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K?te Hamburger Kolleg /
                                                             Centre for Global Cooperation Research

2nd K?te Hamburger Lecture ¨C 6 December 2012

Beyond 2015: Getting Serious about Global Justice
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pogge Grand City Hotel Duisburger Hof, Pfeiler Saal, 4:30 ¨C 6:15 p.m.
                                                       Welcoming Remarks: Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel,
                                                       Managing Director, KHK / GCR21

                                                       Prof. Dr. Jan Aart Scholte, Senior Fellow, KHK / GCR21
                                                       Margret Thalwitz, Senior Expert Fellow, KHK / GCR21

                                                       Moderator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Spitzley, Professor of
                                                       Philosophy, University Duisburg-Essen
Beyond 2015: Getting Serious                               Thomas Pogge                                               Centre for Global Cooperation
about Global Justice                                                                                                  Research
While the MDGs have focused attention on conti-            Originally from Germany, Thomas Pogge received a           The K?te Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global
nuing severe deprivations suffered by poor people          PhD in philosophy from Harvard in 1983. Since then,        Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21) was established
worldwide, their impact was diminished by the lack         he has taught philosophy, political science, and ethics    in February 2012 in Duisburg. The Centre provides
of clearly assigned tasks and responsibilities. Beyond     at universities around the world. His 2002 book, World     a framework for internationally renowned scholars
2015 we should replace the MDG wishlist approach           Poverty and Human Rights, offers proposals on how          from different disciplines to pursue research on the
with specific institutional reform goals that highlight    to achieve global economic equality. In 2008, he co-       challenges and opportunities of global cooperation in
concrete responsibilities also for the affluent            authored The Health Impact Fund, which lays out the        a culturally diverse world society.
countries - in areas such as international tax justice     plan to make life-saving medicines accessible for every-   These questions are the focus of four research units
and illicit financial flows, odious debts, arms exports,   one. He is currently Leitner Professor of Philosophy and   that develop along specific issues of high global
greenhouse gas emissions, extraction of minerals,          International Affairs at Yale.                             relevance. The Centre also seeks to transmit results
international labor standards, reduction of gender                                                                    and promote discussions among the broader public.
                                                           Prof. Dr. Thomas Pogge
disparities, trafficking and migration, and excessive                                                                 Besides numerous publications the Centre sponsors
                                                           Leitner Professor of Philosophy and
mark-ups on life-saving medicines.                                                                                    the quarterly public ?K?te Hamburger Lecture? as
                                                           International Affairs
* MDGs: Millennium Development Goals                                                                                  well as the ?K?te Hamburger Dialogues?.

                             In cooperation with                                                                      Participating Institutes

                                                                                                                                                               INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED
                                                                                                                                                               STUDY IN THE HUMANITIE S

                                                                                                                                                               UNIVERSITY ALLIANCE
                                                                                                                                                               METROPOLIS RUHR

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  • 1. K?te Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research www.gcr21.org 2nd K?te Hamburger Lecture ¨C 6 December 2012 Beyond 2015: Getting Serious about Global Justice Prof. Dr. Thomas Pogge Grand City Hotel Duisburger Hof, Pfeiler Saal, 4:30 ¨C 6:15 p.m. Welcoming Remarks: Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Managing Director, KHK / GCR21 Comments: Prof. Dr. Jan Aart Scholte, Senior Fellow, KHK / GCR21 Margret Thalwitz, Senior Expert Fellow, KHK / GCR21 Moderator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Spitzley, Professor of Philosophy, University Duisburg-Essen
  • 2. Beyond 2015: Getting Serious Thomas Pogge Centre for Global Cooperation about Global Justice Research While the MDGs have focused attention on conti- Originally from Germany, Thomas Pogge received a The K?te Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global nuing severe deprivations suffered by poor people PhD in philosophy from Harvard in 1983. Since then, Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21) was established worldwide, their impact was diminished by the lack he has taught philosophy, political science, and ethics in February 2012 in Duisburg. The Centre provides of clearly assigned tasks and responsibilities. Beyond at universities around the world. His 2002 book, World a framework for internationally renowned scholars 2015 we should replace the MDG wishlist approach Poverty and Human Rights, offers proposals on how from different disciplines to pursue research on the with specific institutional reform goals that highlight to achieve global economic equality. In 2008, he co- challenges and opportunities of global cooperation in concrete responsibilities also for the affluent authored The Health Impact Fund, which lays out the a culturally diverse world society. countries - in areas such as international tax justice plan to make life-saving medicines accessible for every- These questions are the focus of four research units and illicit financial flows, odious debts, arms exports, one. He is currently Leitner Professor of Philosophy and that develop along specific issues of high global greenhouse gas emissions, extraction of minerals, International Affairs at Yale. relevance. The Centre also seeks to transmit results international labor standards, reduction of gender and promote discussions among the broader public. Prof. Dr. Thomas Pogge disparities, trafficking and migration, and excessive Besides numerous publications the Centre sponsors Leitner Professor of Philosophy and mark-ups on life-saving medicines. the quarterly public ?K?te Hamburger Lecture? as International Affairs * MDGs: Millennium Development Goals well as the ?K?te Hamburger Dialogues?. www.ted.com/speakers/thomas_pogge.html In cooperation with Participating Institutes INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE HUMANITIE S UNIVERSITY ALLIANCE METROPOLIS RUHR