HangibasbakanmillitrkAskerlik yan gelip yatma yeri değildir,
Anfiteatro de méridaEmilio Gil (unjubilado)El documento describe el anfiteatro romano de Mérida, España. Incluye detalles sobre las gradas, la arena central, y los diferentes tipos de gladiadores y juegos que tenían lugar allí. El anfiteatro se construyó durante el mandato de Augusto y servía para entretener a la población con combates y espectáculos.
Engage Your Customers or DieAdvocacy SocialA presentation done for the Charlotte AMA talking about the opportunities and challenges that face marketers when it comes to online marketing and reputation/brand monitoring.
Blogging 101Katie ChristoThis is my Blogging 101 Presentation that I use during my training. Training blurb: Come learn how to setup your own personal blog. A blog can be used in many ways personally (1) It is a great way for friends and family to follow your adventures! and (2) It can also be used as your own personal web presence (website) where you store your resume and write up your work experiences. Participants will be shown a variety of examples and can get started with their own blog!
PolygonspotcThis document discusses different types of polygons, including regular polygons which have equal side lengths and equal angles, and irregular polygons which do not have equal sides or angles. It provides examples of regular polygons up to ten sides and notes that circles are not polygons since they do not have straight lines.
Spectrum use summary_master-06212010foskThe document summarizes federal spectrum usage between 30 MHz and 3000 GHz. It provides details on spectrum allocated to federal agencies such as the military, FAA, Department of Justice, and National Science Foundation. For each frequency band, it lists the federal and non-federal allocations and describes the primary federal uses, including tactical communications, air support, command and control, land mobile radio, radio astronomy research, and meteor burst communications. The purpose is to inform the public about spectrum used by federal agencies for operations including national defense, transportation, law enforcement, land management, and science.
E-portfolio values (ppt)Simon GrantPowerpoint version of talk given by Simon Grant to the ePortfolio 2009 conference, City University, London, June 24th
Bài giảng tối 14.9.2010 - P1Pham Ngoc QuangNội dung cơ bản của luat kế toán và các văn bản hướng dẫn thực hiện luật kế toán
Morir Por La PielEmilio Gil (unjubilado)El documento es una súplica de ayuda para detener el asesinato y masacre de un grupo no especificado. Pide ayuda urgentemente al lector, afirmando que el grupo no puede defenderse y que están siendo asesinados en ese momento. También cuestiona cómo puede ser un deporte el matar a otros que viven pacíficamente.
Iglesia memorial kaiser wilhelmEmilio Gil (unjubilado)La Iglesia Memorial Kaiser Wilhelm en Berlín fue construida en 1900 en honor al emperador Guillermo I pero no adquirió importancia hasta que fue destruida por bombas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A pesar de los daños, la iglesia podía ser reparada tras la guerra pero fuerzas de ocupación destruyeron gran parte de lo que quedaba en pie, dejando solo una pequeña parte. La iglesia ahora sirve como memorial de la destrucción causada por la guerra.
Education IPTVLatte MediaThis document discusses how IPTV and network marketing can be used together for education and earning money. It describes how IPTV provides on-demand language and skills courses, interactive learning tools, and a way to create and share your own "how-to" videos, audio, and texts. People can make money by selling access to these educational resources on the IPTV network and recruiting others to do the same. Contact information is provided for a company that can help set up such an IPTV-based educational and multi-level marketing system.
Email Marketing That WorksJosue SierraLearn a high level basic overview to get you starting using email marketing like a pro. This is a non-technical view into email marketing as a tactic, and provides 2 email service provider recommendations, and a step by step process to getting started.
Leap2A for e-portfolio portabilitySimon GrantThe document discusses Leap2A, a specification for representing e-portfolio information in a common format to allow portability between different portfolio systems. Leap2A was developed through direct involvement of portfolio developers to balance reusability with retaining useful detail. It models a portfolio as a blog-like collection of items that can be categorized, related to other items and resources, and tagged in various ways to maximize the range of learner-owned information that can be transferred between portfolio tools and practices.
Drivhuskonferansen Juni2009Oyvind SolstadMin presentasjon på Drivhuskonferansen 2009.
Castles splendoursEmilio Gil (unjubilado)El documento habla sobre la música de Johann Strauss, mencionando específicamente la pieza musical "Radetzky Marsch".
