The document provides 10 steps for uniquely branding a food blog, including planning content and branding elements, designing the blog, finding an authentic voice, promoting the blog through social media, and evaluating the brand over time. It is a presentation by Kristy Gardner of Gastronomical Sovereignty on how to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by developing a clear, consistent brand identity for a food blog.
1. Don't Follow the Herd:
10 Ways to Uniquely Brand
Your Food Blog
& Get Noticed Today!
Prepared by 息 Kristy Gardner of Gastronomical Sovereignty & ohksocialmedia
2. Amuse Bouche (the introduction)
What is this talk about?
Why and how it will benefit YOU!
Who I am & what I do.
What is Branding?
What does branding your food blog look like?
Branderiffic! The 10 steps you can do to
uniquely brand your food blog and get noticed!
3. What up! (a bit about me)
I love food. Obviously.
Alberta to BC to Ont.
Food philosophy.
In my spare time:
I dig food. Literally!
I write freelance.
I like long hikes in the
back country, camping,
reading good novels,
bourbon, and pigs.
4. Who the heck is this chick? (me)
Conception 2009.
Manifested 2010.
Building & evolving
for past three 1/2 yrs.
Why I love it.
How this has lead to
getting paid to blog.
5. Who the heck is this chick? (me cont..)
From blogging to...
Winter of 2013.
Evolution of business.
Other business
Importance of social
6. What is Branding? (the low down)
Constructing your vision into a cohesive and
consistent image so that it becomes
recognizable to a larger audience.
Open to evolving.
Can always be re-evaluated.
Sound of your voice.
How you engage with others.
Look of your blog and social media accounts.
Smallest details to the grandest ideas.
What does branding look like..... (10 steps).
11. Step 1
Planning The Menu: What Will It Be?
Before you can cook, you need to know what
you're making.
Questions to ask:
Why are you blogging?
What impression do you want to create?
3 points of view
(audience; internal; industry).
What do you want to see come out of
your blog?
What resources are available to you?
Your blog is you... Digitized
12. Step 2
Choosing Your Ingredients:
Your Brand's Elements
Selecting the name, tagline, fonts, colours,
images, layout, etc...
Mood Boards
Descriptors as Guidelines
Look at Competition (aka allies)
Standards v. Originality
Get off the computer
13. Step 3
Setting Up Your Station:
Naming & Claiming Your Space
(Blogger V. Wordpress V. Tumblr)
Domain names
(.com v .net v .org v. .ca)
14. Step 4
Doing the Prep: The Design
Integrating your ingredients into a
cohesive image
Design important fancy-pants not.
Be authentic & true to your image & content.
Looks PLUS content!
White space
15. The Design Continued...
The nitty gritty
About Us - make it count!
Layout options.
Cloud tags & Category lists.
Social Media Accounts.
Navigation Menu simple and intuitive.
Testimonials, Reviews, Appearances, etc...
Hiring an expert get what you pay for.
18. Step 5
Get Cookin! - The Execution Strategy
Consistency in brand and interactions
Create A Schedule!
Developing Posts (Blogging.)
Social Media.
Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment Comment.
Other Blog Work:
*** Reaching out to others ***
Finding time to plan.
Finding time for you.
Keeping it fun.
21. Step 6
Authentic Cuisine: Finding Your Voice
Develop a sound.
Tell stories.
Images & Photos:
Great pictures..
Be unique.
Dare to be:
25. Step 7
Plating: Preparing for Your Guests
Be AND Do.
Share your truth:
Positivity v Negativity.
26. Step 8
Serve It Up Get Your Brand Seen
Reach out to others
Networking via social
Start small & build up
Don't just start the
conversation, be a part of it
Speak WITH your audience,
not AT them
Beware the dreaded RT
Be in people's feeds
(consciousness) but don't
be annoying
Calls to action
27. Get Your Brand Seen Continued...
Others via social media, giveaways, etc..
Also to yourself:
Guest Posting
Make food from other bloggers (allies not enemies)
Article Writing
28. Step 9
Chow Down: Buying Into Your Brand
Third party sidebar ads
Ads & prime real-estate
Is it worth it?
Link advertising
Promotions, testing & samples
Making money blogging
Branding as a launch pad for other opportunities
Establishing yourself as an authority
Build opportunities
29. Step 10
Cleaning Up the Kitchen: Evaluating &
Periodic check-ins.
Audience don't be afraid to speak with them! Best way
to give them what they want.
Throw out the old to keep it fresh
Keep it fun