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                        CITIES: 2003-2006

 Koloskov, B.P. (1)., Korneev V.P. (1)., Petrov V.V.(1), Beryulev G.P.(2), Danelyan B.G.(2), Chernikov A.A.(2) ,
                                                Shchukin G.G.(3)
                        Agency of Atmospheric Technologies (Agency ATTEX, ROSHYDROMET)
                                 Novovagankovsky per. 8, Moscow, 123242, RUSSIA
                         Tel: +7(095)255-2372; Fax: +7(095)255-2134; e-mail: attech@mail.ru
                                       Central Aerological Observatory (CAO)
                         Pervomayskaya 3, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, RUSSIA
                                     Research Center for Atmospheric Remote Sensing,
                                                St. Petersburg, Russia

     Some results of activities on cloud seeding operations to modify weather conditions over Moscow
and St.Petersburg (Russia) conducted during 2003-2006 are presented. 18 operational works on
improvement of weather conditions were executed during this period. The main purpose of these works
was the dissipation of clouds and reduction or stopping of precipitations over the protected cities during
the large social, sporting or other special events.
     Four basic concepts of cloud dissipation and precipitation redistribution were applied to improve the
weather conditions depending on a weather conditions, type of clouds and intensity of precipitation
processes: 1) dispersion of stratiform clouds; 2) destruction of convective clouds by a dynamic method;
3) premature rainfall initiation windward of the city with the purpose of the formation of a rain shadow
(i.e. reduced rain) and 4) intensive seeding of the rain-producing cloud layers with the purpose of
     Up to 12 aircraft, such as Il-18, n-12, An-72, An-30, n-26, An-28, An-32 and M-101 Gzhel,
specially equipped with the meteorological equipment, data acquisition systems, Land  Aircraft  Land
data transmission system and means for cloud seeding have been prepared for fulfillment of the works.
Liquid nitrogen, granulated carbonic acid (dry ice), meteorological silver iodide cartridges and
packages with coarse-dispersion powder were used as reagents for seeding of clouds. Management of
works and the control of results were carried out with the help of the automated radar systems MRL-5 
AKSOPRI in Moscow and MRL-5  MERCOM in St.Petersburg.

1. Introduction                                                 et al. 1996, Korneev et al. 2003/. The main
                                                                purpose of these activities was the dissipation of
     In weather modification research in Russia,
                                                                clouds and reduction or stopping of precipitations
special attention was given to the development of
                                                                over the protected cities.
methods and technical means for dissipating
clouds of some forms and preventing or                          2. Main cloud seeding concepts
substantially reducing precipitation amount. The
                                                                 Four basic concepts of cloud dissipation and
practical objectives were to change radiation
                                                                precipitation redistribution are generally used
balance and to increase the income of solar
                                                                depending on a weather conditions, type of clouds
radiation, to reduce municipal expenses for snow
                                                                and intensity of precipitation processes:
removal and clearing the roads and streets in large
                                                                     1. Dissipation of cold stratiform clouds.
cities, to create favorable meteorological conditions
                                                                     2. Prevention or reduction of the intensity of
for carrying out social programs, sporting
                                                                shower rains and thunderstorms by a dynamic
competitions or some other situations when the
necessity may arise to reduce the rainfall. The first
                                                                     3. Premature rainfall initiation from cloud
experiment on practical application of these
                                                                systems windward side of the target area with the
opportunities was carried out during eliminating the
                                                                purpose of formation of a rain shadow, i.e.
consequences of Chernobyl disaster in 1986
                                                                reduction of precipitation over the given site.
/Beriulev et al. 1990/. Since 1995 the organizations
                                                                     4. Reduction of rainfall intensity over the given
of ROSHYDROMET conducted more than 30
                                                                site by intensive seeding the rain-producing cloud
works on improvement of weather conditions in
                                                                layers moving toward it, aimed at weakening the
areas of the large cities  Moscow and
                                                                mechanism of precipitation generation through the
St.Petersburg (Russia), Tashkent (Uzbekistan),
                                                                overseeding of clouds, i.e. creating excessive
Astana (Kazakstan) /Bedritsky et al. 1996, Belyaev
                                                                concentrations of ice crystals.
