Concept sorting is a knowledge elicitation technique where domain concepts are written on individual cards which experts then sort into piles based on shared attributes. This reveals the expert's conceptual organization and relationships among concepts in their domain. It can be applied to objects or images as well. Concept sorting provides insight into an expert's classifications and domain structure in a fast, easy to analyze manner without lengthy transcription. However, experts may inconsistently apply distinctions which could confound dimensions during categorization.
2. Knowledge Elicitation (Introduction)
Knowledge Elicitation is the process of acquiring knowledge about a
specific domain.
It is one of the most important and a crucial task of the development of an
expert system since it directly has an impact on the overall quality of the
Knowledge elicitation is also often viewed as the bottleneck in the
development of expert systems or knowledge based systems as it is difficult
and time consuming activity.
Among various known Knowledge Elicitation techniques available choice to
be used depends on the nature of the situation within which the
knowledge is elicited, the domain knowledge and availability of experts.
3. Knowledge Elicitation (Introduction) Cont
Knowledge Elicitation process gets tricky as the vast amount of information
is often kept inside the heads of domain experts.
This makes the entire process complicated as the domain experts may not
be willing to disclose the information, due to worries of being sidelined or
becoming less important or getting redundant.
There are various techniques used in the Knowledge Elicitation process :
Protocol Analysis
Concept Sorting (Will be discussing)
Repertory Grid
Structural Assessment
4. When to use which technique?
For Knowledge identification
Unstructured interview, laddering
For Knowledge specification
Domain schema: Concept Sorting, repertory grid
Template selection: self report
Task & inference knowledge: self report
For Knowledge Refinement
Structured interview
5. What is Concept Sorting ?
Concept sorting is a psychological technique that is useful in tapping
organization knowledge.
It a way of finding out how an expert compares, orders concepts and relates
among a set of concepts.
Used to capture conceptual knowledge and tacit knowledge.
Can also sort objects or pictures instead of cards
It works best on small group.
Simple to apply
Its is also Called Card Sorting.
Simplest form is Concept Sorting
Collection of concepts (or other knowledge objects) are written on separate cards
Cards sorted into piles by an expert in to piles - each card in a pile must have something
in common
Each time the cards are sorted it will be based on an attribute and each pile will
represent a value
6. Concept Sorting How To ?
To apply this technique , the KE follows the following steps:
1- First , KE Decide what classes of concepts he/she want to explore
(in particular their properties attributes and values).
2- Consults a textbook, training manual, or in-house domain expert to
identify the major top-level concepts represented in the domain.
3- Place write the name of each concept on a separate note card .
4- Next, the KE asks the domain expert to begin sorting these cards
placing them in groups according to those that belong together.
5- As the domain expert sorts the cards the KE uses questioning
techniques to determine why they are placed together.
6- Repeat steps 4, and 5 until the expert cant sort anymore
7. Example 1: Classification based of Habitat
Cat Shark
8. Example 1: Classification based of Habitat
Aquatic Animals
Terrestrial Animal
10. Example 2
The Number of 15 models of cars may be grouped into two categories named Foreign"
and Domestic
Then re-sorted into three categories; Sedan" , Hatchback", and Sports";
Then re-sorted into four categories; " Expensive Domestic", " Less Expensive Domestic",
" Expensive Foreign", Less Expensive Foreign.
A hierarchy tree may be created expressing the group categories as levels within the
11. Based on Cost
Based on Design and
Based on Design and
Based on Cost
Example 2 Cont
Less Expensive
Expensive SedanHatchback Sports
Less Expensive
ExpensiveSedanHatchback Sports
12. Application of Concept Sorting
Concept sorting is basically used in several disciplines like
- Knowledge Engineering
- Psychology
- Marketing etc.
13. Pros and Cons
Fast to apply and easy to analyze
Often instructive to the expert in a sense that it may lead expert to see
structure that he himself has not consciously articulated before
Time saving by not having to transcribe and analyze lengthy verbal reports
Can be used for images and objects as well
14. Pros and Cons Cont
Experts can often confound dimensions by not consistently applying the same
semantic distinctions throughout an elicitation session
May face problem in categorization of elements in meaningful way
15. Conclusion
Card Sorting techniques provide a means of achieving a more focused
or systematic understanding of the classifications and relationships in
the expert's domain.