"Innovation Backbone" was the name of my Master thesis in Urban Planning at TU Delft: a research and design proposal for Rio de Janeiro focused on the creative industries. "Innovation Backbone and its Unfoldings" is the continuation of this research in my professional carrear.
2. 1. Innovation Backbone / graduation research
2. Masterplan in the Harbor
3. Airport-city
4. Creative Cluster
how your graduation research as a way of focusing what you are going to do in the future!
3. Inclusive: meaning economic growth leading to social development as well!
Because Rio has been historically developed under a process of spatial-segregation (when poor
people were evicted from the central areas), creating what sociologists called a`broken city卒;
This process has made social mobility very difficult (as poor people access the worse educational
facilities and as it卒s harder to get a job when you live in a slum - Gutierrez, etc al),
This situation generated high criminality (not only because of bad education and job opportuni-
ties but also because of a perception of being different - Gutierrez, etc al),
A context that have made difficult for Rio de Janeiro to really profit from its vocation as a tour-
istic city (Veja Jun 2010)
NOW: with better economic climate in Brazil, the city has been investing in cultural facilities (iconic mu-
seums) and in organizing sport mega-events (panAmerica games, World Cup, Olympics), as a way of
attracting tourists and generating economic growth (construction sector and split over)
5. + Barcelona + London
Regeneration of the city led to repositioning as global destination Enphasis on demountable structures to minimize maintainance
-- Athens -- Montreal
Enormous costs of maintainance Massive debts during the next 30 years
Gold & Gold, Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World Games