All these methods are based on the unstable        same as the distance of a half-hour or one-hour
state of atmospheric processes. Of the various          wind transport of clouds.
types of instability, those with most potential for
local modification of precipitation and cloud-          3. Technical means
formation processes are the phase stage of cloud
water (existence of supercooled liquid water) and          The described methods were realized using
the convective instability of the atmosphere.           specially instrumented aircraft of different types. In
     The feature that the first and the last two        complementation to the Velocity of ascent types,
concepts have in common is the use of ice-              used in 1995  2002 (Il-18, An-12, An-30, An-26
producing agents                                        and An-72), three new types of aircraft  An-28,
     The first concept was to dissipate stratiform      An-32 and M-101T "Gzhel" were used in weather
clouds or to reduce precipitation falling from them     modification activities in 2003  2006.
over the target site. Studies have shown that in             An-32 aircraft (Fig. 1) differs from An-26
certain conditions seeding of stratiform clouds with    aircraft, used in works to modify weather conditions
an ice-forming agent (dry ice or liquefied            over cities, of the greater velocity of ascent and the
nitrogen) and aerosols (silver iodide) either leads     greater carrying capacity, and also higher practical
to their dispersal or enhances precipitation from       ceiling of flight (more than 9000 m).
them over a certain period, followed by a further
relative reduction of the intensity and amount of
precipitation (rain shadow). Thus, by causing a
relative increase in precipitation at an appropriate
distance windward from the target area it is
possible to ensure that the dispersal or rain
shadow zones are located over it.
     The second concept was to suppress the
development of convective clouds using coarse
powders. The methods to destroy developing
convective clouds, using artificially generated
downdrafts, were theoretically justified and                           Figure 1. Aircraft n-32
thoroughly tested under laboratory and field
conditions /Petrov 1986, Belyaev et al. 1987/. It is        For carrying out of cloud seeding operations
based on artificial initiation of downdrafts in         the n-32 aircraft was equipped by: the device for
convective clouds by releasing powdered agents          dropping the packages with coarse-dispersion
into their tops. As was shown in CAO experiments        powders, means for cloud seeding using dry ice
/Belyaev et al. 1987/, this method has proved           and liquid nitrogen generator GMCHL-A.
sufficiently effective  up to 90% for single-cell          The aircraft of the middle class, 仆-28 (Fig. 2),
isolated air-mass clouds, and 60-65% for frontal        as well as 仆-32, for the first time has been used in
clouds.                                                 works to modify weather conditions over cities in
     The other two methods (third and fourth            2006.
concepts) use weather modification techniques
similar to that employed in the first method aimed
at the dissipation of clouds.
     In both cases it is possible to estimate the
distance of advance seeding relative to the
protected territory so as to prevent undesirable
clouds and precipitation from reaching it.
     The fourth concept of cloud modification aimed
at reducing precipitation over target area consist in
seeding rain-producing cloud systems on the
windward side of protected territory with above-
normal      quantities    of     ice-forming  agent.
Overseeding, i.e. producing ice crystals inside                        Figure 2. Aircraft n-28
clouds in concentrations many times those of
naturally generated ice, brings about a situation an         The charge of fuel of An-28 aircraft is 350
abrupt increase of the number of simultaneously         kg/hour. The weight of useful loading of the plane
growing precipitation particles is accompanied by a     makes 1800 kg that has allowed simultaneously
marked slowdown in their growth and a reduction         with four members of crew, to place onboard of the
of their falling speed. This, in turn, leads to         plane a nitrogen generator and 20 packages with
noticeable temporary reduction of precipitation. In     coarse-dispersion powders.
cloud overseeding operations, the distance of                  Aircraft M-101T "Gzhel" (Fig. 3) is intended for
seeding paths from the borders of the protected         performance of works on cloud seeding. This
territory is chosen so as to be approximately the       aircraft has the low charge of fuel (100 kg/hour).
with on-board kit of this system. In the control center
                                                           the Base kit of this system was installed (Fig. 6).

