2. The sellers /vendors
The water vendor / 僚竜凌了略
The milkman / 粒留了留略
The ice cream vendor
All these jobs have been disappeared.
里留 留留略僚 竜留粒粒劉了亮留留 劉凌僚
旅 了留僚隆旅凌旅 了侶劉
3. Spyros Louis the Olympic
marathon race winner 1896
was a water vendor and
later a cart driver
4. The cart driver
is a person who drives a cart with
two or four wheels pulled by one or
a pair of donkeys, mules or horses.
Their job was to transport people
and goods.
Today this job has been disappeared
because people use cars, taxi and
虜留凌劉侶 流 留亮留両略
亮竜劉竜竜 留僚慮マ凌 虜留旅 留粒留慮略 亮竜 凌 虜略凌 凌.
里凌 虜略凌 竜溜竜 隆凌 流 劉竜旅 隆竜 虜留旅 凌
留硫凌竜 劉僚留 粒略旅隆留凌 流 劉僚留 略了凌粒凌. 離流留僚
虜留凌劉侶隆竜 凌 凌 虜略凌 凌 劉隆竜僚留僚
竜旅竜留 留 劉僚留 粒略旅隆留凌, 亮凌了略旅 流 略了凌粒凌
留僚略了凌粒留 亮竜 凌 硫略凌 凌 劉竜竜 僚留 虜凌硫留了流竜旅
虜留旅 侶僚 留留侶 凌 劉竜竜 僚留 虜略僚竜旅.
裡流亮竜留 留 凌 竜略粒粒竜了亮留 劉竜旅 竜両留留僚旅竜溜
粒旅留溜 凌旅 略僚慮凌旅 侶旅亮凌凌旅凌僚 留凌虜溜僚侶留,
留両溜 虜留旅 凌侶粒略.
5. In the end of the 19th AD in Athens
a cart driver at the cart station.
8. The hackney carriage was the taxi in the past
略亮留両留, 凌留 流 留僚旅 流留僚 凌 留両溜 凌 留竜了慮僚凌.
9. Today the hackney carriage is used
for romantic short trips, sightseeing
and weddings.
裡流亮竜留 侶 略亮留両留 侶旅亮凌凌旅竜溜留旅 粒旅留
凌亮留僚旅虜劉 硫了竜 竜 凌旅旅虜劉
了竜旅 虜留旅 粒略亮凌.
11. 虜留凌凌旅
is a very skilled in hands person
who makes or fixes carts and
carriages. At present this job is
almost disappeared because very
few people use horse-drawn carts
or carriages.
The cart / carriage maker
旅略僚竜旅 流 隆旅凌慮ホ塾砧 虜略留 虜留旅 略亮留両竜. 溜僚留旅 凌了 竜旅隆劉両旅凌
留 劉旅留. 隆凌了竜旅略 留流 旅 亮劉竜 亮留 劉竜旅 竜隆僚
竜両留留僚旅竜溜 粒旅留溜 凌了 了溜粒凌旅 略僚慮凌旅 竜旅略龍凌僚留旅 流
侶旅亮凌凌旅凌僚 虜略凌 流 略亮留両留.
17. The miller - 亮了僚略
was a person who owned or was in
charge of a mill. His job was to
grind wheat, barley, corn, sesame
into flour or to make the seeds
into smaller pieces by pressing
them between large millstones.
Today this job is almost been
disappeared. Some mills have been
transformed to hotels or are
protected by the State as historic
monuments but the most mills in
Lemnos are in ruins.
竜溜竜 劉僚留僚 亮了凌 流 留了略 隆凌了竜竜 竜 劉僚留僚 亮了凌. 了竜慮竜 旅略旅, 虜旅慮略旅,
虜留了留亮虜旅 流 凌略亮旅 旅劉龍凌僚留 凌 凌 侶 亮了竜留 虜留旅
劉旅留僚竜 留了竜旅 流 留 劉留龍竜 竜 亮旅虜竜凌 亮劉粒竜慮凌 (了旅粒凌旅).
裡流亮竜留, 侶 流亮僚凌 凌 竜略粒粒竜了亮留 留 劉竜旅 竜両留留僚旅竜溜 虜留旅 凌旅 亮了凌旅
亮竜留劉凌僚留旅 竜 竜竜溜旅留. 竜旅虜凌溜 亮了凌旅 亮 劉凌僚 竜旅虜竜留竜溜 虜留旅
留凌竜了凌僚 旅凌旅虜略 亮僚侶亮竜溜留 凌 凌 流 了竜旅凌粒凌僚 両竜僚凌隆凌竜溜留.
21. The mills today 旅 亮了凌旅 流亮竜留
22. The windmills are very beautiful and interesting stone built buildings.
旅 留僚竜亮亮了凌旅 竜溜僚留旅 凌了 亮凌留 虜留旅
竜僚隆旅留劉凌僚留 劉旅僚留 虜溜亮留留
23. The windmills are cylindrical buildings
with a conical roof and a vertical
wooden wheel with triangular sails
that are turned by the wind in
order to produce power.
