1998). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
- WILLIAMS, Roy, KARAOUSU, R., & MACKNESS, Jenny (2011). Emergent Learning and Learning Ecologies
in Web 2.0. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3)
- WILLIAMS, Roy, MACKNESS, Jenny, & Gumtau, S. (2012). Footprints of Emergence. The International
Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(4).
11. Jutta Pauschenwein: Online ReSTI 2.10.2018
Thank you for your attention
Jutta Pauschenwein