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Kori R. Miles - Recommendations
Kelly P August 31, 2012
Mrs. Kori is so amazing, I don't think I could describe her accurately if I tried for the rest of my lifetime! I began
taking lessons about halfway through my high schoolcareer. I went from potential performer to a steadfast
performer within two years. I can't I progressed fatherthen I ever thought possible and I know I wouldn't be who I
am today without her influence. I always looked forward to seeing her weekly and I never felt nervous with her
around, even during my first lesson.
I would highly recommend her to everyone I've come in contact with, knowing that after a semester with her he or
she would be not only more confident but also a much better performer(even if he or she was great to begin with)!
Brett T August 14, 2012
In the fall of 2008, the beginning of my freshman year in High school, I signed up to take voice lessons at the
Second Baptist Conservatory of music. I was 14 years old and after going through puberty I was having trouble with
my voice and knew I needed a private vocal teacher. I am so glad that Kori Miles was selected as my voice teacher
for that semester. Immediately after our lessons began I could see improvements. In that first year alone my breath
support,vowels, and phrasing had improved tremendously. Also I could see my confidence not only as a singer, but
as an overall performer was improving. When Kori transferred to her own studio I transferred right with her. She
continued to help expand my range and challenged my voice. In Kori’s lessons she provides a fun and comfortable
environment. She relates to her students and encourages themthat they can achieve their goals by working hard. She
also taught me that to be successfulyou must practice and commit whole heartedly to reach those goals you wish to
achieve. Throughout the course of my high school career I earned lead roles in shows at schooland the community,
solos in choir performances, and earned numerous awards in vocal competitions. I give all the credit to Kori.
Without her none of those goals would have been earned. I am so thankful that God placed Kori Miles in my life.
Not only did she help mold me into the person I am today,she was a great teacher, mentor, christian role model, and
lifetime friend.
Stacy S December 25, 2011
Mrs. Kori is a wonderful vocal coach! I've taken lessons from other people and I always felt intimidated and hated
going to my lessons because the instructors were always so mean and strict, but Mrs. Kori is very sweet and I
actually looked forward to my lessons.Mrs.Kori really helped me improve is many ways and I would highly
recommend her.
Lauren M December 23, 2011
Mrs. Kori is absolutely THE BEST vocal coach I've ever had (and I've taken lessons from many people throughout
the years!). I came to her with a goal to audition for Houston County High's most selective vocal group, Ensemble.
She worked with me on range and clarity- and by the time my auditions came, I was more than prepared. Out of
200+ students that auditioned,not only did I make the 15 person group, I was the first Soprano selected. I highly
recommend Mrs. Kori for anyone who is looking to 'reach that goal' or just simply loves music. She is passionate
about her work, and even more so, has a magnetic personality to match.
Lindsey S December 23, 2011
I started taking lessons from Mrs. Miles in the middle of my junior year of high school.I was cast as a lead in our
spring showand knew I needed a lot of vocal assistance in order to improve my voice and my confidence. I heard
about how great of a teacher she was from a friend of mine at schooland thought I might as well give it a shot.It
was absolutely one of the best decisions that I could have made. Not only did taking lessons boost my confidence
and improve my voice for the show,it also persuaded me to continue taking lessons and challenge myself vocally in
ways that I never thought I would. Mrs. Miles documents her students progress so they can see ways in which they
are improving and she schedules recitals throughout the year so they can practice singing in front of a small
audience. She is a great teacher and mentor and always provides a safe and comfortable environment for her
students.Igive her five stars because she has made a huge impact on my voice and taught me that you can sing
anything as long as you put yourmind to it.
Ben S December 21, 2011
I took vocal lessons from Kori Miles for three semesters and the changes I saw in my voice were outstanding.
Before I took voice lessons Ihad never sang in front of a crowd. I did a lot of theatre and decided that in order to
pursue musical theatre it was going to be necessary for me to start private lessons.I took 30 minute lessons from
Kori Miles once a week. I immediately found confidence in my voice and it became much easier for me to audition
for musicals and classes because ofthat confidence that I gained. Kori Miles also worked with me on articulation,
vowels, posture,and phrasing. I just recently got cast as the lead in my high schoolproduction that required me to
sing about six songs.This is a huge improvement for me to be able to take on a role such as this one and I give all
credit to Kori Miles for preparing my voice to make this possible. I would strongly recommend Kori Miles to any
student who is looking to improve their voice or start exploring it.

