The document discusses strategies for dealing with the FETO organization in Turkey in the short and medium term. It argues that FETO has a hierarchical structure controlled absolutely by its leader, Fethullah Gulen. In the short term, the key strategies are dissolving FETO's organizational structure, cutting its funding and personnel, and removing supporters from government and civil society. In the medium term, preventing radicalization of removed supporters is a challenge. Over the long term, challenging and delegitimizing FETO's messianic belief system will be important for de-radicalizing followers. International cooperation will also be needed to counter FETO's global networks and influence campaigns.
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Kose, Talha. after-the-failed-coup how to deal with FETO threatpdf
1. After the Failed Coup: How to Deal with the
FETO Threat in the Short and Medium Terms
The key factors that can facilitate purge of the FETO
are closely connected to the organizational structure
of the FETO network. The FETO is a hierarchically
organized network and the leader of the organization,
Fethullah G端len, has himself absolute command and
direct control over the entire organization. It is very
difficult to manage such a complicated organization
with operations in almost 140 countries and those
who are placed in the middle ranks of the organization
are only chains in its command and control system.
In the short term the main challenges, in order to
deal with the FETO, are to dissolve the organizational
structure, cut the material and human sources of the
organization and to purge the militants and support-
ers from bureaucracy and civil society. The medium
term challenge is the problem of radicalization of the
militants and followers. When they are removed from
the bureaucracy they may be immediately radicalized
and resort to violence to destabilize Turkey. They may
create crime networks, mafia style organizations and
other secret illegal networks to threaten ordinary peo-
ple and officials. Therefore, in the long term the main
challenge is to de-radicalize the body of the followers.
This will be a long term challenge but the religious
scholars, social scientists and bureaucrats need to deal
with the G端lenist belief system, delegitimize the
deviant symbolic system , replacing it with legitimate
conventional beliefs.
Preventing the remnants of the FETO from co-
operating with the enemies of Turkey and Turkish
people and containing the media manipulations is
an absolute priority. The struggle against the FETO
will be a long and a challenging process, which needs
to be well coordinated and the entire Turkish society
should own this struggle like a national struggle. The
aspect of public diplomacy is also another essential
dimension. The most challenging aspect of this strug-
gle is the international one. Since FETO is a transna-
tional organization, the Turkish Government needs to
coordinate its efforts in the international domain as
well. This will appear as the soft underbelly of Tur-
key and some governments may want to capitalize
on the FETO threat against Turkey rather than co-
operating with the Turkish government. In order to
What kind of strategies can work against such a clandestine organization?
Is it possible to de-radicalize the followers of such a fundamentalist group?
How can international cooperation be facilitated against the provocative speculations disseminated in
the international media?
What sort of strategies can be followed against the leadership and messianic ideology of the FETO?
NO: 19
JULY 2016
Talha KSE
A graduate of the Political Science and International Relations Department of Boazi巽i University, Mr. K旦se received his MA in the Conflict Analyses
and Solutions Program from Sabanc脹 University. K旦se holds a PhD from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University,
with the thesis titledRe-Negotiating Alevi Identity: Conflict and Cooperation Narratives and the Constitution of New Alevi Identity. K旦se worked
as an RA at SETA and as a research coordinator later at SETA-Washington. K旦se is currently a faculty member at Istanbul ehir University.
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facilitate such a struggle international law needs to be
utilized. Turkey needs to develop new instruments to
put pressure on the states that will not cooperate with
the Turkish Government in such a struggle.
From their early entry into the FETO system until
they become devoted militants, the loyalty and obe-
dience of members is tested many times. The indi-
viduals can only ascent within the system if they are
loyal to the orders of their superiors. The roles, which
agents play within the totality of the system, are much
more important than the individual skills or charac-
teristics of the members. The FETO structure does
not leave much room for individuality and most mil-
itants at the lower levels of the structure do not know
much about what is going on at the higher levels of
the organization. Since its establishment in 1970s,
Fethullah G端len as the mastermind of this sophisti-
cated organization has overseen the entire body and
given all the critical decisions. In terms of its organiza-
tional framework the FETO organization looks more
like a regular military organization. The loyalty of the
militants and the supports are to G端len himself and
his messianic views and objectives.