           Figure 3. Aircraft M-101T "Gzhel"

       The M-101T "Gzhel" aircraft is equipped with
easily removable onboard complex of the measuring
equipment and technical means for cloud seeding.
The means for seeding include the nitrogen
generator of ice particles (Fig. 4) and a system to
                                                                      Figure 6. Data transmission system.
release 256 silver iodide pyrotechnic PV-26 flares
(Fig. 5).                                                       As an example, trajectories of airplanes
                                                           imposed on the radar-tracking image of the top
                                                           clouds are presented on Fig. 7.

    Figure 4. The nitrogen generator of ice particles,
      installed onboard of M-101T "Gzhel" aircraft

                                                             Figure 7. The trajectories of aircrafts imposed on the
                                                                    radar-tracking image of the top cloads.
                                                               Management of works and the control of results
                                                           were carried out with the help of two wavelengths
                                                           MRL-5 meteorological radar, equipped with the
                                                           automated radar system AKSOPRI, installed in
                                                           Moscow (Krylatskoye) and the system MERCOM in
                                                           St. Petersburg.
                                                           4. Results of an improvement of weather
Figure 5. A system for shooting pyrotechnic PV-26 flares       All the methods and technical aids described
                                                           above were employed successfully in the activities
                                                           associated with eliminating the consequences of
     In 2004 information-measuring system, used for
                                                           Chernobyl disaster in 1986, and improving weather
weather modification activities, was complemented
                                                           condition in Moscow (in 1995-2002), Tashkent (in
by data transmission system Land  Aircraft Land
                                                           1994-2002), and Astana (in 1998) /Korneev et al.,
/Petrov, et al., 2007/. This system allows to display
                                                           2003/. Some characteristics and results of an
the locations and flight paths of aircrafts on monitor
                                                           improvement of weather conditions in Moscow and
of the automated radar system, as well as send
                                                           St.Petersburg cities conducted during 2003-2006
aboard the aircrafts radar maps of distribution of
                                                           are presented in Table 1.
cloud and precipitation in region of works. Each
                                                               The seeding effect was monitored using the
aircraft participated in these activities was equipped
                                                           network of four automated radar systems MRL-5
AKSOPRI in Moscow area and radar system MRL-5                      decrease of intensity and amount of precipitation
 MERCOM in St.Petersburg, and raingauge data.                     over the protected territories in comparison with rain
Analysis of these information showed that due to                   fallen upwind and in its nearest surroundings, thus
cloud seeding it was possible: 1) to attain the                    demonstrating the effectiveness of cloud seeding
destruction of stratiform and precipitating convective             operations, conducted in Moscow and St.Petersburg
clouds, or 2) to obtain the considerable, 2-10 times               during 2003-2006.

        Table 1. Characteristics of cloud seeding operations on an improvement of weather conditions
                   over Moscow and St.Petersburg (Russia) conducted during 2003-2006.
