The document discusses the importance of extracurricular activities for students. It states that extracurricular activities teach students responsibility, teamwork, time management and leadership skills. It also notes that students who participate in extracurricular activities are three times more likely to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher compared to students who do not participate. Finally, it mentions that extracurricular activities benefit students' academic performance and help them develop important life skills like discipline, goal-setting, and responsibility.
6. SportS are not only good
for phySical health, but for
mental health aS well.
7. According to the U.S. Department of Education's
2002 study, students who participate in
extracurricularactivities are three times more likely
to have a grade point average of 3.0 orbetterthan
students who do not.
8. oStudents of all ages can explore
their physical, social and
creative potential through
extracurricular activities.
9. There is a saying All time books and no play made jack a
dumb boy i.e. as studies are important similarly playing is
also important. Students who only study for twenty-four
hours round the clock and does not play games is dumb boy,
since he/she doesnt have any extra knowledge except
10. One great benefit of your teen being
involved in extracurricular activities is that
they will learn about time management and
prioritizing things in their life
11. Research indicates that participation in
extracurricular activities affects students
academic performance.
12. students who participate in
extracurricular activities will
likely see an improvement in their
academic and life skills, including
discipline, goal-setting, teamwork,
accountability and responsibility.