The document contains instructions for a morning exercise routine involving stretching different body parts. It lists body parts like the head, shoulders, legs, and feet. It then lists exercises repeating different body parts like the eyes, ears, mouth, and stomach, followed by the neck, legs, hands, and tongue. The exercises are meant to be done twice with clapping in between each set.
The document contains instructions for a morning exercise routine involving stretching different body parts. It lists body parts like the head, shoulders, legs, and feet. It then lists exercises repeating different body parts like the eyes, ears, mouth, and stomach, followed by the neck, legs, hands, and tongue. The exercises are meant to be done twice with clapping in between each set.
1) The King of the Seas had five daughters who were mermaids with fish tails instead of legs.
2) One mermaid saw a handsome prince on a ship and rescued him when his ship sank in a storm, bringing him to shore.
3) She traded her voice to a witch for human legs so she could be with the prince, but he ended up marrying another woman instead. Sad, she returned to the sea.
4. Kirja alustamine
Ait辰h kirja eest! T辰nan kirja eest!
Mul oli hea meel Sinult kirja saada!
Mul oli v辰ga hea meel, et Sa mulle
Miks Sa pole nii ammu kirjutanud?
K端ll on tore, et Sa mulle nii ruttu
5. kontroll
Mul kirja Sinult hea saada oli meel
miks .pole.ammu?
K端oto, esmunirut..vast!
6. Kirja j辰tkamine
亊 亢亳于 仂仂仂
Ma elan h辰sti
仄亠仆 于亠 于 仗仂磲从亠
Mul on k探ik korras/h辰sti
仆亠 于亠 仄亠仆 亳亟亠 舒从, 从舒从 仂亠仍仂 弍
mul ei l辰he k探ik nagu oleks tahtnud
仗亳舒仍舒, 仂 .
Sa kirjutasid, et.
于仂亠仄 仗亳仄亠 仗舒亳于舒仍舒
Oma kirjas k端sisid sa , kas.