ABOUT ME: I am a social worker. My life is totally dedicated to spread "THE ART OF AWARENESS LIVING. Awareness is in every step of life. Awareness is infinite. Awareness is in voluble, if one wants to live happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful life. My life's only ambition is to eradicate poverty and hunger from the society and to provide all round happier lives to the world's poor and downtrodden. ART OF AWARENESS LIVING Srimission is an N.G.O,social service organization, doing service to the entire humanity of preaching ART OF AWARENESS LIVING. Art of awareness living is nothing but guiding people for ever safe secure happy ,healthy, plenty, prosperous ,peaceful ,healthy lives, It also intended to make lives free from fear, stress, anxiety, hurdles and unlimited calamities.It was established by me in the year 1985.