This document provides an overview of Haitian Creole/Krey嘆l Ayisyen, including its classification, related languages, sociolinguistic background, and basic linguistic features. Haitian Creole developed from French and various West and Central African languages and has over 7 million speakers. It is one of two official languages of Haiti, though French maintains a higher social status. The language has a vocabulary and basic word order derived from French but distinctive phonological and grammatical structures.
4. Related Languages
French (regional and
colloquial varieties from
and 18th
African language
Kwa group of West
Bantu languages of
Central Africa
Minimal Amerindian
language influence
Haiti (Ayiti)Arawak
or Carib meaning vast
land of mountains
Only very few lexical
5. Sociolinguistic Background
Settlement History
Very small aboriginal survival of Spanish rule
~1625 Europeans (French), along with a few African
slaves began to settle the area
1664 Louis XIV claimed the West of the island
Growth of slave population due to indigo, coffee,
sugarcane, tobacco, cotton and cacao industry.
Led to classic plantation colony with distinctive Creole
culture and Creole language
1697 Spanish recognition of French claim to Saint-
Dominigue (Haiti)
6. Sociolinguistic Background
Settlement History
Slave population
1681~2,000 (approx. 1/3 of total pop.)
1791~700,000 (approx. 92% of total pop.)
Haiti became richest French colony providing 1/3 of
French foreign trade
Struggle for independence had already begun which
succeeded in 1803
7. Sociolinguistic Background
Sociolinguistic Variation
Official languages: French and Haitian Creole
All Haitians speak Haitian Creole, but only 10% are
considered bilingual in French and H.C.
Fluency in French carries higher status
Traditional Uses
Haitian used in everyday interactions
French used in schools, government, official
documents, etc.
Not allowed to be used for instruction and education
until 1979
8. Basic Word Order
Follows SVO word order typical of
Passive structure takes on common S-
Only questions divert from French using
SVO+rising intonation exclusively
11. Phonological Features
Regional variation makes it difficult to standardize a a
phonological description...
General phonology similar to French
17 consonants (Hall 1953):
Labiodental Dental
or Velar
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative or
f v s z 邸 転
Nasal m n
Lateral l
Spirant r
13. Phonological Features
Unlike French, determiners do not reflect gender
Instead, there are several alternants of the
determiner /la/:
la ~ a ~ an ~ lan ~ nan
Form is selected based on phonological environment
14. Syntactic Features
Determiners and possessive pronouns occur after the
poul ki kouvri pitit li ak-z竪l li
chicken REL cover little 3sg with wing 3sg
a hen covering her chickens with her wings (Arends et al)
d辿ni辿 vwayaj la
last trip DET
the last trip (Hall 1953)
15. Syntactic Features
Personal Pronouns:
mwen 1sg nou 1pl & 2pl
ou 2sg yo 3pl
li 3sg
No gender distinction
No distinction between 1st
person plural & 2nd
person plural
Used for subject and object
16. Syntactic Features (contd)
Present tense to be verb not used
Li malad / Li nan jaden an
3sg sick / 3sg in garden DET
He is sick / He is in the garden
Markers used for other tenses
Li te malad / Li te anba tab la
3sg was sick / 3sg was under table DET
He was sick / He was under the table
17. Syntactic Features (contd)
French negation: ne ...(verb)... pas
Haitian Creole retains pa in negation; however, it
functions more like the French ne
H.C. Li pa jam tro ta pou chien anraje
3sg NEG ever too late for dog go mad (Arends et al)
French Ce n est jamais trop tard pour un chien enrager
It NEG is never too late for a dog to go mad
Its never too late for a dog to go mad
18. Sources
Arends, J. et al. (1995). Pidgins and Creoles: An Introduction.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
DeGraff, Michel. Comparativ e Creole Syntax. London, U.K.
Westminster Creolistics Series, Battlebridge Publications
--Morphology in Creole genesis: Linguistics and ideology. (2001).
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Haitians: Their History and Culture.
Hall, R.A. (1953). Haitian Creole: Grammar, Texts, Vocabulary.
Menasha, Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association.