                                                     Number                                             Precipitation
                                                         of           Number of flights,
   Event                                  Date                        duration of flights
                                                     aircrafts                                  target area    neighborhood
  Day of the Victory (Moscow)
  2003                                   9 May       10 aircraft      1 flight, 5 h 10 min          no rain         no rain
  2004                                   9 May       10 aircraft     13 flights, 65 h 05 min      to 1-2 mm       to 4-5 mm
  2005                                  7- 9 May     12 aircraft    35 flights, 214 h 08 min     7  no rain    7  to 0.2 mm
                                                                                               8  to 0.2 mm    8  to 2-3 mm
                                                                                                 9  no rain    9  to 1-2 mm
  2006                                    9 May      11 aircraft    14 flights, 80 h 39 min     to 0.5-1 mm       to 3-4 mm
  Day of Russia (Moscow)
  2003                                   12 June     10 aircraft    10 flights, 53 h 51 min         no rain      to 0.5-1 mm
  2004                                   12 June     10 aircraft     1 flight, 8 h 30 min           no rain         no rain
  2005                                   12 June     10 aircraft    14 flights, 80 h 56 min         no rain     to 0.3-0.5 mm
  2006                                   12 June      7 aircraft    9 flights, 48 h 57 min     to 0.3-0.5 mm      to 2-3 mm
  Day of Moscow city
  2003                                   6-7 Sept    10 aircraft    11 flights, 64 h 33 min 6  to 0.3 mm  6  to 2-3 mm
                                                                                              7  no rain   7  no rain
  2004                              4-5 Sept         10 aircraft     5 flights, 31 h 38 min      no rain       no rain
  2005                               4 Sept          10 aircraft     6 flights, 49 h 06 min      no rain       no rain
  2006                               2 Sept          11 aircraft     6 flights, 26 h 07 min      no rain   to 0.2-0.3 mm
  300th anniversary of                30-31           7 aircraft    18 flights, 91 h 57 min 30to 0.5-1 mm 30  to 2 mm
  St.Petersburg, 2003                  May                                                   31 to 0.2 mm 31  to 0.5 mm
  The International tournament on
  athletics Moscow challenge,     20 Sept          10 aircraft     4 flights, 21 h 42 min       no rain       to 0.5-1 mm
  The sixth Moscow festival of
  beer, 2004                         10 July         10 aircraft      1 flight, 5 h 00 min        no rain          no rain
  Day of the Railwayman
  (Moscow), 2006                     6 Aug           8 aircraft      8 flights, 23 h 24 min       no rain         to 2 mm
  Scarlet sails open air festival   23-24
  (St.Petersburg), 2006               June           6 aircraft      6 flights, 45 h 14 min       no rain      to 5-10 mm
  The Summit of The big eight                                                                15  no rain   15  no rain
  (St.Petersburg), 2006               15-17          11 aircraft    20 flights, 138 h 10 min 16  to 4-5 mm 16 to 30-40 mm
                                       July                                                   17  to 0.5 mm 17  to 4-5 mm

                                                                     Union Russian Conference, L., Hydrometeoizdat, 233-
References                                                           238, (in Russian).
Bedritsky A.I. and Chernikov .., 1996: Cloud seeding             Korneev V.P., Petrov V.V., Diadyuchenko V.N.,
  to protect Moscow from rain on 9 May 1995 - WMO                    Stasenko V.N., Beriulev G.P., Koloskov B.P.,
  Bulletin, Vol. 45, No 1, 60-64.                                    Chernikov A.A., 2003: Results of cloud seeding
Belyaev V.P., Zatsepina L.P., Zontov L.B., Petrov V.V.,              operations to modify weather conditions over cities.
  Seregin Yu.A., 1987: Some results of field                         Proc. of Eight WMO Scientific Conference on Wea.
  experiments designed to reduce convective activity of              Mod. (Casablanca, Morocco, 7-12 April 2003),
  multi-tower clouds. - Trudy CAO, issue 164, 3-10, (in              WMO/TD-No.1146, 227-230.
  Russian).                                                        Petrov V.V., 1986: An investigation of the evolution of
Belyaev V.P., Beriulev G.P., Vlasyuk M.P., Danelyan                  horizontal wind field near convective cloud tops
  B.G., Koloskov B.P., Korneev V.P., Melnichuk Yu.V.,                seeded with powders in a coarsely dispersed aerosol.