California Indians Past & Present-Finalmart3907This document provides an overview of California Indian tribes and their ways of life. It describes the various tribal groups in Northern, South-Central, and Southern California. It then summarizes aspects of California Indian life like housing, food, art, customs, beliefs, and the passing down of history through folklore and rock art. Finally, it notes that while some California Indians still live on tribal lands or in traditional ways, most now live in cities like other Americans, but are keeping their customs alive.
The BarCode-Controllers projectdesordenylaesperanzaThis document outlines a project to improve various processes through the use of barcode controllers and scanning equipment. The project goals were to improve reporting, balance automation with goods deliveries, enhance raw materials management, and integrate with ERP systems while enhancing traceability. The solution involved scalable, tailored, affordable, and user-friendly barcode controllers to provide a single point of reference using lot numbers to track goods throughout the supply chain from suppliers to customers and quality control.
NCE Tourism BergenOyvind SolstadPresentation for NCE Tourism conference "Fjord 2.0" in Bergen, November 2009.
For more information, see http://oyvindsolstad.com or call me at 00 47 97 11 12 13.
Information Overload: Tools for Interactive CommunicationsAdvocacy SocialThis document discusses the rise of social media and interactive online communications. It notes that people are connecting through various media like blogs, social networks, wikis and more. Both individuals and companies need to listen to online conversations, identify influencers, and engage transparently in discussions. Social media gives people a voice and companies must embrace this change rather than try to control the conversation. The key is understanding where your target audience interacts online and creating messages that resonate on the appropriate platforms.
Quyet-toan-thue-2010-Ke-khai-thue-qua-mangPham Ngoc QuangBài trình bày của Bà Nguyễn Thị Cúc trong buổi hội thảo Quyết toán Thuế 2010 và Kê khai Thuế qua mạng.
Hội thảo được tài trợ 100% bởi Tập đoàn Viễn Thông Quân đội Viettel và Cty cp SiS Việt Nam
Being connected is the new rock'n rollOyvind SolstadThis document discusses how being connected through social media and the internet is becoming increasingly important. It touches on various social networking platforms and trends, including the ongoing popularity of Facebook and how Twitter is being used to share real-time updates. The document also examines new forms of online communication like "eventcasting" and "lifestreams" that allow users to broadcast and follow updates from others.
Cases for IPTVLatte MediaThe document describes several potential IPTV services including food delivery and cooking assistance, interactive educational programming for children, digital greeting cards and gifts, and tools for remote job searching, interviews, and training to help people find employment from anywhere. It outlines the services, target industries, and basic project structure for each potential service.
IFI7052 Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoeng Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7052 Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud, 6. september 2014
Spectrum use summary_master-06212010foskThe document summarizes federal spectrum usage between 30 MHz and 3000 GHz. It provides details on spectrum allocated to federal agencies such as the military, FAA, Department of Justice, and National Science Foundation. For each frequency band, it lists the federal and non-federal allocations and describes the primary federal uses, including tactical communications, air support, command and control, land mobile radio, radio astronomy research, and meteor burst communications. The purpose is to inform the public about spectrum used by federal agencies for operations including national defense, transportation, law enforcement, land management, and science.
E-portfolio values (ppt)Simon GrantPowerpoint version of talk given by Simon Grant to the ePortfolio 2009 conference, City University, London, June 24th
Bài giảng tối 14.9.2010 - P1Pham Ngoc QuangNội dung cơ bản của luat kế toán và các văn bản hướng dẫn thực hiện luật kế toán
Morir Por La PielEmilio Gil (unjubilado)El documento es una súplica de ayuda para detener el asesinato y masacre de un grupo no especificado. Pide ayuda urgentemente al lector, afirmando que el grupo no puede defenderse y que están siendo asesinados en ese momento. También cuestiona cómo puede ser un deporte el matar a otros que viven pacíficamente.
Iglesia memorial kaiser wilhelmEmilio Gil (unjubilado)La Iglesia Memorial Kaiser Wilhelm en Berlín fue construida en 1900 en honor al emperador Guillermo I pero no adquirió importancia hasta que fue destruida por bombas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A pesar de los daños, la iglesia podía ser reparada tras la guerra pero fuerzas de ocupación destruyeron gran parte de lo que quedaba en pie, dejando solo una pequeña parte. La iglesia ahora sirve como memorial de la destrucción causada por la guerra.
