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1 | K P Z U M A  s C V
Gender: Male D84 Ingome Road
Born : 11 June 1989 KwaMashu
ID No : 8906115580086 Durban
072 201 7967 / 031 360 0678
Drivers License Code C1
 Jan 2011  Dec 2011 B.Tech : Marketing Management
Durban University of Technology
 Jan 2008  Dec 2010 National Diploma: Marketing
Durban University of Technology
 Dec 2007 Matric: Verulam Secondary School
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer and Typing
 Core competence vested in dedication and ability to learn efficiently
 Excellent communication skills
 Good interpersonal and leading skills
2 | K P Z U M A  s C V
Department of Statistics South Africa
Job title : Marketing Assistant (Intern)
Duration : 09March 2015 to present
1. Branding
Branding at meetings, conferences, workshops and exhibitions to ensure that the vision, mission
and values of Statistics SA was evident at all their functions.
2. Publicity
Conducting publicity to ensure that all stakeholders were fully informed of the goals and purposes
of projects such as the Living Conditions Survey (LCS), Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2015,
Community Survey (CS) 2016 and the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS).
This entailed meetings with NGOs, CBOs, Government Departments, Traditional authorities
and members of the public to obtain buy-in from them for the survey officers to access their focus
areas to conduct the surveys. This has resulted in better response rates which impacted on better
quality and more usable data being secured.
3. Training on Supercross
Training of stakeholders for them to be able to access data for more informed decision making.
Installed software and conducted training for stakeholders from private and public sector
4. Coordinating the Human Resource Database Registration process
Was responsible to ensure that all applicants were properly registered so that the Department had
a comprehensive database to source applicants for the large surveys such as Community Survey.
5. Coordinating the SADHS project
Provided support and assistance by coordinating enumeration areas that were attended by the
publicity officers. Compiled a spreadsheet that was used for reporting on a daily basis. Fieldwork
materials and fieldwork activities were also managed appropriately to ensure the success of the
6. Stakeholder relations management
Attended stakeholder meetings, interacting with tribal authorities, compiling and managing a
stakeholder database
7. Reports and Articles
Compiled reports and articles for Stats SAs in-house Pulse magazine and local newspapers, after
every event.
3 | K P Z U M A  s C V
8. Receptionist
Provided assistance in the absence of the receptionist.
9. General administritive functions
Provided support and assistance in Statistical Systems and Informatics (SSI) and Field Operations
10. Venue Set-Up
Ensured that the venues were set up for the various training sessions and stakeholder meetings/
workshops. Also responsible for the setting up of the PA system and the taking of photos.
Company: Ignition (Call Centre)
Job title : Telesales
Duration : June 2011 to December 2011
1. Telesales
I was tasked to call potential clients and sell network contracts such as: 8ta (Telkom), MTN and
Vodacom, and update the clients database.
Company: Sanlam (Embassy Building)
Job title : Marketing Assistant
Duration : August 2010 to October 2010 (In-service training)
1. Branding
Branding at meetings, conferences, workshops and exhibitions to ensure that the vision, mission
and values of Sanlam was evident at all their functions.
2. Advertising
Was responsible for channeling the advertisements sent from the head office to the relevant
individuals in different regions.
3. Administration
Provided support in data capturing, filing and communicating with stakeholders.
Company: DSA (Direct Selling Association)
Job title : Sales Manager
Duration : February 2009 to October 2009
4 | K P Z U M A  s C V
1. Team leader
Was supervising a team of salespeople and assisting them to achieve their sales target.
2. Direct selling
Selling products to potential clients and achieving certain targets.
Company: Mr Price Home (Musgrave)
Job title : Internal Sales Representative
Duration : February 2008 to March 2010
1. Merchandising
Arranged all the products to the shelves and put price tags on them.
2. Stock Taking
Was counting and scanning all products which were displayed on the floor.
3. Internal Sales
Was selling products on the floor and also informing clients about products which were on sale.
Company: Gabbiano (Sibaya Casino)
Job title : Waiter and Room Service
Duration : 01 December 2006 to 05 January 2007
1. Customer Service
Provided service as a waiter and also offered room service for the guests in the lodge.