  Chernikov A.A., 1996: A case study of cloud seeding                -Trudy CAO, issue 162, 49-57, (in Russian).
  over Moscow on 9 May 1995.  Russian Meteorology                 Petrov V., Egorov O., Melnik S. and Skuratov S., 2007:
  and Hydrology, No.5, pp.47-55.                                     Land  Aircraft  Land data transmission system.
Beriulev G.P., Zatsepina L.P., Zontov L.B., Sergeev                  Proc. of 9 WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 22-24
  B.N., Seregin Yu.A., Chernikov .., Kornienko E.E.,               October 2007, Antalia, Turkey.
  Maksimov V.S., Khusid S.V., 1990: An experience of
  artificial regulation of precipitations with the purposes
  of eliminating the consequences of disaster on
  Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Weather Modification
  on hydrometeorological processes. Proc. of the All-

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  • 1. CLOUD SEEDING OPERATIONS TO MODIFY WEATHER CONDITIONS OVER CITIES: 2003-2006 Koloskov, B.P. (1)., Korneev V.P. (1)., Petrov V.V.(1), Beryulev G.P.(2), Danelyan B.G.(2), Chernikov A.A.(2) , Shchukin G.G.(3) (1) Agency of Atmospheric Technologies (Agency ATTEX, ROSHYDROMET) Novovagankovsky per. 8, Moscow, 123242, RUSSIA Tel: +7(095)255-2372; Fax: +7(095)255-2134; e-mail: attech@mail.ru (2) Central Aerological Observatory (CAO) Pervomayskaya 3, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, RUSSIA (3) Research Center for Atmospheric Remote Sensing, St. Petersburg, Russia Abstract Some results of activities on cloud seeding operations to modify weather conditions over Moscow and St.Petersburg (Russia) conducted during 2003-2006 are presented. 18 operational works on improvement of weather conditions were executed during this period. The main purpose of these works was the dissipation of clouds and reduction or stopping of precipitations over the protected cities during the large social, sporting or other special events. Four basic concepts of cloud dissipation and precipitation redistribution were applied to improve the weather conditions depending on a weather conditions, type of clouds and intensity of precipitation processes: 1) dispersion of stratiform clouds; 2) destruction of convective clouds by a dynamic method; 3) premature rainfall initiation windward of the city with the purpose of the formation of a rain shadow (i.e. reduced rain) and 4) intensive seeding of the rain-producing cloud layers with the purpose of overseeding. Up to 12 aircraft, such as Il-18, n-12, An-72, An-30, n-26, An-28, An-32 and M-101 Gzhel, specially equipped with the meteorological equipment, data acquisition systems, Land Aircraft Land data transmission system and means for cloud seeding have been prepared for fulfillment of the works. Liquid nitrogen, granulated carbonic acid (dry ice), meteorological silver iodide cartridges and packages with coarse-dispersion powder were used as reagents for seeding of clouds. Management of works and the control of results were carried out with the help of the automated radar systems MRL-5 AKSOPRI in Moscow and MRL-5 MERCOM in St.Petersburg. 1. Introduction et al. 1996, Korneev et al. 2003/. The main purpose of these activities was the dissipation of In weather modification research in Russia, clouds and reduction or stopping of precipitations special attention was given to the development of over the protected cities. methods and technical means for dissipating clouds of some forms and preventing or 2. Main cloud seeding concepts substantially reducing precipitation amount. The Four basic concepts of cloud dissipation and practical objectives were to change radiation precipitation redistribution are generally used balance and to increase the income of solar depending on a weather conditions, type of clouds radiation, to reduce municipal expenses for snow and intensity of precipitation processes: removal and clearing the roads and streets in large 1. Dissipation of cold stratiform clouds. cities, to create favorable meteorological conditions 2. Prevention or reduction of the intensity of for carrying out social programs, sporting shower rains and thunderstorms by a dynamic competitions or some other situations when the technique. necessity may arise to reduce the rainfall. The first 3. Premature rainfall initiation from cloud experiment on practical application of these systems windward side of the target area with the opportunities was carried out during eliminating the purpose of formation of a rain shadow, i.e. consequences of Chernobyl disaster in 1986 reduction of precipitation over the given site. /Beriulev et al. 1990/. Since 1995 the organizations 4. Reduction of rainfall intensity over the given of ROSHYDROMET conducted more than 30 site by intensive seeding the rain-producing cloud works on improvement of weather conditions in layers moving toward it, aimed at weakening the areas of the large cities Moscow and mechanism of precipitation generation through the St.Petersburg (Russia), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), overseeding of clouds, i.e. creating excessive Astana (Kazakstan) /Bedritsky et al. 1996, Belyaev concentrations of ice crystals.