旅 留僚竜亮亮了凌旅 竜溜僚留旅 虜了旅僚隆旅虜略
虜溜亮留留 亮竜 虜僚旅虜流 凌凌流 虜留旅
両了旅僚侶 竜流 亮竜 旅粒僚旅虜略
留僚旅略 凌 粒溜龍凌僚 亮竜 凌僚
留劉留 虜留旅 留略粒凌僚 竜僚劉粒竜旅留.
24. The windmills are impressive architectural
monuments and part of the Greek history.
They are.among the most beautiful
buildings that a visitor must see.
旅 留僚竜亮亮了凌旅 留凌竜了凌僚 竜僚旅留虜略
留旅竜虜凌僚旅虜略 亮僚侶亮竜溜留 凌 虜略慮竜 凌
虜留旅 侶 旅凌溜留 侶 マ留 亮留 凌
留両溜龍竜旅 僚留 竜旅虜竜竜溜 虜略凌旅凌.
25. The windmills of the village Kontias, Lemnos are aged back to 1880.
Since 2000 have been restored and are protected by the Ministry of
Culture as important monuments of local architecture.
旅 留僚竜亮亮了凌旅 凌 凌僚旅略 凌僚凌了凌粒凌僚留旅 旅僚 凌 1880.
凌竜了凌僚 旅凌旅虜略 隆旅留侶侶劉留 亮僚侶亮竜溜留 留 凌 2000.
凌虜留留略慮侶虜留僚 虜留旅 凌留竜凌僚留旅 留 凌 離凌粒竜溜凌
凌了旅旅亮凌 凌隆留溜留 隆竜溜粒亮留留 凌旅虜流 留旅竜虜凌僚旅虜流.
26. Since summer 2013 the windmills in the village Kontias,
Lemnos have been renovated into accommodation.
旅 留僚留虜留旅僚旅亮劉僚凌旅 亮了凌旅 凌僚 凌僚旅略 了竜旅凌粒凌僚
虜留留了亮留留 留 凌 虜留了凌虜留溜旅 凌 2013
28. The shoe shiner
is a person who brushes and polishes
shoes and boots with fast and skillful
hand movements using a piece of
cloth and shoe polish.
This job was in the past, today it
has been disappeared.
He was working on streets carrying
his tools in a wooden or metallic box.
粒旅龍竜 凌 隆亮凌 虜凌硫留了ホ熟留 劉僚留 虜留竜了略虜旅 亮竜 硫凌竜, 留僚旅略 虜留旅 亮凌粒旅劉 粒旅留
留凌旅留. 留慮略旅龍竜 虜留旅 粒略了旅龍竜 留 留凌旅留 僚 竜留旅虜ホ 侶旅亮凌凌旅ホ熟留 旅
硫凌竜 虜留旅 留 留僚旅略 亮竜 凌了 竜旅隆劉両旅竜 虜旅僚流竜旅 溜 僚留 了竜ホ塾砧 留 凌留 僚
竜了留ホ 凌.
35. 留僚留劉竜旅 亮劉了旅竜 亮劉留 竜 両了旅僚留 虜凌旅略 (虜劉了竜) 粒旅留 僚留 略竜旅 亮劉了旅, 粒侶, 硫留旅了旅虜
凌了, 凌了侶 虜留旅 虜侶流慮留. 留龍竜竜旅 留 凌僚留 僚 亮竜了旅ホ 留 旅 虜劉了竜 亮竜
侶 硫凌流慮竜旅留 凌 虜留僚凌 凌ホ熟留 亮溜留 凌了流 粒旅留 凌留溜留. 里留 竜了竜留溜留 僚旅留 了凌
虜留旅 竜旅竜凌旅 略僚慮凌旅 留凌了凌僚留旅 亮竜 侶 亮竜了旅凌虜凌亮溜留.
keeps honey bees into wooden boxes
(beehives) in order to take honey,
pollen, royal jelly, propolis and
beeswax. The beekeeper collects
the products of the bees from the
beehives by a smoker wearing a
uniform for protection.
The last years more people are
interested in beekeeping.
The beekeeper - 亮竜了旅凌虜亮凌
60. The shepherd /goatherd /livestock farmer
is a person who takes care of
sheep or goats and moves the
herds from one place to
another in the countryside
for grazing or feeds them
into a corral for their milk,
meat, wool and skin.
From the past until now in
Lemnos, the livestock farmer
is named Kechagias.
凌僚溜龍竜旅 虜留旅 硫虜竜旅 硫留留, 粒溜隆旅留 侶僚 留旅慮凌 流 留 留龍竜旅 竜
竜旅留粒亮劉僚凌 マ凌 凌 了劉粒竜留旅 亮留僚溜 (流 亮略僚留), 略僚侶 流 凌粒虜留 粒旅留 凌
粒略了留, 凌 亮留了了溜, 凌 虜劉留 虜留旅 凌 隆劉亮留 凌.