The leader and his messianic ideology play a crit-
ical role in maintaining unity and harmonious func-
tioning of this organization. Any effort to deconstruct
and eliminate this organization needs to take this
framework into account. On the other hand the or-
ganization has skills to form clandestine bodies, mili-
tants are expert in infiltrating to other organizations,
hiding themselves and increasing their loyalists and
supporters gradually. It is therefore impossible to wipe
out the entire organization. Sleeping cells and hiding
militants will most likely continue but if they are not
connected to their leader or their superiors they can
hardly function. Therefore, decapitation and con-
tainment of the leadership and the elite structure of
the organization is crucial. Because of their messianic
and apocalyptic views they may not consider the great
purge within the bureaucracy as the ultimate defeat of
the organization, they will rather continue to believe
that when the time is right they will resurrect and take
the control of Turkey and probably the entire world.
The loyalists of the organization believe that they are
on the right side of the history and those of who try to
contain them are destined to fail. It is very difficult to
convince them about anything else. Using the Islamic
texts and some other sources, G端len has formulated a
messianic narrative, which is quite difficult to defeat.
All the profound efforts, organizational activities
and routines of the entire structure is interpreted un-
der the guidance of this belief structure. Two things
are quite crucial in order to deal with this body: first
of all the leader Fethullah G端len and a few of his high
ranking loyal acolytes need to be contained and the
perversions and the absurdities within the G端lenist
messianic belief system need to be demonstrated to
the loyalists of the organization and the public. Ma-
terial infrastructure, institutions and international aid
to the FETO are only secondary to the leadership and
the Messianic teachings. It must also be kept in mind
that many of the loyalists of the FETO join the orga-
nization in the beginning because of their quest for
a better education, position within the bureaucracy,
faster promotion to the higher ranks of bureaucra-
cy and for a business network. The FETO network
has provided many opportunities to its members and
loyalists. Looking at Turkish society as a whole, more
effort must be made for equal opportunities to be
provided to people in education, the bureaucracy and
business so that they are not be vulnerable to this kind
of clandestine body.
In order to eliminate domestic establishment of
the organization, this aforementioned hierarchy can
be purged by deciphering its institutions and actors.
Due to its hierarchical characteristic, the organization
might be dissolved when the leader, who keeps the
organization together, is decapitated. When hierarchy
fails, it is not possible for such organizations to en-
sure their existence unlike other secret organizations
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that are set-up in a cell system. However, credence to
system does not decline as long as the leader is still
in power because members of such organizations are
absolutely committed to their leader.
It would be quite difficult to eliminate FET
using rational arguments due to the organizations
messianic and apocalyptic characteristic. Even faults
of the leader are legitimized somehow by presenting
these faults in a plausible format and by suggesting
that There might be unknown reasons. Thus, the or-
ganizations existence can be maintained as long as the
leader is in power and sends messages to his followers.
The main momentum that leads to elimination of the
organization is to overthrow G端len, the leader of the
organization. Elimination of the leader would be very
decisive for the struggle because G端lens spiritual lead-
ership and influence over his organization is the main
impetus for the members to ensure its survival. For
this reason, Turkey should request the deportation of
G端len and also should ensure the rehabilitation and
normalization of G端lenist youth.
