Kognitio provides an in-memory analytical platform that loads large datasets entirely into RAM, allowing clients to perform complex analytics on datasets as large as tens of billions of records in just tens of seconds. The platform utilizes massively parallel processing across commodity servers to scale linearly with no single points of failure. Kognitio works with clients across industries to power solutions for media analytics, customer loyalty programs, online travel, mobile advertising and more.
2. Kognitio
Kognitio is focused on providing the premier high-
performance analytical platform to power business
insight around the world.
?Dev Labs?in?the?UK?
4. Brand Streamlining C New Kognitio Product Hierarchy
Console Kognitio v8 Software MDX Connector
Admin Tools Analytical Processing Cube Designer
Accelerator for Hadoop Excel Add-in
Accelerator for ´
Analytical Appliance
5. Flexibility Engrained to our Business Model
Public Cloud (SaaS) Private Cloud Software Appliance Partnerships
Low costs, no CapEx Pre-built and configured Industry-standard x86 Commodity hardware ISVs:
requirement, immediate Highest security for Linux servers per client preference specialized/industry
provisioning sensititive data sets Rapid deployment and Bespoke formula of solutions
Incur charged per hour Hosted in Tier-3 data implementation RAM data memory, Services:
on demand (CPU core/ centers via specialized Typical license- server cores and disk implementation and
hour) hosting providers maintenance contract specifications delivery
Provided by Kognitio, ~ 48 hour provisioning for customers Profit = software Distributors: expanded
hosted by Amazon Web Massively scalable license + hardware market coverage
Services (AWS) margins
- Flexible delivery model to meet client requirements
- Partnership channel builds ecosystem and expands reach
- Revenue model:
- One-time charge: volume-based software licenses
- Recurring revenue: maintenance and support
7. In-memory Analytical Platform
^pull very large amounts of data from existing data storage
(persistence) systems into high speed computer memory ̄
C can be existing traditional disk based data warehouse
products, operational systems, Kognitio¨s own disk
subsystem or increasingly distributed parallel file systems
such as Hadoop or cloud storage
? Scale the power as required
? Adaptable capacity
C Scale up / down as when needed within server farm
? Utilize local disk for near-line store of regularly used
reference data or result sets
8. What is an ^In-memory ̄ Analytical Platform?
? A database where all of the data of interest or specific portions of the
data have been permanently pre-loaded into a computers random
access memory (RAM).
? Not a large cache
C Data is held in structures that take advantage of the properties of
RAM C NOT copies of frequently used disk blocks
C The databases query optimiser knows at all times exactly which
data is in memory and which is not
9. Speed & Scale from ^True MPP ̄
? Memory & CPU on an individual server = NOWHERE near enough for big data
C Moore¨s Law C The power of a processor doubles every two years
C Data volumes C Double every year!!
? The only way to keep up is to parallelise or scale-out
? Combine the RAM of many individual servers
Many ?
many CPU cores spread across
many CPUs, housed in
? many individual computers (1 to 1000+)
C Data is split across all the CPU cores
C All database operations are parallelised with no points of serialisation C
This is true MPP
? Every CPU core in
Every ? Every server needs to efficiently involved in
? Every query
10. V8 Enables the Analytical Platform Reference
External Functions
Not Only SQL
External Tables
Kognitio Storage
as an External table
Hadoop Connector Other Connectors
11. Not Only SQL: any language in-line
Kognitio External Scripts
C Run third party binaries or scripts embedded within SQL
? Perl, Python, Java, R, SAS, etc.
? One-to-many rows in, zero-to-many rows out, one to one
create interpreter perlinterp
command '/usr/bin/perl' sends 'csv' receives 'csv' ;
select top 1000 words, count(*) This reads long comments
from (external script using environment perlinterp text from customer enquiry
receives (txt varchar(32000))
sends (words varchar(100)) table, in line perl converts
script S'endofperl( long text into output
{ stream of words (one word
chomp(); per row), query selects top
foreach $c (split(/ /)) 1000 words by frequency
{ if($c =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/) { print "$cn ̄} } using standard SQL
)endofperl' aggregation
from (select comments from customer_enquiry))dt
group by 1
order by 2 desc;
12. Kognitio Hadoop Connectors
HDFS Connector
? Connector defines access to hdfs file system
? External table accesses row-based data
in hdfs
? Dynamic access or ^pin ̄ data into memory
? Complete hdfs file is loaded into memory
Filter Agent Connector
? Connector uploads agent to Hadoop nodes
? Query passes selections and relevant
predicates to agent
? Data filtering and projection takes place
locally on each Hadoop node
? Only data of interest in loaded into memory
via parallel load streams
14. Analytics on tens of billions of events in
tens of seconds with NO DBA
? In\memory?analytical?database?for?Big?Data
? Correlate?everything?to?everything
? MPP?+?Linear?Scalability
? Predictable?and?ultra\fast?performance
Challenges ? >?22?data?sources
C Expanding?volumes?of?data
? Commodity?servers/equipment
C Few?opportunities?for?
summarization?(demographics,? ? Market\available?IT?skills
? No?solution?re\engineering
C Data?too?large/complex?for?
C Need?for?simple?administration
Solution?Benefits Mars,?Inc.:?
C Reports?allow?advertisers,?networks?and?agencies??to?analyze?the? ^By?using?TRA?to?improve?media?plans,?creative?and?
relative?strengths?and?weaknesses?of?different?creative? flighting,?Mars?has?achieved?a?portfolio?increase?in?ROI?
executions,?and?how?such?variables?as?program?environment,? versus?a?year?ago?of?25% in?one?category?and?35% in?a?
time?slots,?and?pod?position?impact?their?ROI second?category. ̄
C Enables?self\service?reporting?for?business?users
15. Thank You!
connect contact
Michael Hiskey
Vice President,
Marketing & Business Development
kognitio.tel michael.hiskey@kognitio.com
kognitio.com/blog Paul Groom
VP, Business Intelligence
John Coppins
linkedin.com/companies/kognitio SVP, Kognitio Cloud
tinyurl.com/kognitio Steve Friedberg
MMI Communications
youtube.com/kognitio steve@mmicommunications.com