In these webinar viewers learned:
How does Kotlin remedy common issues within your codebase?
How can you upgrade to Kotlin without disrupting your previous work?
What is the risk of sticking with Java?
Dear Kotliners - Java Developers are Humans tooVivek Chanddru
This talk is to help the kotliners understand the caveats of the default interoperability features provided by Kotlin and provides a few tips for interoperability to make Java developers life easier.
Introduction to Koltin for Android Part I Atif AbbAsi
Welcome to Android Basics in Kotlin! In this course, you'll learn the basics of building Android apps with the Kotlin programming language. Along the way, you'll develop a collection of apps to start your journey as an Android developer.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the Kotlin programming language from the perspective of an Android engineering manager. It discusses that Kotlin is a programming language that runs on the JVM and was created by JetBrains as an alternative to Java for Android development. The document then covers various Kotlin concepts and features such as syntax, OOP concepts, properties, loops, lambdas, extensions and more in a conversational FAQ format. It also provides some useful Kotlin resources for learning more.
This document discusses polymorphism in C++. It defines polymorphism as the ability of an object to take on many forms. It describes static polymorphism through function overloading and overriding. Dynamic polymorphism is achieved through virtual functions and runtime binding using pointers to base class objects. Pure virtual functions define abstract classes that cannot be instantiated, while interface classes provide a common interface without inheriting behavior.
This document provides an overview of various Java language concepts including enums, final, static, variable arguments, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes. It defines each concept and provides examples to illustrate how they work in Java code. The document is presented as part of a multi-part series on the Java language and object-oriented programming.
This document discusses polymorphism in object-oriented programming. It defines polymorphism as the ability for different classes to share a common interface and explains that it is commonly achieved through inheritance. The document then covers different types of polymorphism like static and dynamic, and mechanisms like function overloading, overriding, early and late binding, and pure virtual functions.
This document provides an agenda and overview of topics related to Java language and object-oriented programming (OOP). The topics covered include string package, date package, math package, exceptions (basic, try-catch, throw), collections, input/output, and files. For each topic, key concepts and examples are briefly explained in 1-3 sentences.
OOP is a programming concept that represents real-world objects like classes and objects. Some key aspects of OOP include:
- Classes define common properties and methods for objects through data abstraction.
- Objects are instances of classes that reserve memory at runtime.
- Polymorphism allows common interfaces for different objects through concepts like inheritance and method overriding.
- Inheritance allows classes to inherit properties from parent classes to extend functionality.
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective programming language developed in Japan. It has features like metaprogramming, object-oriented programming, dynamic typing and blocks. Some key aspects include Ruby on Rails web framework, Sinatra microframework, string and list processing methods, classes, modules, duck typing and dynamic method definition.
To Lombok or not to Lombok | J-Fall 2019Kaya Weers
The document discusses the pros and cons of using Lombok, an annotation processing library that automates common Java patterns like getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString methods. It outlines some of the advantages of Lombok such as cleaner code and an easy overview, but also notes potential downsides like difficulties migrating to new Java versions and finding usages of Lombok code. The document concludes by asking the reader for their opinion on whether to use Lombok.
JDD 2017: Kotlin for Java developers (Tomasz Kleszczyski)PROIDEA
Kolejny jzyk dla JVM? Dlaczego Kotlin? Czy to ju甜 czas na porzucenie Javy? Chc si podzieli moim odczuciem na temat jzyka Kotlin poczwszy od motywacji dla kt坦rej powsta, przez cechy kt坦re posiada, po stan obecny i perspektyw rozwoju. Jeli chcielibycie u甜ywa cech innych znanych jzyk坦w na platformie JVM, nie przepisujc caych aplikacji - poznajcie alternatyw.
Data class is a simple class which is used to hold data/state and contains standard functionality. A data keyword is used to declare a class as a data class. Declaring a data class must contains at least one primary constructor with property argument (val or var).
Java is an object-oriented programming language that can be used to create complete applications. It is simple, secure, platform independent and follows the principle of "write once, run anywhere". The key components of Java are the JDK, JRE, and JVM. Java source code is compiled to bytecode, which is then executed by the JVM. Java supports basic data types as well as object-oriented features like classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism. Common constructs in Java include if/else statements, loops, methods, and arrays. Objects are created using the new keyword and referencing a class.