The FETO is already organized in the judiciary,
police department, education system, bureaucracy,
military, business, and academic circles. The fact that
FETOs known affiliations in the military have been
eliminated does not mean that the organization is to-
tally wiped out. National security risks will remain par-
ticularly in sectors that the organization is still active
and well-organized. In short term, total elimination of
the organization is not easy. In long term, the organiza-
tion will remain in the establishment by effacing itself
through mingling with other groups. By doing so, the
organization with its messianic understanding will be
biding the next reorganization moment. The main dan-
ger in this process is that the organization attempts to
smuggle itself into other civilian organizations, NGOs,
and networks. The fight against this organization will
take many years, however, it will not be possible for
the struggle to be maintained consistently if govern-
ments and actors who operate against the organization
change. Thus, a well-planned, gradual but urgent strug-
gle is essential. It also should be kept in mind that if
this purging process is delayed and diffused, the possi-
bility of militants and sympathizer to hide themselves
increases. It is therefore crucial to act rapidly and in a
very coordinated manner until the visible elements of
the organization are completely wiped out.
Some secret layers and segments of the organiza-
tion will never be completely wiped out in the next
couple of decades. Therefore an official institution
composed of police, intelligence officials, judges and
academics which is especially expert in fighting against
this organization is an absolute necessity. In particular,
governmental and bureaucratic actors should establish
strategic communication units in order to manage the
complications, which are derived from the fact that
crucial and top secret governmental information is
in wrong hands. A new judicial framework is also re-
quired in order to ensure that the relevant actors can
take actions.
FETO is particularly well-organized in civil society and
the Turkish education system. Thus, the struggle with
FETO in governmental bodies only is not adequate. In
short term, it is not easy to eliminate the social capital
that FETO has obtained by developing warm relations
with the public. Sanitizing all institutions from FETO
will spread over time since the organization is well-or-
ganized in business, education system, judicial system,
and the medical sector. The organization will strive to
find new ways and methods in order to maintain its
existence, thus it will try ensure its association if not its
activities. The government has to follow up structures
that the organization has hidden itself in. The domes-
tic dimension of the struggle will be tough and com-
prehensive. Due to their capability to cover themselves
within other groups, it might not be easy for Turkish
officials to totally eliminate the organization.
The fact that the members of the organization
who are in the military and police have guns and they
are expert in the use of sophisticated weaponry is a
significant risk. The government should locate these
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weapons and prevent third-parties from seizing them.
At this moment nobody knows whether this organi-
zation has hidden weapons from the military in se-
cret places to start a guerrilla style uprising against
the government. The members of the organization
might drag Turkey into an unstable process by using
these guns. These weapons must be found and regis-
tered to official institutions.
The next and the hardest task is to struggle with
the FETOs international network and institutions.
Some states and intelligence agencies might use FETO
in order to weaken and threaten Turkey and FETO it-
self can threat Turkeys interests by aligning with other
states. Turkey needs to persuade other states in order
to struggle with FETO in the domestic realm. Pre-
senting materials that can assist judicial process is not
adequate for persuading other states. Turkey should
present comprehensive data and more-detailed files
through public diplomacy in order to demonstrate the
illegal activities of FETO. Putting pressure on the in-
ternational media, academic and policy circles is an
absolute necessity. Lobbying and law companies and a
comprehensive plan to publicize the danger of FETO
are key roles for this task. These companies should
formalize Turkeys cause in a proper way abroad. The
International struggle is more challenging than the
domestic struggle, however, in the event of the elimi-
nation of the leader, purging the international organi-
zation of FETO would not be a tough task for Turkey.
In the following period, the biggest threat that might
come from the isolated, radicalized and illegitimate
organization is political and civilian assassinations.
Further, the organization can also trigger the civil war
dynamics of Turkey by provoking the public. The only
way to deal with these potential threats is to restore
and strengthen the social peace. The assassination
squads of the FETO may conceal themselves in vari-
ous institutions including other terrorist groups such
as the PKK and the DHKPC. The struggle against
the FETO should be a national matter therefore the
TGNA and the opposition parties need to play an im-
portant role in this process. A new legal framework
and set of laws needs to be enacted in order to deal
with the FETO threat. Public diplomacy office needs
to explain the struggle against FETO in both inter-
national and national domains. Maintenance of the
popular support and containing the international ef-
forts are two necessities at hand. | | @setavakfi
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