Preksha Vishwa Bharati is located 9km from Gandhinagar State Transport Bus Stand and 11km from Sabarmati Railway Station. It can be reached by taking a bus or shared jeep from Ahmedabad and getting off at the Koba Patia bus stop on the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Highway. A map is provided showing the location of Adalaj Ashram and Preksha Vishwa Bharati relative to major roads and landmarks in the area. Contact information is given for Preksha Vishwa Bharati in Koba, and for Adalaj Ashram and community halls in Anand and Baroda.
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Koba address
Near Koba Patia, Ahmedabad Gandhinagar Highway, Koba-382 002.
District Gandhinagar. Phone: 079-3276272.
Preksha Vishwa Bharati is 9km from Gandhinagar State Transport Bus
Stand, 21 km from Ahmedabad Railway Station and 11 km from Sabarmati Railway
Station. Matadors, Jeeps, Local buses plying between Ahmedabad and
Gandhinagar stop at Koba Patia. A rough sketch of Adalaj Ashram and Preksha
Vishwa Bharati are given below, for your reference:
| Towards Kalol(North Gujarat)
Sarkhej |
Highway |Over Bridge. CH CIRCLE
--------|---------To Gandhinagar------------| Towards Gandhinagar
A Adalaj | |
S Police |Adalaj ST Stand | Ranasana Village
H Station | Preksha Vishwa |
R | Bharati, Koba |
A |Towards Kalol |
M |ONGC,Chandkheda |
| Amiyapur |
|--------------------------------------| Koba Circle
| Sugadh |
| |
| Motera |
| |
|Sabarmati | Bhat Village
|ST Stand |
2. | |
| |
| | From Airport
| RTO Office
|From Vadaj/Income-Tax/
Take bus/shared jeep from Ahmedabad (Geeta Mandir/Civil). On the Ahmedabad
Gandhinagar Highway get down at Koba Patia bus stop.
2. ADALAJ ASHRAM, Shri Ram Chandra Mission
Adjacent to Adalaj Police Station, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway,
Adalaj, Dist Gandhinagar 382 421. Phone: 079-3970173
3. ANAND : Community Hall, Nr. IRMA Gate, Anand
( 3 to 4 Kms. From Railway Station)
4. BARODA: Railway Institute, Nr. DRM Office, 250 yards from Pratapnagar
Railway Booking Office, Pratapnagar, Baroda.
( About 6 Kms. From Railway Station)