凌了 留了旅略 亮劉旅 虜留旅 流亮竜留 侶 流亮僚凌 凌 留粒侶 凌 虜留劉竜旅 虜留旅 龍ホ
凌僚凌亮略龍竜留旅 竜留粒旅略.
凌略僚凌 流 凌略僚侶, 粒旅隆凌硫凌虜 / 虜侶僚凌凌
75. 粒虜了溜留 留了旅略 亮硫了旅龍竜 侶僚
凌旅虜凌僚凌亮旅虜流 虜留旅 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流
虜留略留侶 凌 虜留凌 侶.
旅 竜了旅粒虜略隆竜 虜留凌留僚
虜留了旅亮劉僚竜, 隆旅留虜凌亮侶亮劉僚竜 亮竜
ホ捨穎留 流 竜略隆旅留 粒虜了溜竜.
In the past the shepherds crook symbolised the owners
economical and social status. The richest were holding
crooks carved from wood, painted or decorated with
78. The handmade bells for the sheep/goats
A section of the Greek traditional metalworking.
里留 竜旅凌凌溜侶留 虜凌隆凌僚旅留 僚 凌硫略僚/粒旅隆旅ホ, 劉粒留 僚 虜凌隆凌僚略隆僚.
凌竜了凌僚 亮劉凌 侶 竜了了侶僚旅虜流 留留隆凌旅留虜流 亮竜留了了凌竜僚溜留.
79. The handmade bells for the
sheep, goats are made by skilful
artisan metalworkers
里留 竜旅凌凌溜侶留 虜凌隆凌僚旅留 僚
凌硫略僚, 粒旅隆旅ホ 旅略僚凌僚留旅 留
竜旅隆劉両旅凌 竜亮竜旅凌劉僚竜
留了虜凌粒凌, 凌 虜隆僚凌凌旅凌
流 虜凌隆凌僚略隆竜.
80. 劉亮留留 虜留旅 虜凌隆凌僚旅留
凌硫略僚/虜留旅虜旅ホ 侶旅亮凌凌旅凌僚留旅
竜 留留隆凌旅留虜劉 粒旅凌劉 侶 凌虜旅略
虜留旅 僚 陸マ僚.
The fleece and the bells of the sheep/goats
used during traditional celebrations before
Lent and on Epiphany Day.
83. The askavlos (or gaida, tsambuna, touloum) is a Greek traditional wind
musical instrument (bagpipe) made from a sheepskin or goatskin and two
or three pipes from animal horns, bones or hard wooden pieces.
略虜留了凌 (流 粒虜略旅僚留, 留亮凌僚留, 凌了凌亮, 留虜凌亮留僚凌留) 竜溜僚留旅 劉僚留
留留隆凌旅留虜 僚竜 亮凌旅虜 粒留僚凌 凌 旅略僚竜留旅 留 劉僚留 凌亮略旅 凌硫略凌
流 虜留旅虜旅凌 (留虜) 亮竜 隆凌 流 竜旅 竜. 裡竜 虜略慮竜 留 亮留溜僚竜旅 劉僚留 留了. 旅
留了凌溜 旅略僚凌僚留旅 留 虜劉留留 虜留旅 虜虜留了留 龍マ僚 流 留 虜了侶 両了凌 (両略旅, 竜了旅略)
84. Every region of Greece has its own traditional rhythms, dances
and songs referring to the lonely, poor, difficult life of the
shepherd /goatherd as well as their daily activities and
celebrations. In Lemnos, we have the song and dance of
kechagias that is played with lyra (1), lute (2), recorder (4) and
toubeleki (3). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1VJXdhjLcw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om_l5z5BrD4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ5P2v4On2A
略慮竜 凌 劉竜旅 凌 隆旅虜凌 凌 留留隆凌旅留虜凌 慮亮凌, 凌凌 虜留旅 留粒凌隆旅留 凌
留僚留劉凌僚留旅 侶 亮凌僚留旅虜流, 流, 隆虜凌了侶 龍流 僚 凌亮略僚侶隆僚 虜留慮マ 虜留旅 旅
虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚劉 隆留侶旅侶竜 虜留旅 粒旅凌劉 凌.
裡侶 流亮僚凌 劉凌亮竜 凌 留粒凌隆旅 虜留旅 凌 凌 凌 竜留粒旅略 凌 留溜龍竜留旅 亮竜 了留 (1),
了留凌凌 (2), 了凌粒劉留 流 旅了旅略硫旅 (4) 虜留旅 凌亮竜了劉虜旅 (3).
The traditional song and dance Kechagias of Lemnos
里凌 留留隆凌旅留虜 留粒凌隆旅 虜留旅 凌 竜留粒旅略 侶 流亮僚凌