This document provides a summary of the January-February 2014 issue of a newsletter from Kiran Infertility Center in India. It includes the following sections:
- A description of a new non-invasive prenatal genetic test called Materni T21 PLUS that can detect chromosomal abnormalities early in pregnancy using the mother's blood sample.
- A profile of patients Gary and Tracy Bolsover from the UK who were successful in having a baby girl named Heaven Mia through surrogacy at Kiran Infertility Center after years of struggle.
- A positive review from egg donor Nicole about her experience donating at the clinic.
- Statistics from the past month's surrogacy and IVF
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KIC NL Mar 2014
1. JAN-FEB 2014
Inside this issue
Medical Insight..2
Parental Focus...3
Donor focus ...4
Statistics ...4
Team Focus..5
Happy Moments..6
Festivals of India..8
Special Event..9
2. Medical insight
Noninvasive genetic test for pregnant surrogate mothers to
check for babys health.
Materni T21 PLUS is a highly accurate test for specific chromosome (Genetic) conditions in the baby associated with birth defects. It is conducted on blood collected from the surrogate mother as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. Genetic / (Chromosomal /
DNA) abnormality in the fetus (baby) such as Downs Syndrome
and multiple other defects in the baby can be now detected early
in the pregnant mother with this accurate and cutting edge technology. This state of the art genetic (DNA) test uses genome sequencing and provides a clear and precise result which can be easily interpreted by parents and clinicians.
Downs syndrome is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that has always been a part of the human condition, being
universally present across racial, gender or socioeconomic lines,
and affecting approximately 1 in 800 live births, although there is
considerable variation worldwide. Down syndrome usually causes
varying degrees of intellectual and physical disability in the baby
and associated with various other medical issues.
Currently doctors do a test from the amniotic fluid (fluid around
the fetus) called amniocentesis to look for some disorders in women who are at risk such as those women who have a family history
of genetic disorders. This test is done late in pregnancy and has a
risk of miscarriage as it is invasive (a needle is used to take the fluid). Materni T21 provides a safe alternative for early screening
without any invasive procedure or risk of losing the baby. With
this technology doctors and parents can now have information
very early in the pregnancy and helps to mitigate anxiety associated with more aggressive procedures or even other blood tests
which may give probability based results.
3. Parent Focus
Gary and Tracy Bolsover, UK
Dreams DO come true! Our story should help inspire others, who want so dearly to have a child
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We started our journey with the fantastic KIC team many
years ago. Together we had times of joy, then great sadness.
Throughout these times we never lost sight of the baby we
longed for. We fought emotionally and physically to stay
strong and jumped hurdles, no matter how high. The trust
and respect we had for Dr. Kiran Sekhar, Dr. Samit Sekhar and
Dr. Pratima Grover deepened as time went on and we all
knew that whatever it took we would have our baby... and
here she is beautiful Heaven Mia born on 11-12-13. She has
changed our lives and we feel so blessed to finally have her
with us. We chose her name many years ago even before we
had started any treatment and we now feel that our long
journey was definitely meant to be. It has made us stronger
and helped us to appreciate our baby after seeing so many
people before us pass through the doors of KIC we can now
proudly say that our precious Indian princess has joined this
ever growing and joyful family. I will always remember my
first time at the clinic sitting in the waiting room with local
Indian women and seeing a plaque with the word CAN'T, the '
T ' had been crossed out and below it was written something
like you only have to remove the ' T ', from that moment I
knew we were part of a highly successful, dedicated winning
team. Many thanks and all our love to our friends who are the
incredible doctors at KIC and their great support team of nurses and the ever supportive Nanny Sally. Also a big thank you
to Satvinder and Ranbeer Singh for their tireless work on our
behalf so that heaven Mia can get her British passport and
citizenship at the earliest and a huge hug to our surrogate
Gary and Tracy .
4. Donor Focus
Awesome trip! Really enjoyed the friendliness of the people at the clinic as well as the other people we encountered during our stay. Will definitely be going back again,
was a great feeling to see couples who made use of an
egg donor holding their precious little ones, with the expression of true happiness. Such a blessing to be part of a
process that gives life and brings unexplainable joy to
New Intended parents joined our Surrogacy and 24 new patients joined the IVF program.
Caucasian donors, 4 Indian donors and 4 north eastern donors were included in the program.
Embryo transfers done.
Tested positive for pregnancy.
5. Team Focus
Deepen Kalita is a senior security
guard at Kiran infertility Center and
also helps out in several day to day
logistical operations including applying for birth certificates, helping
arrange for airport transfers for patients and clinic visits. He is very
hard working and he spends up to
12 hours a day with clinic work and
is always smiling and cheerful.
8. Festivals of India
Sankranthi: Kite Festival of India
Makara Sankranti is a Hindu festival celebrated in almost all parts of India and Nepal in a myriad of
cultural forms. It is a harvest festival. It is the Hindi/Indo-Aryan languages name for Makara
Sankranthi (still used in southern areas as the official name).
Makar Sankranti marks the transition of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Makara rashi (Capricorn) on its
celestial path.The day is also believed to mark the arrival of spring in India and is a traditional. Makara
Sankranti is a solar event making one of the few Indian festivals which fall on the same date in the
Gregorian Calender every year: 14 January, with some exceptions when the festival is celebrated on
13 or 15 January.
Same Festival Different Celebrations :
In India, Sankranthi festival is celebrated by almost all the places in different forms. In Andhra Pradesh it is
called Makara Sankranthi. Bhogi fires, Rangolis,Cock fighting wagers( Kodipandalu) & bullock races are famous in Andhra Pradesh. In Tamilnadu the same festival called Pongal. In some places people celebrate
by flying Kites. Sweets were also the part of the festival for some states.
9. Special Event
Wedding celebrations of Dr. Samit Sekhar
Dr. Samit Sekhar who is our Executive director and chief embryologist got
married on 2//2/2014.
His wedding was attended by close friends. Family and several of our patients
Some of our patients led by Kate Lopez worked really hard to prepare this congratulatory video for Dr.
Samit Sekhar as a special wedding gift. very touching indeed!!you can watch it by clicking on the link below.