  • 2. All these methods are based on the unstable same as the distance of a half-hour or one-hour state of atmospheric processes. Of the various wind transport of clouds. types of instability, those with most potential for local modification of precipitation and cloud- 3. Technical means formation processes are the phase stage of cloud water (existence of supercooled liquid water) and The described methods were realized using the convective instability of the atmosphere. specially instrumented aircraft of different types. In The feature that the first and the last two complementation to the Velocity of ascent types, concepts have in common is the use of ice- used in 1995 2002 (Il-18, An-12, An-30, An-26 producing agents and An-72), three new types of aircraft An-28, The first concept was to dissipate stratiform An-32 and M-101T "Gzhel" were used in weather clouds or to reduce precipitation falling from them modification activities in 2003 2006. over the target site. Studies have shown that in An-32 aircraft (Fig. 1) differs from An-26 certain conditions seeding of stratiform clouds with aircraft, used in works to modify weather conditions an ice-forming agent (dry ice or liquefied over cities, of the greater velocity of ascent and the nitrogen) and aerosols (silver iodide) either leads greater carrying capacity, and also higher practical to their dispersal or enhances precipitation from ceiling of flight (more than 9000 m). them over a certain period, followed by a further relative reduction of the intensity and amount of precipitation (rain shadow). Thus, by causing a relative increase in precipitation at an appropriate distance windward from the target area it is possible to ensure that the dispersal or rain shadow zones are located over it. The second concept was to suppress the development of convective clouds using coarse powders. The methods to destroy developing convective clouds, using artificially generated downdrafts, were theoretically justified and Figure 1. Aircraft n-32 thoroughly tested under laboratory and field conditions /Petrov 1986, Belyaev et al. 1987/. It is For carrying out of cloud seeding operations based on artificial initiation of downdrafts in the n-32 aircraft was equipped by: the device for convective clouds by releasing powdered agents dropping the packages with coarse-dispersion into their tops. As was shown in CAO experiments powders, means for cloud seeding using dry ice /Belyaev et al. 1987/, this method has proved and liquid nitrogen generator GMCHL-A. sufficiently effective up to 90% for single-cell The aircraft of the middle class, 仆-28 (Fig. 2), isolated air-mass clouds, and 60-65% for frontal as well as 仆-32, for the first time has been used in clouds. works to modify weather conditions over cities in The other two methods (third and fourth 2006. concepts) use weather modification techniques similar to that employed in the first method aimed at the dissipation of clouds. In both cases it is possible to estimate the distance of advance seeding relative to the protected territory so as to prevent undesirable clouds and precipitation from reaching it. The fourth concept of cloud modification aimed at reducing precipitation over target area consist in seeding rain-producing cloud systems on the windward side of protected territory with above- normal quantities of ice-forming agent. Overseeding, i.e. producing ice crystals inside Figure 2. Aircraft n-28 clouds in concentrations many times those of naturally generated ice, brings about a situation an The charge of fuel of An-28 aircraft is 350 abrupt increase of the number of simultaneously kg/hour. The weight of useful loading of the plane growing precipitation particles is accompanied by a makes 1800 kg that has allowed simultaneously marked slowdown in their growth and a reduction with four members of crew, to place onboard of the of their falling speed. This, in turn, leads to plane a nitrogen generator and 20 packages with noticeable temporary reduction of precipitation. In coarse-dispersion powders. cloud overseeding operations, the distance of Aircraft M-101T "Gzhel" (Fig. 3) is intended for seeding paths from the borders of the protected performance of works on cloud seeding. This territory is chosen so as to be approximately the aircraft has the low charge of fuel (100 kg/hour).