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Kori Recommendations

  • 1. Kori R. Miles - Recommendations Kelly P August 31, 2012 Mrs. Kori is so amazing, I don't think I could describe her accurately if I tried for the rest of my lifetime! I began taking lessons about halfway through my high schoolcareer. I went from potential performer to a steadfast performer within two years. I can't I progressed fatherthen I ever thought possible and I know I wouldn't be who I am today without her influence. I always looked forward to seeing her weekly and I never felt nervous with her around, even during my first lesson. I would highly recommend her to everyone I've come in contact with, knowing that after a semester with her he or she would be not only more confident but also a much better performer(even if he or she was great to begin with)! Brett T August 14, 2012 In the fall of 2008, the beginning of my freshman year in High school, I signed up to take voice lessons at the Second Baptist Conservatory of music. I was 14 years old and after going through puberty I was having trouble with my voice and knew I needed a private vocal teacher. I am so glad that Kori Miles was selected as my voice teacher for that semester. Immediately after our lessons began I could see improvements. In that first year alone my breath support,vowels, and phrasing had improved tremendously. Also I could see my confidence not only as a singer, but as an overall performer was improving. When Kori transferred to her own studio I transferred right with her. She continued to help expand my range and challenged my voice. In Kori’s lessons she provides a fun and comfortable environment. She relates to her students and encourages themthat they can achieve their goals by working hard. She also taught me that to be successfulyou must practice and commit whole heartedly to reach those goals you wish to achieve. Throughout the course of my high school career I earned lead roles in shows at schooland the community, solos in choir performances, and earned numerous awards in vocal competitions. I give all the credit to Kori. Without her none of those goals would have been earned. I am so thankful that God placed Kori Miles in my life. Not only did she help mold me into the person I am today,she was a great teacher, mentor, christian role model, and lifetime friend. Stacy S December 25, 2011 Mrs. Kori is a wonderful vocal coach! I've taken lessons from other people and I always felt intimidated and hated going to my lessons because the instructors were always so mean and strict, but Mrs. Kori is very sweet and I actually looked forward to my lessons.Mrs.Kori really helped me improve is many ways and I would highly recommend her. Lauren M December 23, 2011 Mrs. Kori is absolutely THE BEST vocal coach I've ever had (and I've taken lessons from many people throughout the years!). I came to her with a goal to audition for Houston County High's most selective vocal group, Ensemble. She worked with me on range and clarity- and by the time my auditions came, I was more than prepared. Out of
  • 2. 200+ students that auditioned,not only did I make the 15 person group, I was the first Soprano selected. I highly recommend Mrs. Kori for anyone who is looking to 'reach that goal' or just simply loves music. She is passionate about her work, and even more so, has a magnetic personality to match. Lindsey S December 23, 2011 I started taking lessons from Mrs. Miles in the middle of my junior year of high school.I was cast as a lead in our spring showand knew I needed a lot of vocal assistance in order to improve my voice and my confidence. I heard about how great of a teacher she was from a friend of mine at schooland thought I might as well give it a shot.It was absolutely one of the best decisions that I could have made. Not only did taking lessons boost my confidence and improve my voice for the show,it also persuaded me to continue taking lessons and challenge myself vocally in ways that I never thought I would. Mrs. Miles documents her students progress so they can see ways in which they are improving and she schedules recitals throughout the year so they can practice singing in front of a small audience. She is a great teacher and mentor and always provides a safe and comfortable environment for her students.Igive her five stars because she has made a huge impact on my voice and taught me that you can sing anything as long as you put yourmind to it. Ben S December 21, 2011 I took vocal lessons from Kori Miles for three semesters and the changes I saw in my voice were outstanding. Before I took voice lessons Ihad never sang in front of a crowd. I did a lot of theatre and decided that in order to pursue musical theatre it was going to be necessary for me to start private lessons.I took 30 minute lessons from Kori Miles once a week. I immediately found confidence in my voice and it became much easier for me to audition for musicals and classes because ofthat confidence that I gained. Kori Miles also worked with me on articulation, vowels, posture,and phrasing. I just recently got cast as the lead in my high schoolproduction that required me to sing about six songs.This is a huge improvement for me to be able to take on a role such as this one and I give all credit to Kori Miles for preparing my voice to make this possible. I would strongly recommend Kori Miles to any student who is looking to improve their voice or start exploring it.