Zeppelin is an open-source notebook application for interactive data analytics. It allows for data exploration, visualization, and sharing. The presenter is Lee moon soo, who helped start Zeppelin at NFLabs. Zeppelin began as a commercial product but is now open-source with Apache Spark integration. It aims to simplify data analysis with interpreters for languages like Spark, PySpark, and SQL. The roadmap includes adding more framework integrations and output streaming capabilities.
7. What gets measured, gets managed
- Peter Drucker
A price of light is less than the cost of darkness
- Arthur C. Nielsen , Founder of ACNielsen
War is ninety percent information
- Napoleon Bonaparate
In God we trust, all others must bring data
- W. Edwards Deming
Data = Understanding
31. public abstract void open();
public abstract void close();
public abstract InterpreterResult interpret(String st, InterpreterContext context);
public abstract void cancel(InterpreterContext context);
public abstract int getProgress(InterpreterContext context);
public abstract List<String> completion(String buf, int cursor);
public abstract FormType getFormType();
public Scheduler getScheduler();
Implementing new Interpreter
Good to
32. Roadmap
? Integration with more distributed
processing framework
? Flink, Ignite, Tajo, etc..
? Output message streaming
? Ability to create rich GUI