  • 3. with on-board kit of this system. In the control center the Base kit of this system was installed (Fig. 6). Figure 3. Aircraft M-101T "Gzhel" The M-101T "Gzhel" aircraft is equipped with easily removable onboard complex of the measuring equipment and technical means for cloud seeding. The means for seeding include the nitrogen generator of ice particles (Fig. 4) and a system to Figure 6. Data transmission system. release 256 silver iodide pyrotechnic PV-26 flares (Fig. 5). As an example, trajectories of airplanes imposed on the radar-tracking image of the top clouds are presented on Fig. 7. Figure 4. The nitrogen generator of ice particles, installed onboard of M-101T "Gzhel" aircraft Figure 7. The trajectories of aircrafts imposed on the radar-tracking image of the top cloads. Management of works and the control of results were carried out with the help of two wavelengths MRL-5 meteorological radar, equipped with the automated radar system AKSOPRI, installed in Moscow (Krylatskoye) and the system MERCOM in St. Petersburg. 4. Results of an improvement of weather conditions Figure 5. A system for shooting pyrotechnic PV-26 flares All the methods and technical aids described above were employed successfully in the activities associated with eliminating the consequences of In 2004 information-measuring system, used for Chernobyl disaster in 1986, and improving weather weather modification activities, was complemented condition in Moscow (in 1995-2002), Tashkent (in by data transmission system Land Aircraft Land 1994-2002), and Astana (in 1998) /Korneev et al., /Petrov, et al., 2007/. This system allows to display 2003/. Some characteristics and results of an the locations and flight paths of aircrafts on monitor improvement of weather conditions in Moscow and of the automated radar system, as well as send St.Petersburg cities conducted during 2003-2006 aboard the aircrafts radar maps of distribution of are presented in Table 1. cloud and precipitation in region of works. Each The seeding effect was monitored using the aircraft participated in these activities was equipped network of four automated radar systems MRL-5
  • 4. AKSOPRI in Moscow area and radar system MRL-5 decrease of intensity and amount of precipitation MERCOM in St.Petersburg, and raingauge data. over the protected territories in comparison with rain Analysis of these information showed that due to fallen upwind and in its nearest surroundings, thus cloud seeding it was possible: 1) to attain the demonstrating the effectiveness of cloud seeding destruction of stratiform and precipitating convective operations, conducted in Moscow and St.Petersburg clouds, or 2) to obtain the considerable, 2-10 times during 2003-2006. Table 1. Characteristics of cloud seeding operations on an improvement of weather conditions over Moscow and St.Petersburg (Russia) conducted during 2003-2006. Number Precipitation of Number of flights, Event Date duration of flights aircrafts target area neighborhood Day of the Victory (Moscow) 2003 9 May 10 aircraft 1 flight, 5 h 10 min no rain no rain 2004 9 May 10 aircraft 13 flights, 65 h 05 min to 1-2 mm to 4-5 mm 2005 7- 9 May 12 aircraft 35 flights, 214 h 08 min 7 no rain 7 to 0.2 