Education IPTVLatte MediaThis document discusses how IPTV and network marketing can be used together for education and earning money. It describes how IPTV provides on-demand language and skills courses, interactive learning tools, and a way to create and share your own "how-to" videos, audio, and texts. People can make money by selling access to these educational resources on the IPTV network and recruiting others to do the same. Contact information is provided for a company that can help set up such an IPTV-based educational and multi-level marketing system.
Email Marketing That WorksJosue SierraLearn a high level basic overview to get you starting using email marketing like a pro. This is a non-technical view into email marketing as a tactic, and provides 2 email service provider recommendations, and a step by step process to getting started.
Leap2A for e-portfolio portabilitySimon GrantThe document discusses Leap2A, a specification for representing e-portfolio information in a common format to allow portability between different portfolio systems. Leap2A was developed through direct involvement of portfolio developers to balance reusability with retaining useful detail. It models a portfolio as a blog-like collection of items that can be categorized, related to other items and resources, and tagged in various ways to maximize the range of learner-owned information that can be transferred between portfolio tools and practices.
Drivhuskonferansen Juni2009Oyvind SolstadMin presentasjon på Drivhuskonferansen 2009.
Castles splendoursEmilio Gil (unjubilado)El documento habla sobre la música de Johann Strauss, mencionando específicamente la pieza musical "Radetzky Marsch".
California Indians Past & Present-Finalmart3907This document provides an overview of California Indian tribes and their ways of life. It describes the various tribal groups in Northern, South-Central, and Southern California. It then summarizes aspects of California Indian life like housing, food, art, customs, beliefs, and the passing down of history through folklore and rock art. Finally, it notes that while some California Indians still live on tribal lands or in traditional ways, most now live in cities like other Americans, but are keeping their customs alive.
The BarCode-Controllers projectdesordenylaesperanzaThis document outlines a project to improve various processes through the use of barcode controllers and scanning equipment. The project goals were to improve reporting, balance automation with goods deliveries, enhance raw materials management, and integrate with ERP systems while enhancing traceability. The solution involved scalable, tailored, affordable, and user-friendly barcode controllers to provide a single point of reference using lot numbers to track goods throughout the supply chain from suppliers to customers and quality control.
NCE Tourism BergenOyvind SolstadPresentation for NCE Tourism conference "Fjord 2.0" in Bergen, November 2009.
For more information, see http://oyvindsolstad.com or call me at 00 47 97 11 12 13.
Information Overload: Tools for Interactive CommunicationsAdvocacy SocialThis document discusses the rise of social media and interactive online communications. It notes that people are connecting through various media like blogs, social networks, wikis and more. Both individuals and companies need to listen to online conversations, identify influencers, and engage transparently in discussions. Social media gives people a voice and companies must embrace this change rather than try to control the conversation. The key is understanding where your target audience interacts online and creating messages that resonate on the appropriate platforms.
Quyet-toan-thue-2010-Ke-khai-thue-qua-mangPham Ngoc QuangBài trình bày của Bà Nguyễn Thị Cúc trong buổi hội thảo Quyết toán Thuế 2010 và Kê khai Thuế qua mạng.
Hội thảo được tài trợ 100% bởi Tập đoàn Viễn Thông Quân đội Viettel và Cty cp SiS Việt Nam
Being connected is the new rock'n rollOyvind SolstadThis document discusses how being connected through social media and the internet is becoming increasingly important. It touches on various social networking platforms and trends, including the ongoing popularity of Facebook and how Twitter is being used to share real-time updates. The document also examines new forms of online communication like "eventcasting" and "lifestreams" that allow users to broadcast and follow updates from others.
Cases for IPTVLatte MediaThe document describes several potential IPTV services including food delivery and cooking assistance, interactive educational programming for children, digital greeting cards and gifts, and tools for remote job searching, interviews, and training to help people find employment from anywhere. It outlines the services, target industries, and basic project structure for each potential service.
IFI7052 Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoeng Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7052 Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud, 6. september 2014
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid kursusel Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate instituudi kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud, 9. september 2017.
