El informe de auditor鱈a de la Secretar鱈a de Transporte y Tr叩nsito de Santa Fe de Antioquia encontr坦 varias observaciones como la falta de socializaci坦n de c坦digos y manuales con el personal, riesgos en la oficina de archivo por condiciones locativas y almacenamiento de productos qu鱈micos, y comparendos de 2013 sin resoluci坦n que llevaron a la prescripci坦n. Se recomienda adquirir equipos para el archivo digital, firma digital para los funcionarios, gestionar nuevos rangos vehiculares con el Ministerio, y evitar
This document provides information about "IES Antonio de Nebrija" secondary school located in Zalamea de la Serena, Spain. It discusses that students come from 7 surrounding villages within a 12-26 km radius, including Retamal, Higuera, Docenario, Malpartida, Esparragosa, Puerto Hurraco, and Zalamea. It provides brief descriptions of each village, including population sizes, distances from Zalamea, important landmarks, and recreational areas. It concludes by describing some of the facilities available at IES Antonio de Nebrija such as classrooms, a library, laboratory, and music room.
This document provides information about the Erasmus+ project "Let's tune in to Europe" between the years 2016-2018 that was conducted by the Circolo Didattico 'Amiternum' school in L'Aquila, Italy. It summarizes key details about the city of L'Aquila including its history, landmarks, and cultural institutions focused on music. It then describes the Amiternum school, including its name origins, campuses located in the surrounding towns, and educational programs focused on reading, sciences, citizenship, music instruction, and student film projects. The school orchestra is highlighted as performing for the community. The document expresses excitement to host visitors from partner schools involved in the Erasmus+ project
Rujiena Secondary School is a school in Estonia that serves pupils from ages 6 to 19. It highlights various school activities including poetry day, an Olympic day event in the town centre, science and art classrooms, an English classroom where students like projects, and a greenhouse project. The school promotes health and takes part in a European fruit program. It commemorates historical events and encourages after school activities, working together as one.