mm 8 to 0.2 mm 8 to 2-3 mm 9 no rain 9 to 1-2 mm 2006 9 May 11 aircraft 14 flights, 80 h 39 min to 0.5-1 mm to 3-4 mm Day of Russia (Moscow) 2003 12 June 10 aircraft 10 flights, 53 h 51 min no rain to 0.5-1 mm 2004 12 June 10 aircraft 1 flight, 8 h 30 min no rain no rain 2005 12 June 10 aircraft 14 flights, 80 h 56 min no rain to 0.3-0.5 mm 2006 12 June 7 aircraft 9 flights, 48 h 57 min to 0.3-0.5 mm to 2-3 mm Day of Moscow city 2003 6-7 Sept 10 aircraft 11 flights, 64 h 33 min 6 to 0.3 mm 6 to 2-3 mm 7 no rain 7 no rain 2004 4-5 Sept 10 aircraft 5 flights, 31 h 38 min no rain no rain 2005 4 Sept 10 aircraft 6 flights, 49 h 06 min no rain no rain 2006 2 Sept 11 aircraft 6 flights, 26 h 07 min no rain to 0.2-0.3 mm 300th anniversary of 30-31 7 aircraft 18 flights, 91 h 57 min 30to 0.5-1 mm 30 to 2 mm St.Petersburg, 2003 May 31 to 0.2 mm 31 to 0.5 mm The International tournament on athletics Moscow challenge, 20 Sept 10 aircraft 4 flights, 21 h 42 min no rain to 0.5-1 mm 2003 The sixth Moscow festival of beer, 2004 10 July 10 aircraft 1 flight, 5 h 00 min no rain no rain Day of the Railwayman (Moscow), 2006 6 Aug 8 aircraft 8 flights, 23 h 24 min no rain to 2 mm Scarlet sails open air festival 23-24 (St.Petersburg), 2006 June 6 aircraft 6 flights, 45 h 14 min no rain to 5-10 mm The Summit of The big eight 15 no rain 15 no rain (St.Petersburg), 2006 15-17 11 aircraft 20 flights, 138 h 10 min 16 to 4-5 mm 16 to 30-40 mm July 17 to 0.5 mm 17 to 4-5 mm Union Russian Conference, L., Hydrometeoizdat, 233- References 238, (in Russian). Bedritsky A.I. and Chernikov .., 1996: Cloud seeding Korneev V.P., Petrov V.V., Diadyuchenko V.N., to protect Moscow from rain on 9 May 1995 - WMO Stasenko V.N., Beriulev G.P., Koloskov B.P., Bulletin, Vol. 45, No 1, 60-64. Chernikov A.A., 2003: Results of cloud seeding Belyaev V.P., Zatsepina L.P., Zontov L.B., Petrov V.V., operations to modify weather conditions over cities. Seregin Yu.A., 1987: Some results of field Proc. of Eight WMO Scientific Conference on Wea. experiments designed to reduce convective activity of Mod. (Casablanca, Morocco, 7-12 April 2003), multi-tower clouds. - Trudy CAO, issue 164, 3-10, (in WMO/TD-No.1146, 227-230. Russian). Petrov V.V., 1986: An investigation of the evolution of Belyaev V.P., Beriulev G.P., Vlasyuk M.P., Danelyan horizontal wind field near convective cloud tops B.G., Koloskov B.P., Korneev V.P., Melnichuk Yu.V., seeded with powders in a coarsely dispersed aerosol. Chernikov A.A., 1996: A case study of cloud seeding -Trudy CAO, issue 162, 49-57, (in Russian). over Moscow on 9 May 1995. Russian Meteorology Petrov V., Egorov O., Melnik S. and Skuratov S., 2007: and Hydrology, No.5, pp.47-55. Land Aircraft Land data transmission system. th Beriulev G.P., Zatsepina L.P., Zontov L.B., Sergeev Proc. of 9 WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 22-24 B.N., Seregin Yu.A., Chernikov .., Kornienko E.E., October 2007, Antalia, Turkey. Maksimov V.S., Khusid S.V., 1990: An experience of artificial regulation of precipitations with the purposes of eliminating the consequences of disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Weather Modification on hydrometeorological processes. Proc. of the All-