This document provides a guide to drafting the Khans of Tarkir Magic: The Gathering set. It summarizes the mechanics of Raid, Ferocious, Prowess, Outlast, Delve, and Morph. It offers strategies for clan/two color decks, five color morph/good stuff decks. It provides tips on land counts and playing off-color morphs. Finally, it notes that Khans is a valuable set due to rare lands.
2. Table of Contents
- Raid (Red/White/Black or Mardu)
- Ferocious (Green/Blue/Red or Temur)
- Prowess (Blue/Red/White or Jeskai)
- Outlast (White/Black/Green or Abzan)
- Delve (Black/Green/Blue or Sultai)
- Morph
- Clan
- Two Color
- Five Color Morph/Good Stuff
- Tips
3. Raid
Triggers if a creature was declared as
an attacker this turn
You may play raid spells without
having attacked, just do not get the
raid effect
To prevent raid from triggering, tap or
kill creatures before your opponent
gets to declare them as attackers
4. Ferocious
Unless required to cast the spell, Ferocious
is checked on resolution
Removing a players only creature with
power 4 or greater before the spells
resolution cancels the Ferocious effect
5. Prowess
Triggers upon casting of a spell
Apply the +1/+1 before the spell
Casting a Ferocious card with a 3
power Prowess creature on board will
trigger Ferocious
6. Outlast
Creatures with Outlast can only do so
at sorcery speed
Creatures with Outlast put the
counters on themselves
Requires tapping your creature so can
not outlast the turn it comes into play
A number of Outlast creatures give
keywords to creatures you control with
a +1/+1 counter on them
7. Delve
Decide how much you want to Delve
when casting the spell
Does not change the Converted Mana
Cost of the Spell
8. Morph
You may cast a Morph creature face down for 3 mana
A face down Morph is a 2/2 colorless creature with 0 converted mana cost, no
name and no type even when being cast from hand
You may turn a face down Morph creature you control face up by paying the morph
Unmorphing a creature does not use the stack and thus can not be responded to
and can be done at any time
Whenever a Morph leaves the battlefield or a game ends, you must reveal what
that morph creature is as an anti-cheating measure
All creatures in Khans with a Morph cost of 4 mana or less will either trade or
bounce off another morph
9. Strategies
Clan or Two Color
- Best to start by drafting two enemy colors
Two colors not next to each other on the color wheel
- You can pick a three color card early, it is risky though
- Unless something is useful, it's usually the right choice to take a land
in your colors
- If two colors and splashing a third, fourth or fifth color, picking up lands
which are both one of your colors and a splash are very important
Five Color Morph or Good Stuff
- Most of your early picks are lands unless something really powerful
shows up
- Deck is easier to play if base colors are Blue and Green and you take
Trail of Mystery (Green Rare) and/or Secret Plans (Green Blue
- In the last pack, unless you still need lands, grab any powerful card
you see
10. Tips
Playing 18 lands is the norm for this format
- You want 3 mana on turn 3 to play a morph and 5 mana on turn 5 to
flip a common morph creature
- The Five Color Deck may want to run 19 lands
The dedicated self-mill/Delve deck may want to run 42 or 43 card decks to help
prevent themselves from losing to deck out
If short on creatures, feel free to play off-color morph as just Three mana 2/2s
Two mana 2 power creatures and Three mana 2/3s are incredibly powerful in this
format because they trade or eat a face down morph creature
11. Value
Overall, Khans is a fairly valuable set
The rare lands will more than pay for the draft, but they will not usually help you win
any games
I will be accepting all Polluted Delta (Blue Black Rare Lands) donations to help
finish up my constructed deck