Konstantin Vladimirovich Botalov is a first-year postgraduate student and director of a software development company. The subject of his thesis is "Target Effect Assessment Methods of Agile Management in Knowledge Intensive Information Systems Development under Limited Resources." The aim of the research is to develop methodological guidelines for evaluating and inspecting the target effects of managing innovative software development processes using agile management methods and practices. The research is supervised by Elena Valerievna Brayilo, associate professor.
3. Personal Data (1)
Konstantin Vladimirovich Botalov
First-year postgraduate student of SSU
Present position: director of a software
development company
4. Personal Data (2)
Some of main responsibilities
(as a director):
Overall running of the business
Overseeing all the aspects of the
companys activities
Dealing with clients and partners
5. The subject of the thesis
Target Effect Assessment Methods
of Agile Management in Knowledge
Intensive Information Systems
Development under Limited
6. The aim of the research
The development of scientifically
based practical and
methodological guidelines on
target effect evaluation and
inspection in managing innovative
processes of software
development based on a close
study of methods and practices of
agile management
7. The topicality
of the research (1)
The methods of management in this
area become more and more urgent in
connection with development of
information technologies
The traditional project management
methods are based on principles that
interfere with its effective application
in managing innovations
8. The topicality
of the research (2)
We need to develop some new
approaches and methods for
managing innovative projects
One of the new tendencies in the
field is the development of agile