This document summarizes Martin Odersky's talk on DOT and dotty. DOT is intended to be a minimal foundational calculus for Scala that can model type parameterization, modules, and objects/classes. DOT includes dependent types to model modules as objects with type members. The DOT type system includes function types, method declarations, type declarations, and intersections. DOT's soundness proof was challenging due to programmer-definable subtyping. Dotty is the new Scala compiler prototype built on DOT, supporting new features like union and intersection types while dropping some old features. Implicit function types in dotty allow abstracting over implicit contexts without boilerplate.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Java. It defines OOP as a style of programming that focuses on using objects to design and build applications. It describes what objects are, how they model real-world things, and how they use variables to store state and methods to define behavior. It then defines key OOP concepts like classes, objects, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, method overriding, inheritance, and interfaces. For each concept, it provides a definition and example in Java code. The document is intended to help the reader learn more about these fundamental OOP concepts in Java.
The document discusses concurrency and threads in Java. It covers:
1. Concurrency allows running programs or parts of programs in parallel to improve throughput and interactivity. Modern computers have multiple CPU cores that can be leveraged.
2. A thread is a lightweight process that can access shared data in the same process. Java applications run in one process but use multiple threads for parallel processing.
3. Using threads introduces concurrency issues like visibility and access problems that can lead to failures if not handled properly.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented programming concepts such as objects, classes, and messaging. It defines an object as having state represented by variables and behavior represented by methods. A class is described as a blueprint that defines common attributes and behaviors of objects. The document also explains how objects communicate by sending messages to each other to invoke methods.
Kotlin is a programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript. It was created by JetBrains as an alternative to Java that allows code to be written in fewer lines using less verbose syntax. Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java code and is becoming a preferred language for Android development due to its support by Android Studio. The document discusses Kotlin's history, capabilities, and provides examples of how code can be written more concisely in Kotlin compared to Java. It recommends resources for learning Kotlin and says that while there is a learning curve, it may be beneficial for new projects, especially Android development.
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
We are providing basic level to expert level Kotlin training for Beginner by Kotlin Developer 100% Job Oriented Kotlin Online Training Course and we are conduct live Mock Interview | Questions and Answers to Our Students.
Experts Kotlin Online Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
This document provides an overview of various Java language concepts including enums, final, static, variable arguments, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes. It defines each concept and provides examples to illustrate how they work in Java code. The document is presented as part of a multi-part series on the Java language and object-oriented programming.
This document discusses polymorphism in object-oriented programming. It defines polymorphism as the ability for different classes to share a common interface and explains that it is commonly achieved through inheritance. The document then covers different types of polymorphism like static and dynamic, and mechanisms like function overloading, overriding, early and late binding, and pure virtual functions.
This document provides an agenda and overview of topics related to Java language and object-oriented programming (OOP). The topics covered include string package, date package, math package, exceptions (basic, try-catch, throw), collections, input/output, and files. For each topic, key concepts and examples are briefly explained in 1-3 sentences.
OOP is a programming concept that represents real-world objects like classes and objects. Some key aspects of OOP include:
- Classes define common properties and methods for objects through data abstraction.
- Objects are instances of classes that reserve memory at runtime.
- Polymorphism allows common interfaces for different objects through concepts like inheritance and method overriding.
- Inheritance allows classes to inherit properties from parent classes to extend functionality.
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective programming language developed in Japan. It has features like metaprogramming, object-oriented programming, dynamic typing and blocks. Some key aspects include Ruby on Rails web framework, Sinatra microframework, string and list processing methods, classes, modules, duck typing and dynamic method definition.
To Lombok or not to Lombok | J-Fall 2019Kaya Weers
The document discusses the pros and cons of using Lombok, an annotation processing library that automates common Java patterns like getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString methods. It outlines some of the advantages of Lombok such as cleaner code and an easy overview, but also notes potential downsides like difficulties migrating to new Java versions and finding usages of Lombok code. The document concludes by asking the reader for their opinion on whether to use Lombok.
JDD 2017: Kotlin for Java developers (Tomasz Kleszczyski)PROIDEA
Kolejny jzyk dla JVM? Dlaczego Kotlin? Czy to ju甜 czas na porzucenie Javy? Chc si podzieli moim odczuciem na temat jzyka Kotlin poczwszy od motywacji dla kt坦rej powsta, przez cechy kt坦re posiada, po stan obecny i perspektyw rozwoju. Jeli chcielibycie u甜ywa cech innych znanych jzyk坦w na platformie JVM, nie przepisujc caych aplikacji - poznajcie alternatyw.
Data class is a simple class which is used to hold data/state and contains standard functionality. A data keyword is used to declare a class as a data class. Declaring a data class must contains at least one primary constructor with property argument (val or var).
Java is an object-oriented programming language that can be used to create complete applications. It is simple, secure, platform independent and follows the principle of "write once, run anywhere". The key components of Java are the JDK, JRE, and JVM. Java source code is compiled to bytecode, which is then executed by the JVM. Java supports basic data types as well as object-oriented features like classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism. Common constructs in Java include if/else statements, loops, methods, and arrays. Objects are created using the new keyword and referencing a class.
