1. N叩zev knihy
10 best teaching practices :how brain research and learning styles define teaching competencies
100thingseverypresenter needs to know about people
30 d哲vod哲, pro zamstnanci nen叩vid鱈 sv辿 vedouc鱈 :co si va邸i lid辿 mo転n叩 mysl鱈 a co s t鱈m m哲転ete dlat
Adult teaching and learning :developing your practice
Akademick叩 p鱈ruka
Antropick箪 princip v dialogu mezi p鱈rodn鱈mi vdami, filozofi鱈 a teologi鱈
Bla bla bla :co dlat, kdy転 slova nesta鱈
Break-through rapid reading
Building online learning communities :effective strategies for the virtual classroom
Buzans study skills :mind maps, memory techniques, speed reading
Collaborating online :learning together in community
Collaborative information literacy assessments :strategies for evaluating teaching and learning
Creative workshop :80 challenges to sharpen your design skills
Delete : the virtue of forgetting in the digital age
Efektivn鱈 studijn鱈 dovednosti :odemknte sv哲j potenci叩l
Gamestorming :a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers
How to think like Leonardo da Vinci :seven steps to genius every day
Hry na semin叩e a workshopy :66 kreativn鱈ch her
Improving your storytelling :beyond the basics for all who tell stories in work or play
Integrating educational technology into teaching
Jak se snadno uit a v鱈ce si pamatovat
Komunikace a prezentace :umn鱈 mluvit, sly邸et a rozumt
Komunikace bez z叩bran :jak se naladit na spolenou vlnovou d辿lku
Konec prokrastinace
Lateral thinking :creativity by step by step
Lektorsk辿 finty :jak pipravit a realizovat zaj鱈mav叩 邸kolen鱈
Logick辿 my邸len鱈: Phillip Charles
Marketing research kit for dummies
M叩te na v鱈c! Probute sv哲j mozek
Mind mapping for dummies
Mind maps atwork:how to be the best at your job and still have time to play
Modern鱈 pedagogika
Modern鱈 r辿torika : jak mluvit k druh箪m lidem, aby n叩m naslouchali a rozumli
My邸lenkov辿 mapy :probute svou kreativitu, zlep邸ete svou pam泥, zmte sv哲j 転ivot
Nen叩siln叩 komunikace - e 転ivota
Ochrana n叩zv哲, postav a p鱈bh哲 umleck箪ch dl
Ovl叩dnte sv哲j mozek :posledn鱈 kniha o mozku a zrychlen辿m uen鱈, kterou budete potebovat
Pedagogick箪 slovn鱈k
Persuasive technology :using computers to change what we think and do
Pravidla mozku :nejnovj邸鱈 vdeck辿 poznatky pro 炭spch v pr叩ci, doma i ve 邸kole
Pesvdujte a ovlivujte pomoc鱈 p鱈bh哲 :storytelling
Redakn鱈 pr叩ce :jak pipravit text k publikov叩n鱈
Rukov泥 dobr辿ho lektora :praktick辿 tipy a n叩vody pro za鱈naj鱈c鱈 i zku邸en辿 pedn叩邸ej鱈c鱈
Rukov泥 proti manipul叩tor哲m
Rychloten鱈, rychlostudium, info management
Slajdologie :tajemstv鱈 tvorby skvl箪ch prezentac鱈
Steal like an artist :10 things nobody told you about being creative
Storytelling :art and technique
2. Successful time management for dummies
Taktick辿 my邸len鱈, Phillip Charles
The art and craft of storytelling :a comprehensive guide to classic writing techniques
The definitive Big6 workshop handbook
The fastest way to improve memory, master speed reading, and rapidly increase your brain power
The memory book
The Oxford guide to library research
The quick and easy guide to mind map :improve your memory, be more creative, and unleash your minds ful
The storytelling animal :how stories make us human
The visible librarian :asserting your value with marketing and advocacy
Thinkertoys :a handbook of creative-thinking techniques
Thinking, fast and slow
Tvo鱈me a publikujeme odborn辿 texty
Typologie osobnosti pro mana転ery :mana転ersk辿 styly, rozhodov叩n鱈, komunikace, konflikty, t箪mov叩 pr叩ce, time
Umn鱈 pt叩t se :v kouov叩n鱈, poradenstv鱈 a systemick辿 terapii
Umn鱈 zmny :po mal箪ch kroc鱈ch k velk箪m zmn叩m v profesn鱈m i osobn鱈m 転ivot
Use your head :how to unleash the power of your mind
Using technology to teach information literacy
sp邸n箪 projektov箪 mana転er
Vizu叩ln鱈 my邸len鱈: Philip Charles
Vysoko邸kolsk叩 pedagogika
V箪ukov辿 metody v pedagogice :tradin鱈 a inovativn鱈 metody, transmisivn鱈 a konstruktivistick辿 pojet鱈 v箪uky, kla
Z叩kladn鱈 kniha lektora/tren辿ra :[jak rozv鱈jet vdomosti, schopnosti a dovednosti tch, kte鱈 chtj鱈 efektivn p哲
Zbran vlivu :manipulativn鱈 techniky a jak se jim br叩nit