Key Achievements:
 Top achievers awards in Business Economics and IsiZulu at High School
 Personal Selling (DSA-Direct Selling Association of South Africa) certificate
 Sales Management (DSA-Direct Selling Association of South Africa) certificate
 Recommendation letter from Sanlam
 Recommendation letter from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
Interests and Hobbies:
 Business studies
 Sports, especially Soccer and Cricket
5 | K P Z U M A  s C V
Name and Surname: Mr Gabriel Dlamini
Company : Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
Designation : Deputy Manager (Communication, Marketing and Publicity)
Contact no : 079 513 7219 / 031 3600 600
Email : gabrield@statssa.gov.za
Name and Surname: Mr Ravi Naidoo
Company : Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
Designation : Information Officer
Contact no : 071 876 2817 / 031 3600 600
Email : ravin@statssa.gov.za
Name and Surname: Mrs Helet Byron
Company : Sanlam
Designation : Marketing Manager
Contact no : 082 458 8211
Name and Surname: Mr Chris Chonco
Company : Mr Price Home
Designation : Manager
Contact no : 076 344 7945

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  • 1. 1 | K P Z U M A s C V KHANYA PHILANI ZUMAS CV Gender: Male D84 Ingome Road Born : 11 June 1989 KwaMashu ID No : 8906115580086 Durban 4360 zumaphilani@gmail.com philaniz@statssa.gov.za 072 201 7967 / 031 360 0678 Drivers License Code C1 EDUCATION Jan 2011 Dec 2011 B.Tech : Marketing Management Durban University of Technology Jan 2008 Dec 2010 National Diploma: Marketing Management Durban University of Technology Dec 2007 Matric: Verulam Secondary School Competencies: Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer and Typing Core competence vested in dedication and ability to learn efficiently Excellent communication skills Good interpersonal and leading skills
  • 2. 2 | K P Z U M A s C V EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Department of Statistics South Africa Job title : Marketing Assistant (Intern) Duration : 09March 2015 to present Duties 1. Branding Branding at meetings, conferences, workshops and exhibitions to ensure that the vision, mission and values of Statistics SA was evident at all their functions. 2. Publicity Conducting publicity to ensure that all stakeholders were fully informed of the goals and purposes of projects such as the Living Conditions Survey (LCS), Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2015, Community Survey (CS) 2016 and the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS). This entailed meetings with NGOs, CBOs, Government Departments, Traditional authorities and members of the public to obtain buy-in from them for the survey officers to access their focus areas to conduct the surveys. This has resulted in better response rates which impacted on better quality and more usable data being secured. 3. Training on Supercross Training of stakeholders for them to be able to access data for more informed decision making. Installed software and conducted training for stakeholders from private and public sector organisations. 4. Coordinating the Human Resource Database Registration process Was responsible to ensure that all applicants were properly registered so that the Department had a comprehensive database to source applicants for the large surveys such as Community Survey. 5. Coordinating the SADHS project Provided support and assistance by coordinating enumeration areas that were attended by the publicity officers. Compiled a spreadsheet that was used for reporting on a daily basis. Fieldwork materials and fieldwork activities were also managed appropriately to ensure the success of the project. 6. Stakeholder relations management Attended stakeholder meetings, interacting with tribal authorities, compiling and managing a stakeholder database 7. Reports and Articles Compiled reports and articles for Stats SAs in-house Pulse magazine and local newspapers, after every event.
  • 3. 3 | K P Z U M A s C V 8. Receptionist Provided assistance in the absence of the receptionist. 9. General administritive functions Provided support and assistance in Statistical Systems and Informatics (SSI) and Field Operations (FOPS) 10. Venue Set-Up Ensured that the venues were set up for the various training sessions and stakeholder meetings/ workshops. Also responsible for the setting up of the PA system and the taking of photos. Company: Ignition (Call Centre) Job title : Telesales Duration : June 2011 to December 2011 Duties: 1. Telesales I was tasked to call potential clients and sell network contracts such as: 8ta (Telkom), MTN and Vodacom, and update the clients database. Company: Sanlam (Embassy Building) Job title : Marketing Assistant Duration : August 2010 to October 2010 (In-service training) Duties: 1. Branding Branding at meetings, conferences, workshops and exhibitions to ensure that the vision, mission and values of Sanlam was evident at all their functions. 2. Advertising Was responsible for channeling the advertisements sent from the head office to the relevant individuals in different regions. 3. Administration Provided support in data capturing, filing and communicating with stakeholders. Company: DSA (Direct Selling Association) Job title : Sales Manager Duration : February 2009 to October 2009
  • 4. 4 | K P Z U M A s C V Duties: 1. Team leader Was supervising a team of salespeople and assisting them to achieve their sales target. 2. Direct selling Selling products to potential clients and achieving certain targets. Company: Mr Price Home (Musgrave) Job title : Internal Sales Representative Duration : February 2008 to March 2010 Duties: 1. Merchandising Arranged all the products to the shelves and put price tags on them. 2. Stock Taking Was counting and scanning all products which were displayed on the floor. 3. Internal Sales Was selling products on the floor and also informing clients about products which were on sale. Company: Gabbiano (Sibaya Casino) Job title : Waiter and Room Service Duration : 01 December 2006 to 05 January 2007 Duties: 1. Customer Service Provided service as a waiter and also offered room service for the guests in the lodge. Key Achievements: Top achievers awards in Business Economics and IsiZulu at High School Personal Selling (DSA-Direct Selling Association of South Africa) certificate Sales Management (DSA-Direct Selling Association of South Africa) certificate Recommendation letter from Sanlam Recommendation letter from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Interests and Hobbies: Reading Business studies Sports, especially Soccer and Cricket
  • 5. 5 | K P Z U M A s C V REFERENCES Name and Surname: Mr Gabriel Dlamini Company : Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Designation : Deputy Manager (Communication, Marketing and Publicity) Contact no : 079 513 7219 / 031 3600 600 Email : gabrield@statssa.gov.za Name and Surname: Mr Ravi Naidoo Company : Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Designation : Information Officer Contact no : 071 876 2817 / 031 3600 600 Email : ravin@statssa.gov.za Name and Surname: Mrs Helet Byron Company : Sanlam Designation : Marketing Manager Contact no : 082 458 8211 Name and Surname: Mr Chris Chonco Company : Mr Price Home Designation : Manager Contact no : 076 344 7945