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惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
 惆惺悋 拆攵 擧 悴愕 悋悋 悴惺惘 惶悋惆 )惺(惘悴惡 攤 惘 惘慍 拆攵悋 擧惘惠

                悽悋惡 悋悋悋惆 惺  愃惘擧
                  惘 レ   リ  惘 レ 

       Run to a dead end the hoodwinked
    passengers who looked for the Ghayrallah
                ,)(other than Thee

       悋 悋惆 悧 惠惘 愃惘擧 愀惘 悴悋 悋

                         , )By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
           悽愕惘 悋惠惺惘惷悋 悒悋 擧
             リ リ    レ  惘    惷   レ    

 Lost their way, lured and swindled, those who
  hanged onto and held fast anything that offers
            itself, not linked with Thee,
    擯攵悋拗 攤 惘 惠惘 愃惘 愕 愕悋 擧惘 悋

                             By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
            リ  惷悋惺 悋悋 悒悋 惡
              惘 レ   レ  ル レ擧
 cried in anguish, frightened and agitated,
those who stayed and took shelter anywhere
                other than Thee,

    惠惡悋 悧 惠惘 愃惘 擧 悋攤 悴悋 悋           

                  By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
         悖悴惆惡 悋惠悴惺悋 悒悋  悋惠悴惺 惷擧
        リ リリ 惘   惘  惘  レ   レ  ル  レ 惘     惘

 went waste efforts of those who tried to profit
   from that which they came across instead of
    having the wholesome benefits from Thee.
   忰愀 擧悋愆擧悋惘 悧 惠惘 惷 擧 愃惘 愕 惘慍
                愀惡 擧惘 悋

                                    By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
             惡惡悋惡擧 惠忰忰 惘惘愃悋愃惡
              忰   莕 忰    ル  
 Thy door is wide open for those who call
       humbly and fervently on Thee,

        惠惘悋 惆惘 悋 惘愃惡惠 擧悧 擧攵                

                   By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
               ル惘擧 惡悵 惘愀惡悋惡
                リ莕 忰   莕 忰    ル  
 Success, high  mindedness, and piety are
freely available to those who pray and request
    惠惘 惡攵悧 愀惡 擯悋惘攤 擧 惡惠 惠 

                     By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
               惷惘擧 惡惡悋忰 惘愕惡悋悧惘
                   莕忰  忰    ル 
Thy favours are common and open to all when 
           ,besought submissively
          惠惘悋 惷 愕悋悧攤 擧悧 惺悋 

                    By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
                  ル惘擧 惠惡悋忰 悋惘
                  ル莕忰  忰     莕 
 They gifts come in long strides when asked for
            by the hopeful supplicants,
      悋惘 惠惘 惺愀悋 悋惆 悋惘攤 擧悧 悛悋惆 

                     By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
             惘慍擧 惡愕愀愀  惺惶擧悋擧
                      惺  愀     惺  愀      惺
 hy usual disposition is to do favour (even) to
            those who stir up mischief,
     惠惘悋 惘慍 悋惘悋攤 擧悧 惡攵 惘悋悋攤 

                      By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
             忰擧 惺惠惘惷  擧悋擧悋擧
                       惺  愀   愀 惺          惺

 Thy system looks after and keeps alive (even)
         those who are hostile to Thee.

    惠惘 惡惘惆惡悋惘 惆愆 擧  惴悋惘  惺悋攤 
                  擯悋擯悋惘攤 拆惘

                         By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
              惺擧悋惆惠擧 擧悋忰愕擧悋 悒  擧悋 愀莬悧
                   愀   惺  惺  愀   惺   
tears in their eyes, the daily bread (from Thee) 
      is openly spread out for one and all
              悋忰愕悋 擧惘悋 惠惘 惺悋惆惠 

                     By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
             愕惡擧 擧悋 惡悋擧悋悄 惺  擧悋 愀菏惠惆
                    愀   惺  惺  愀    惺  惺    

 Thy indulgence reach out (even) to those who
  keep themselves far from Thee,

     悋惘 惴悋攤 擧 惡悋 惘 惆悋 惠惘悋 愆 

                         By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
                   惆 抂攵攵攵攵
            悋攵 悋攵攵惆 悋  惠惆
 O my Allah, therefore, keep me on the path of
  those who are rightly guided,
  悋 惺惡惆 悴攵 惆悋惠 悋惠 擯攤 擧 惘悋 拆惘 擯悋

                  By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
                   悋      攵
            悋惘慍 悋悴惠攵惆 悋悴惠  惆
 give me courage to strive like those who exert
           themselves fully in Thy way,
  悋惘 悴攵 擧愆愆 擧惘 悋攤 擧 愕 擧愆愆
                   惶惡 惘悋

                  By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
           悋 惠悴惺  悋愃悋 悋惡惺惆

 and do not let me be among the negligent
  who have gone far in their forgetfulness,

 悴攵 愃悋 悋惘 惆惘擧 悧 擯攤 攤 愕 惘悋惘

                     By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
           悋愃惘   悋惆 
 forgive me on the Day of Judgment.
   悋惘  悴慍悋 攤 悴攵 惡悽愆 惆

