1. Pramukh Homoeopathic Clinic (PHC) was established in 2004-2005 as a solely homoeopathic clinic in Gujarat, India.
2. PHC and Dr. Pankaj Darji have successfully treated over 6,000 cases of kidney stones and other ailments using individualized homoeopathic medicines.
3. Testimonials from patients show that homoeopathy effectively removed kidney stones of various sizes without the need for painful and expensive surgery, and with no risk of recurrence.
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Kidney stone
Pramukh Homoeopathic Clinic Testimonial
(PHC) at a glance
Jujarsih Waghela, Gujart
I did operation 2times for kidney stone & now
again I had 11mm kidney stone. I started Dr.
established in 2004 - 2005. The Clinic
Darjis treatment & miracle done. Stone was
remove within 7 days & then after no any stone. homoeopathic clinic
has made steady progress since 2004 -
2005. Established as a only homoeopathic Mr. Ayyar, Gujarat
clinic, it has played a vital role in I am very thankful to dr. darji who save my health,
homoeopathic clinic of Gujarat. my kidney as well my money. Dr. M (MS) advice for
operation for my 10mm stone but now I am safe
About because of I am in safe hand.
Dr. Pankaj Darji (B.H.M.S;I.C.R)
Dr. Pankaj Darji practices in Gujarat, Suraiya sharma, CRPF
India. He completed his medical What a horrible pain & effect of Dr. Darji's
graduation in 2001 and then joined medicines was marvelous. I have 4 kidney stone &
Institutions of Clinical Research it remove with homeopathic medicines. Thanks to
(I.C.R), A reputed institution in dr. pankaj
Gujarat, India. successfully completed
Geetaben Patel, Gujarat
his course 2003. Beside practicing
Homoeopathy & dr. pankaj save me from surgery. I
homoeopathy he has also assisted a
pediatrician on the regular basis for about 7 years. He regularly
attends national conferences & workshops on homoeopathy. His
had 3kidney stone & 9mm stone in ureter. It was
remove with use of dr.pankajs medicines. Kidney Stone
experiences rich than ten countries. Mr. Shah, UK
Homoeopathic Treatment
Panel doctor I had sudden of pain in abdomen & I went to
Gujarat State Electirc Corp.Ltd & Uttar Gujarat hospital in emergency . Hospitalized for 2days for
Viaks Corp Ltd.[ GSECL, UGVCL ] my kidney stone. It was 9.5mm. I very thankful to
dr. darjis on line treatment which give me a good
Homoeopathic Treatment On line support to come out from my problem. I never
The on line treatment is supported by Dr. Pankaj forget this guy.
Darji. Dr. Darjis patient all over the world have an
easy access to his clinic by personal visit, by e mail, by PRAMUKH Homoeopathic clinic
live web chat from his web sites, by post, call back
Clinic 1: Clinic 2:
facility from most countries. Before starting the
Plot No. 286, F 1, AKSHAR KRUPA, Plot
treatment as well as throughout the course of online Akshar Complex, Opp. No. 598/2, Sec.5 B,
treatment, you can communicate with dr. Darji, for Gopal Dairy, Sec. 20, Near KH -2,
assistance and guidance. Gandhinagar Gandhinagar - 382006
: Mobile No : +91 9824022384, +91 999881744 382020
e-mail: contact@phcindia.org, : web site : www.phcinidia.org : web site : www.phcinidia.org
2. spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, coriander
Reason for stone leaves, sweet potato, onion, radish, beetroot,
Homoeopathy Treatment by Post
peas etc. Many patient may not be able to visit our centre in
Excessive minerals in water.
5. Avoid to take vegetable which consist seeds person; nor many they have an access to the
Deficiency of Vitamin A. like ladys finger, tomato, cucumber. internet to get treated online. PHC offers
Hormonal misbalances also play the important 6. Avoid taking fruit like apple, strawberry, treatment by post and over the phone. You may
role in preparation of stone. chickoo, guava, mulberry, orange etc. sign up by calling our clinic and get a special
Excessive secretion from parathyroid gland 7. Avoid dry fruit like plum, questionnaire posted/e mailed/faxed. Along with
causes calcium stone. So such type of patient 8. Avoid cold drinks, coca, bear, chocolate, cola. the reply to the questionnaire, it will help if you
requires investigating. 9. Avoid food which contains excessive glucose also send in the photos of the affected parts, for
Do investigation of stone after removing in like rice, bread, glucose biscuit etc. Dr. Darjis evaluation. After that, medicines will be
urine or operation. Decide your diet according 10. Avoid taking vitamin C tablet. sent you by post, anywhere .
type of stone. 11. Take excessive fibre food like soybean, wheat
Over weight causes stone so maintain your Etc.
body according to your height. Triple phosphate Please take care of Our experiences rich as I have under our care
Which type of step you will take to stop stone following things. patients from more than ten countries.
formation?? Dr. Darji is first doctor in Gujarat whose more
1. Take care about urinary infection. Do
investigation of urine off & on. than 50 video of treated patient in you tube.
Take excessive water Pramukh Homoeopathic Clinic has Pregnancy
2. Take vitamin C tablet or lemon juice daily
1.Take 3 to 4 litter water in a 24hours. You should take Uric acid stone/ urate stone Counseling Centre & Homoeopathic training
water as much as possible which causes urine output 2 a. Take medicine cause your urine alkaline. centre.
to 3litter in 24 hours. b. Take tea, coffee, chocolate, mutton, fish, More than 6000 different type of cases are
2. Take water in regular time period. beans, peas, leafy vegetable less in food. treated under one roof b/w 2004 to 2010.
3. Must be take water 2 hours after lunch before going c . Take proper medicines for excessive uric
to sleep. acid in blood.
4. Take water which is free from excessive minerals.
Homoeopathy has no any side effect.
5. Boil water if possible before use or use water
Treatment of stone:- It is very safe for children & pregnant
Any stone in body require removing otherwise its
6. Take excessive water in summer rather than other
damage the other parts of body or develop women. Excellent result in surgical
the infection. cases also like piles, kidney stone,
Small stone ( <5mm) are remove by excessive
7. You can take coconut water, orange juice, lemon
water therapy only. uterine fibroid, lypoma, warts etc.
juice, oat juice etc.
Big stone (>5mm) are require proper Useful in acute as well as in chronic
Calcium oxalate & phosphate stone - Food management. There are less scope in allopathy
cases also.
advice if your stone report is suggesting such to remove stone without operation which is
quite costly, painful & chances of recurrence For more information, case studies,
type of stone. testimonials please explore our web site :
will more.
1. Take minimum salt; avoid excessive salt in Homoeopathic remove the stone without www.phcindia.org
food, pickles, papad. suffering. There are wonderful medicines in
2. Do not take milk more than 500ml in 24 hours. homoeopathy for kidney stone.
3. Do not take excessive curd, cheese, butter,
pannier, ice cream etc.
4. Avoid taking green vegetable like tandulja,