This document provides information on improved Kienyeji chicken farming techniques to maximize yields through a farming manual and technical services. It outlines Kienyeji Partners' vision to establish Kenya as a leading poultry producer in Africa and their mission to help farmers achieve better yields through improved techniques. The manual covers topics like breeding, housing, feeding, health, marketing and processing. Technical services include consulting, incubator rentals and feeding programs designed by nutritionists. The goal is to make Kienyeji chicken production more profitable and sustainable.
3. 22
Improved Techniques for Better Yields
? We offer farmers Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manuals with
comprehensive information on how to maximize yields and better poultry
management to ensure sustainability and profitability.
? Improved Kienyeji Farming Manual contains information such as the
oo CChhoooossiinngg KKiieennyyeejjii BBrreeeeddss
oo SSoouurrcciinngg CChhiicckkss
oo KKiieennyyeejjii CChhiicckkeenn HHoouussiinngg
oo KKiieennyyeejjii FFeeeeddss aanndd FFeeeeddiinngg GGuuiiddeess
oo HHeeaalltthh aanndd DDiisseeaassee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt iinn KKiieennyyeejjii BBrreeeeddss
oo KKiieennyyeejjii CChhiicckkeenn BBrrooooddiinngg aanndd CChhiicckk PPllaacceemmeenntt
oo KKiieennyyeejjii CChhiicckkeenn MMaarrkkeettiinngg
oo RReeccoorrdd KKeeeeppiinngg ffoorr KKiieennyyeejjii CChhiicckkeenn
oo KKiieennyyeejjii CChhiicckkeenn PPrroocceessssiinngg GGuuiiddee
? Bulk Packages for County Governments, farmer groups and farmer
associations go as follows:-
No of Copies Cost Per Copy
1-100 Ksh.750
100-200 Ksh.650
200-350 Ksh.550
350-500 Ksh.400
More than 500 Ksh.300
Costs go down with increase in bulk due to the savings accrued from offset printing.
5. 2 Smart Kienyeji Project Consulting
? Our customers range from the smallest home flock to the largest poultry
producers both in Kenya in need informational and technical assistance.
As a business, we have been growing with the Kenyan poultry industry
and we are committed to making amongst the best poultry production
systems in the world.
Feeding Programmes
? Our Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual describes the
feeding techniques that you need to maximize on production in
the free-range or semi-free range system.
? To design diets and feeding programmes fit for purpose, our team of
nutritionists stays in constant contact with industry researchers, both
locally and internationally. Innovation is key to our success in Kienyeji
chicken production. Coordination between our teams and technical,
manufacturing and purchasing specialists offer you the best info for the
best kienyeji chicken management.
? Use the expertise of our team for best practice and maximum production
in Kienyeji chicken production systems.
6. For further information visit and, call us on
0717444786 or drop us an email on