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Kg orientation
Kg orientation
There are two lasting bequests
we can give our children.?
      One is roots.?
    The other is wings.
Our children are like jewels, we have
counted well the cost.
May their angels ever guard them and
…          not one child be lost!!
Kg orientation
Kg orientation
Kg orientation
There Are Four Different
         Parenting Styles

s   Authoritarian: Low
    Love and High Limits

s   Permissive : High
    Love and Low Limits
D if f e r e n t P a r e n t in g
            S t y le s

                  s   Uninvolved : Low
                      Love and Low Limits

                  s   Democratic : High
                      Love and High Limits
Democratic Parents

s Provide a loving, supportive, home
s Hold high expectations and standards
  for their children’s behaviors.
s Explain why some behaviors are
  acceptable and others are not.
s Include children in family decision
Children of Democratic Parents
          Tend to be:

s Happy
s Self-confident
s Curious
s Independent
s Likable
s Respectful of others
s Successful in school
Kg orientation
? Screen Time
? Aggression
?Sibling Rivalry
? Disruptive behavior
   in public
? Be a role model
? Eliminate the negative
? Be available and firm
? Set clear limits
? Encourage questioning
? Give lots of encouragement
Kg orientation
Kg orientation

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Kg orientation

  • 3. There are two lasting bequests we can give our children.? One is roots.? The other is wings.
  • 4. Our children are like jewels, we have counted well the cost. May their angels ever guard them and … not one child be lost!!
  • 8. There Are Four Different Parenting Styles s Authoritarian: Low Love and High Limits s Permissive : High Love and Low Limits
  • 9. D if f e r e n t P a r e n t in g S t y le s s Uninvolved : Low Love and Low Limits s Democratic : High Love and High Limits
  • 10. Democratic Parents s Provide a loving, supportive, home environment. s Hold high expectations and standards for their children’s behaviors. s Explain why some behaviors are acceptable and others are not. s Include children in family decision making.
  • 11. Children of Democratic Parents Tend to be: s Happy s Self-confident s Curious s Independent s Likable s Respectful of others s Successful in school
  • 13. ? Screen Time ? Aggression ?Sibling Rivalry ? Disruptive behavior in public
  • 14. ? Be a role model ? Eliminate the negative ? Be available and firm ? Set clear limits ? Encourage questioning ? Give lots of encouragement

Editor's Notes

  1. Respect is an example of something that teenagers sometimes have a different paradigm on than we do. Respect is principle to live by-Ginny give example.