            By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,

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Khaba al wafedoon

  • 1. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惆惺悋 拆攵 擧 悴愕 悋悋 悴惺惘 惶悋惆 )惺(惘悴惡 攤 惘 惘慍 拆攵悋 擧惘惠 惠攵 悽悋惡 悋悋悋惆 惺 愃惘擧 惘 レ リ 惘 レ Run to a dead end the hoodwinked passengers who looked for the Ghayrallah ,)(other than Thee 悋 悋惆 悧 惠惘 愃惘擧 愀惘 悴悋 悋 , )By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum www.duas.org
  • 2. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 悽愕惘 悋惠惺惘惷悋 悒悋 擧 リ リ レ 惘 惷 レ Lost their way, lured and swindled, those who hanged onto and held fast anything that offers itself, not linked with Thee, 擯攵悋拗 攤 惘 惠惘 愃惘 愕 愕悋 擧惘 悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 3. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 リ 惷悋惺 悋悋 悒悋 惡 惘 レ レ ル レ擧 cried in anguish, frightened and agitated, those who stayed and took shelter anywhere other than Thee, 惠惡悋 悧 惠惘 愃惘 擧 悋攤 悴悋 悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 4. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 悖悴惆惡 悋惠悴惺悋 悒悋 悋惠悴惺 惷擧 リ リリ 惘 惘 惘 レ レ ル レ 惘 惘 went waste efforts of those who tried to profit from that which they came across instead of having the wholesome benefits from Thee. 忰愀 擧悋愆擧悋惘 悧 惠惘 惷 擧 愃惘 愕 惘慍 愀惡 擧惘 悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 5. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惡惡悋惡擧 惠忰忰 惘惘愃悋愃惡 忰 莕 忰 ル Thy door is wide open for those who call humbly and fervently on Thee, 惠惘悋 惆惘 悋 惘愃惡惠 擧悧 擧攵 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 6. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 ル惘擧 惡悵 惘愀惡悋惡 リ莕 忰 莕 忰 ル Success, high mindedness, and piety are freely available to those who pray and request Thee, 惠惘 惡攵悧 愀惡 擯悋惘攤 擧 惡惠 惠 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 7. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惷惘擧 惡惡悋忰 惘愕惡悋悧惘 莕忰 忰 ル Thy favours are common and open to all when ,besought submissively 惠惘悋 惷 愕悋悧攤 擧悧 惺悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 8. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 ル惘擧 惠惡悋忰 悋惘 ル莕忰 忰 莕 They gifts come in long strides when asked for by the hopeful supplicants, 悋惘 惠惘 惺愀悋 悋惆 悋惘攤 擧悧 悛悋惆 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 9. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惘慍擧 惡愕愀愀 惺惶擧悋擧 惺 愀 惺 愀 惺 hy usual disposition is to do favour (even) to those who stir up mischief, 惠惘悋 惘慍 悋惘悋攤 擧悧 惡攵 惘悋悋攤 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 10. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 忰擧 惺惠惘惷 擧悋擧悋擧 惺 愀 愀 惺 惺 Thy system looks after and keeps alive (even) those who are hostile to Thee. 惠惘 惡惘惆惡悋惘 惆愆 擧 惴悋惘 惺悋攤 擯悋擯悋惘攤 拆惘 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 11. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惺擧悋惆惠擧 擧悋忰愕擧悋 悒 擧悋 愀莬悧 愀 惺 惺 愀 惺 tears in their eyes, the daily bread (from Thee) is openly spread out for one and all 悋忰愕悋 擧惘悋 惠惘 惺悋惆惠 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 12. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 愕惡擧 擧悋 惡悋擧悋悄 惺 擧悋 愀菏惠惆 愀 惺 惺 愀 惺 惺 Thy indulgence reach out (even) to those who keep themselves far from Thee, 悋惘 惴悋攤 擧 惡悋 惘 惆悋 惠惘悋 愆 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 13. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 惆 抂攵攵攵攵 悋攵 悋攵攵惆 悋 惠惆 O my Allah, therefore, keep me on the path of those who are rightly guided, 悋 惺惡惆 悴攵 惆悋惠 悋惠 擯攤 擧 惘悋 拆惘 擯悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 14. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 悋 攵 悋惘慍 悋悴惠攵惆 悋悴惠 惆 give me courage to strive like those who exert themselves fully in Thy way, 悋惘 悴攵 擧愆愆 擧惘 悋攤 擧 愕 擧愆愆 惶惡 惘悋 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 15. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 悋 惠悴惺 悋愃悋 悋惡惺惆 and do not let me be among the negligent who have gone far in their forgetfulness, 悴攵 愃悋 悋惘 惆惘擧 悧 擯攤 攤 愕 惘悋惘 惆 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org
  • 16. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡 悋愃惘 悋惆 forgive me on the Day of Judgment. 悋惘 悴慍悋 攤 悴攵 惡悽愆 惆 By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) , www.duas.org