IFI7052.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7052.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja õpivõrgustikud. 6. september 2015, Tallinn.
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud, 8. september 2019.
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud, 8. september 2018.
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud, 6. september 2020.
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud: Sissejuhatus kursusesseHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud, 11. september 2021.
Haridustehnoloogia rakendamine õppeprotsessisHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli kursusel KAT7032.HR Arengu ja õppimise toetamine, 17. november 2016.
IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikudHans PõldojaLoenguslaidid Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursusel IFI7208.DT Õ辱DzԲԲ ja -võrgustikud. 10. september 2016
Kak6003terje1This document discusses learning environments and personal learning environments. It defines an environment as the context in which learning takes place, including physical and virtual spaces. A learning environment can be created by an instructor or emerge from a learner-driven process. The concept of a personal learning environment (PLE) emphasizes giving learners control over their tools, resources, and learning experiences. PLEs integrate formal and informal learning across contexts and remove barriers between different technologies and services. While PLEs involve technology, the focus is on how technology shapes learning and social structures rather than just being a tool. The document provides a template for creating a personal learning contract to structure self-directed learning activities and resources.
4. Kuidas saada arvestus?
• Arvestuse saamiseks peab osalema kõikidel
ajaveebiseminaridel õigeaegselt
• Grupitööna valminud õpikeskkonna teemaga seotud
lühivideo koostamine ning selle tutvustamine kontaktpäeval
5. Ajaveebiseminaride postitused loetakse
• kui kursusel osaleja on julgenud postitada oma töö avalikku
keskkonda tundmata piinlikkust ja häbi oma töö üle;
• kui postitused sisaldavad analüütilist ja reflekteerivat
• kui postitused on vastavuses antud nädala teemaga ning
vastavad ülesandes esitatud küsimustele;
• kui postitused sisaldavad üliõpilase originaalseid ideid;
• kui postitused demonstreerivad lugemismaterjalidest
• kui postitustes sisalduvad viited teadusartiklitele on
korrektselt vormistatud (soovitavalt APA6 viitamissüsteemi
6. Rühmatöö
• Rühmatööna tuleb koostada lühivideo õpikeskkonna teemal
ning tutvustada seda viimases seminaris
• Rühmatöö mahuks on arvestatud 20 tundi iga rühma liikme
• 3-4 liikmelised rühmad
• Video pikkus max. 3 minutit
7. Diskuteerime...
• õpikeskkonnad, õppekeskkonnad, õpihaldussüsteemid, e-
õppekeskkonnad, virtuaalne keskkond...
• kumb on “suurem” mõiste õpihaldussüsteem või
8. Diskuteerime...
• mäng kui õpikeskkond?
• aga oleks ju väga mõnus, kui saaks eKooli luua ka ekursusi,
kus ka õppijad saavad ka oma artikleid, faile avaldada ja
tagasisidet anda ja muid tegevusi teha, mis tavalises eõppe
keskkonnas saab teha? Õpilased kasutajatena on ju seal juba
olemas? Kas sellisel ideel on jumet või ajan jama?
9. Diskuteerime...
• Tony Batesi (2012) sõnul peavad õpetajad ja õppijad oluliseks
seda, et õpiprotsess toimuks ühes kindlas süsteemis ja ÕHS
peakski seda võimaldama...
• “E-õppekeskkonna loomisel peab arvestama eesmärgiga,
milleni tahetakse jõuda, kasutades erinevaid võimalusi õppija
kaasamiseks õppeprotsessi...”
• Kas eesmärgid on alati ühesugused, et saaks kasutada ühte
10. Diskuteerime...
• kas peaksime liikuma õpihaldussüsteemidest välja?
• kas õpihaldussüsteemil on tulevikku?
11. Diskuteerime...
• “Juhul kui tuleb valida enda kooli LMS, peaks tõepoolest
maha istuma ning arutama, mis on koolile kõige kasulikum ja
• Kui võtta LMS, mis on min. funktsioonidega, võib juhtuda, et
peagi on vaja süsteemi täiendust...”
• Kuidas ette teada, et neid ja neid funktsioone hakatakse
kasutama kui enne pole suurem osa õpetajaid üldse seda