This document summarizes Martin Odersky's talk on DOT and dotty. DOT is intended to be a minimal foundational calculus for Scala that can model type parameterization, modules, and objects/classes. DOT includes dependent types to model modules as objects with type members. The DOT type system includes function types, method declarations, type declarations, and intersections. DOT's soundness proof was challenging due to programmer-definable subtyping. Dotty is the new Scala compiler prototype built on DOT, supporting new features like union and intersection types while dropping some old features. Implicit function types in dotty allow abstracting over implicit contexts without boilerplate.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Java. It defines OOP as a style of programming that focuses on using objects to design and build applications. It describes what objects are, how they model real-world things, and how they use variables to store state and methods to define behavior. It then defines key OOP concepts like classes, objects, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, method overriding, inheritance, and interfaces. For each concept, it provides a definition and example in Java code. The document is intended to help the reader learn more about these fundamental OOP concepts in Java.
The document discusses concurrency and threads in Java. It covers:
1. Concurrency allows running programs or parts of programs in parallel to improve throughput and interactivity. Modern computers have multiple CPU cores that can be leveraged.
2. A thread is a lightweight process that can access shared data in the same process. Java applications run in one process but use multiple threads for parallel processing.
3. Using threads introduces concurrency issues like visibility and access problems that can lead to failures if not handled properly.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented programming concepts such as objects, classes, and messaging. It defines an object as having state represented by variables and behavior represented by methods. A class is described as a blueprint that defines common attributes and behaviors of objects. The document also explains how objects communicate by sending messages to each other to invoke methods.
Kotlin is a programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript. It was created by JetBrains as an alternative to Java that allows code to be written in fewer lines using less verbose syntax. Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java code and is becoming a preferred language for Android development due to its support by Android Studio. The document discusses Kotlin's history, capabilities, and provides examples of how code can be written more concisely in Kotlin compared to Java. It recommends resources for learning Kotlin and says that while there is a learning curve, it may be beneficial for new projects, especially Android development.
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
We are providing basic level to expert level Kotlin training for Beginner by Kotlin Developer 100% Job Oriented Kotlin Online Training Course and we are conduct live Mock Interview | Questions and Answers to Our Students.
Experts Kotlin Online Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
Phone:+91 970 442 9989 (WhatsApp Also)
A Kotlin online training course is designed to teach individuals and organizations how to use Kotlin, a programming language that is increasingly popular for developing Android applications and other software. The course typically covers topics such as basic syntax, object-oriented programming concepts, and functional programming concepts.
The course is usually delivered through a combination of instructor-led training, hands-on exercises, and online resources. Participants will learn how to use Kotlin to create Android applications, server-side applications, and other types of software. They will also learn how to leverage Kotlin's features such as null safety, extension functions, and coroutines to write more efficient and maintainable code.
The course may also cover advanced topics such as Kotlin's interoperability with Java, testing with Kotlin, and advanced language features such as DSLs and type-safe builders. Upon completion of the course, participants should have a comprehensive understanding of Kotlin and be able to use it effectively to develop high-quality software.
Kotlin Native - C / Swift Interop - ACCU Autmn 2019Eamonn Boyle
The document discusses Kotlin Native and its interoperability with C/C++ and Swift. Some key points:
- Kotlin Native compiles Kotlin code to native binaries that run without a virtual machine on various platforms like iOS, MacOS, Android etc.
- It allows calling into existing native libraries written in C/C++/Swift and calling Kotlin Native code from other languages.
- Common data types like primitives, enums, structs can be mapped between Kotlin Native and C/C++. Kotlin Native supports pointers to interoperate with native code.
- Structs and other complex types are represented as classes in Kotlin Native but maintain the memory layout of the
Enroll for learn Kotlin Online Training by certified experts Kotlin programming language for Android Application Development Attend free demo best institute for Kotlin course with material live video tutorial classes also USA | UK | Australia | Singapore | India | Hyderabad | Chennai | Mumbai | Canada | UAE
We are providing basic level to expert level Kotlin training for Beginner by Kotlin Developer 100% Job Oriented Kotlin Online Training Course and we are conduct live Mock Interview | Questions and Answers to Our Students.
Experts Kotlin Online Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.
Kotlin is a new programming language for Android App development and it is discovered by Google.It will be an alternate option in place of Java language for android app development.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the Kotlin programming language. It covers key Kotlin concepts and features such as properties, null safety, classes, interfaces, extensions, and collections. It also includes Kotlin's timeline, development tools, and basic data types. The agenda outlines topics like String templates, OOP concepts, lambdas, and infix notation that are explained further in the document.
