This document contains a collection of ziyarats (greetings) to be recited for the nights of Qadr. It includes ziyarats for Imam Husayn, Ali Akbar, other martyrs of Karbala, Imam Abbas, and other shuhada. The ziyarats affirm their righteous actions and struggle in the way of God, ask God to curse their oppressors, and request their intercession.
Ali (a.s) was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. He played an important role early in Islam and acted as a scribe for Muhammad. After Muhammad's death, Ali asserted his right as successor but was denied by some. Ali served as the fourth caliph and faced opposition from Muawiyah. Ali authored many works including Nahjul Balagha, which contains his sermons, letters, and sayings.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of mourning to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn and his followers at the Battle of Karbala. The 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, marks the climax of remembrance ceremonies. In 680 CE, Imam Husayn and his small band of followers were brutally massacred by the large army of the tyrant Yazid after refusing to pledge allegiance to him. This tragedy illustrated the victory of truth over falsehood and became a symbol of courage and sacrifice in standing up against tyranny.
1) The document is an excerpt from S炭rah al-R炭m, which discusses several signs from God, including the creation of humans from dust and their diversity in languages and colors.
2) It notes signs such as God creating mates for humans so they may find rest in each other, and placing love and mercy between them.
3) The excerpt emphasizes that these are signs for those who reflect, and encourages glorifying God when entering the evening and morning.
This document is an excerpt from the Quranic surah (chapter) titled "Al-Ankabut" (The Spider). It contains several verses from the surah in Arabic script along with their corresponding verse numbers. The excerpt was prepared by the Tabligh Sub-Committee of the Islamic Research Institute of Jamia. It provides the chapter title and attribution at the beginning and end, with verses in between.
This document provides information about the Twelfth Imam, Mohammed al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s). It discusses his lineage, birthdate, titles, traditions about his future reappearance, the periods of minor and major occultation, signs that will precede his reappearance, and duties of believers as they await his return, such as supplication, charity, and moral reform. It aims to educate readers about the Imam who is the current authority and guide for Shi'a Muslims during his period of occultation.
1) The document is a translation of a dua (supplication) asking God for protection from enemies who have tried to harm the speaker through deception and violence.
2) The dua describes how God supported the speaker against enemies who attacked with weapons, laid traps, and harbored evil thoughts.
3) God helped the speaker overcome enemies who greatly outnumbered him and caught the enemies in their own traps, destroying them and leaving them in a state of poverty, disease, and remorse.
Ali (a.s) was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. He played an important role early in Islam and acted as a scribe for Muhammad. After Muhammad's death, Ali asserted his right as successor but was denied by some. Ali served as the fourth caliph and faced opposition from Muawiyah. Ali authored many works including Nahjul Balagha, which contains his sermons, letters, and sayings.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of mourning to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn and his followers at the Battle of Karbala. The 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, marks the climax of remembrance ceremonies. In 680 CE, Imam Husayn and his small band of followers were brutally massacred by the large army of the tyrant Yazid after refusing to pledge allegiance to him. This tragedy illustrated the victory of truth over falsehood and became a symbol of courage and sacrifice in standing up against tyranny.
1) The document is an excerpt from S炭rah al-R炭m, which discusses several signs from God, including the creation of humans from dust and their diversity in languages and colors.
2) It notes signs such as God creating mates for humans so they may find rest in each other, and placing love and mercy between them.
3) The excerpt emphasizes that these are signs for those who reflect, and encourages glorifying God when entering the evening and morning.
This document is an excerpt from the Quranic surah (chapter) titled "Al-Ankabut" (The Spider). It contains several verses from the surah in Arabic script along with their corresponding verse numbers. The excerpt was prepared by the Tabligh Sub-Committee of the Islamic Research Institute of Jamia. It provides the chapter title and attribution at the beginning and end, with verses in between.
This document provides information about the Twelfth Imam, Mohammed al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s). It discusses his lineage, birthdate, titles, traditions about his future reappearance, the periods of minor and major occultation, signs that will precede his reappearance, and duties of believers as they await his return, such as supplication, charity, and moral reform. It aims to educate readers about the Imam who is the current authority and guide for Shi'a Muslims during his period of occultation.
1) The document is a translation of a dua (supplication) asking God for protection from enemies who have tried to harm the speaker through deception and violence.
2) The dua describes how God supported the speaker against enemies who attacked with weapons, laid traps, and harbored evil thoughts.
3) God helped the speaker overcome enemies who greatly outnumbered him and caught the enemies in their own traps, destroying them and leaving them in a state of poverty, disease, and remorse.
1. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惆惺悋 拆攵 擧 悴愕 悋悋 悴惺惘 惶悋惆 )惺(惘悴惡 攤 惘 惘慍 拆攵悋 擧惘惠
悽悋惡 悋悋悋惆 惺 愃惘擧
惘 レ リ 惘 レ
Run to a dead end the hoodwinked
passengers who looked for the Ghayrallah
,)(other than Thee
悋 悋惆 悧 惠惘 愃惘擧 愀惘 悴悋 悋
, )By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum
2. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
悽愕惘 悋惠惺惘惷悋 悒悋 擧
リ リ レ 惘 惷 レ
Lost their way, lured and swindled, those who
hanged onto and held fast anything that offers
itself, not linked with Thee,
擯攵悋拗 攤 惘 惠惘 愃惘 愕 愕悋 擧惘 悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
3. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
リ 惷悋惺 悋悋 悒悋 惡
惘 レ レ ル レ擧
cried in anguish, frightened and agitated,
those who stayed and took shelter anywhere
other than Thee,
惠惡悋 悧 惠惘 愃惘 擧 悋攤 悴悋 悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
4. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
悖悴惆惡 悋惠悴惺悋 悒悋 悋惠悴惺 惷擧
リ リリ 惘 惘 惘 レ レ ル レ 惘 惘
went waste efforts of those who tried to profit
from that which they came across instead of
having the wholesome benefits from Thee.
忰愀 擧悋愆擧悋惘 悧 惠惘 惷 擧 愃惘 愕 惘慍
愀惡 擧惘 悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
5. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惡惡悋惡擧 惠忰忰 惘惘愃悋愃惡
忰 莕 忰 ル
Thy door is wide open for those who call
humbly and fervently on Thee,
惠惘悋 惆惘 悋 惘愃惡惠 擧悧 擧攵
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
6. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
ル惘擧 惡悵 惘愀惡悋惡
リ莕 忰 莕 忰 ル
Success, high mindedness, and piety are
freely available to those who pray and request
惠惘 惡攵悧 愀惡 擯悋惘攤 擧 惡惠 惠
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
7. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惷惘擧 惡惡悋忰 惘愕惡悋悧惘
莕忰 忰 ル
Thy favours are common and open to all when
,besought submissively
惠惘悋 惷 愕悋悧攤 擧悧 惺悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
8. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
ル惘擧 惠惡悋忰 悋惘
ル莕忰 忰 莕
They gifts come in long strides when asked for
by the hopeful supplicants,
悋惘 惠惘 惺愀悋 悋惆 悋惘攤 擧悧 悛悋惆
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
9. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惘慍擧 惡愕愀愀 惺惶擧悋擧
惺 愀 惺 愀 惺
hy usual disposition is to do favour (even) to
those who stir up mischief,
惠惘悋 惘慍 悋惘悋攤 擧悧 惡攵 惘悋悋攤
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
10. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
忰擧 惺惠惘惷 擧悋擧悋擧
惺 愀 愀 惺 惺
Thy system looks after and keeps alive (even)
those who are hostile to Thee.
惠惘 惡惘惆惡悋惘 惆愆 擧 惴悋惘 惺悋攤
擯悋擯悋惘攤 拆惘
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
11. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惺擧悋惆惠擧 擧悋忰愕擧悋 悒 擧悋 愀莬悧
愀 惺 惺 愀 惺
tears in their eyes, the daily bread (from Thee)
is openly spread out for one and all
悋忰愕悋 擧惘悋 惠惘 惺悋惆惠
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
12. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
愕惡擧 擧悋 惡悋擧悋悄 惺 擧悋 愀菏惠惆
愀 惺 惺 愀 惺 惺
Thy indulgence reach out (even) to those who
keep themselves far from Thee,
悋惘 惴悋攤 擧 惡悋 惘 惆悋 惠惘悋 愆
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
13. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
惆 抂攵攵攵攵
悋攵 悋攵攵惆 悋 惠惆
O my Allah, therefore, keep me on the path of
those who are rightly guided,
悋 惺惡惆 悴攵 惆悋惠 悋惠 擯攤 擧 惘悋 拆惘 擯悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
14. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
悋 攵
悋惘慍 悋悴惠攵惆 悋悴惠 惆
give me courage to strive like those who exert
themselves fully in Thy way,
悋惘 悴攵 擧愆愆 擧惘 悋攤 擧 愕 擧愆愆
惶惡 惘悋
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
15. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
悋 惠悴惺 悋愃悋 悋惡惺惆
and do not let me be among the negligent
who have gone far in their forgetfulness,
悴攵 愃悋 悋惘 惆惘擧 悧 擯攤 攤 愕 惘悋惘
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,
16. 惆惺悋悧 惘悴惡
悋愃惘 悋惆
forgive me on the Day of Judgment.
悋惘 悴慍悋 攤 悴攵 惡悽愆 惆
By:Sadiq Abbas (Fazil-e-Qum) ,