Kotlin is a statically typed language for the JVM, Android, and browser that was created by JetBrains in response to limitations in Java. It focuses on interoperability with Java code and libraries. Kotlin allows avoiding null pointer exceptions, supports functional and procedural programming, and concise code. It is the official language for Android app development. The document discusses Kotlin basics like variables, strings, functions, classes, data classes, and control flows and how to configure Kotlin in Android Studio projects.
Transitioning Android Teams Into KotlinGarth Gilmour
Talk delivered with Eamonn Boyle at GOTO Copenhagen in 2019. Covering how best to move from delivering Android projects in Java to writing the code in Kotlin.
Kotlin for Android - Goto Copenhagan 2019Eamonn Boyle
This document summarizes a presentation about transitioning Android development teams to using Kotlin. Some key points:
- Kotlin provides excellent interoperability with Java code so legacy code can still be used. Kotlin syntax is also clearer and reduces codebase size by over 40%.
- Many popular Android frameworks now support Kotlin like Spring Boot, Ktor for services, TornadoFx for UIs, and Gradle build tools.
- Kotlin eliminates issues like null pointer exceptions through features like null safety, string templates, and type inference.
- Google recommends writing new Android projects in Kotlin, as many new Jetpack APIs will be Kotlin-first. Migrating helps future
The document provides an overview of the Kotlin programming language, including what it is, who created it, when it was created, where it can be used, and why it is useful. Specifically:
- Kotlin is a programming language created by JetBrains as an alternative to Java that compiles to JVM bytecode.
- It was created in 2010 and became open source in 2012, with stable releases beginning in 2016 and support on Android announced by Google in 2017.
- Kotlin can run on the JVM for Android and server-side applications as well as JavaScript and native platforms, though cross-platform code cannot use Java libraries.
- Advantages include being modern, concise,
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10. Why Kotlin?
Objects may not hold null values unless declared using a nullable type
String may not be null
String? may be null
Why Kotlin?
Full interoperability with Java
11. Interoperability
Kotlin code and Java code works together directly
Call Java methods from Kotlin
Call Kotlin functions from Java
The Kotlin Compilation Process
Kotlin compiles down to Java bytecode
13. Interoperability
Kotlin code and Java code works together directly
Leverage legacy Java frameworks (e.g. Android)
Gradually transition your codebase from Java to Kotlin
An Example
Calling a Java method from Kotlin
Nullability and platform types
Accessing Java 鍖elds from Kotlin
Type mapping
Kotlin 鍖le anatomy
14. A Java Method
public class Jhava {
public String utterGreeting() {
return "BLARGH";
Calling a Java Method from Kotlin
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val adversary = Jhava()
15. Another Java Method
public class Jhava {
public String utterGreeting() {
return "BLARGH";
public String determineFriendshipLevel() {
return null;
Platform Type
16. NullPointerException in Kotlin
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val friendshipLevel = adversary.determineFriendshipLevel()
Nullability Annotations
public class Jhava {
public String utterGreeting() {
return "BLARGH";
public String determineFriendshipLevel() {
return null;
17. IntelliJ Nullable Type Awareness
Java Field with Getter and Setter
public class Jhava {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
18. Property Reference from Kotlin
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Type Mapping
Some Kotlin types map directly to Java types
String to String
19. Type Mapping
Other Kotlin types do not map directly to Java types
Kotlin's Int to Java's int
Primitive Types
Java represents basic data types using "primitve types" (non-objects)
Kotlin represents all data using objects
20. Integers in Kotlin
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val adversary = Jhava()
val adversaryHitPoints: Int = adversary.hitPoints
>>> int
Kotlin File Anatomy
Java 鍖les contain exactly one class
Kotlin 鍖les may contain classes, functions, and variables at top-level
How can you call standalone Kotlin functions from Java?
21. A Standalone Kotlin Function (Hero.kt)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun makeProclamation() = "Greetings, beast!"
Calling a File-level Function from Java
public static void main(String[] args) {
22. Customizing Class Name (Hero.kt)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun makeProclamation() = "Greetings, beast!"
Using the Customized Class Name
public static void main(String[] args) {
23. Customizing Compiled Java Code
JVM annotations exist to customize the Java code that is compiled from
your Kotlin source
Refrain: Your Upgrade Path
Kotlin compiles down to Java bytecode
24. Risks of Sticking with Java
Slow moving language development
Less type-safe
Less concise
Less interest from developers
Next Steps
Start a new project in Kotlin
Upgrade selectively
Acquire Kotlin resources