Human Capital is the most valuable asset for any organization today. We at Brainiers make sure that you get the best in the business. Brainiers Consultancy Services help you find the the right candidates for your company, partner with you in maximizing potential of your human capital and optimizing your HR processes.
Our wide suit of services lets you leverage your organization's Human Capital and optimize the performance of your Employees.
Our Services have developed based on international best practices and are adapted to suit all our clients' businesses. Be it the right talent for your organization, or a cost effective consulting solution, or a training program, or solution for enhancing your HR processes, our services are customized to meet your every need.
The Trident ROV submarine project has revealed it uses a Raspberry Pi 3 as its onboard computer. The Pi was chosen for its strong community, performance, features and compact size. Video from the prototype shows the Pi-powered Trident cuts neatly through water. It connects to surface controls via a tether and wireless buoy, and is aimed to give more people access to underwater exploration. The crowdfunded Trident is expected for consumer use by the end of 2016.
una universidad mejor es posible y debemos trabajar en ello, estos son los puntos a analizar para lograr una mejor universidad para todos y as鱈 una mejor sociedad.
Cake & Socialyse February 2016 Facebook Updates Cake
Facebook has introduced new features for video ads and reporting to help brands communicate their messages faster on mobile. These include an automated caption tool and additional metrics like 10-second views and sound on/off views. Facebook has also expanded Instant Articles, which allow publishers to host content directly on Facebook for faster loading, and launched Reactions beyond just Likes to provide more insight into user sentiment.
The definition of neurosis according to Carl Jung the inability to tolerate ambiguity
Jung was way ahead of current EDI standards with his theory but he did predate a simple solution to all of the ambiguity of Electronic Data Interchange with allowing all rules and workflow to be Decoupled and therefore independent from any ERP.
The document discusses the three main types of muscles: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle is voluntary striated muscle that is attached to bones. Smooth muscle is involuntary muscle that lines organs. Cardiac muscle is also involuntary but striated, found only in the heart walls. In conclusion, the three main types of muscles each have distinct characteristics in terms of voluntary vs involuntary control and locations in the body.
El documento describe la universidad de los sue単os del autor. El autor sue単a con una Universidad Atl叩ntico (UA) que tenga m叩s espacios naturales para el di叩logo, estudio y descanso. El autor quiere que la UA incluya trabajos de campo y laboratorios en buenas condiciones. Para lograr esta visi坦n, todas las partes interesadas deben trabajar juntas y las directivas deben alejarse de la politiquer鱈a y enfocarse en proveer una buena educaci坦n.
This document provides examples of interview questions and responses that demonstrate thinking outside the box. The questions include scenarios about offering a ride to someone in need during a storm, how to respond if accused of a crime, and identifying patterns or central points without direct information. The responses that were selected showed creativity, focusing on helping others rather than self-interest, and using logic and context clues to infer intended meanings rather than taking questions at face value.
This document provides examples of interview questions and responses that demonstrate thinking outside the box. The questions include scenarios about offering a ride to someone in need during a storm, how to respond if accused of a crime, and identifying patterns or central points without direct information. The responses that were selected showed creativity, focusing on helping others rather than self-interest, and using logic and context clues to infer intended meanings rather than taking questions at face value.
2. P辰辰kaupunki: Havanna
V辰kiluku: 11 047 000
Kieli : espanja
Uskonto: Kuubalaiset ovat
uskonnollista kansaa, vaikka
maa olikin pitk辰辰n virallisesti
ateistinen. Maan uskonnollista
el辰m辰辰 luonnehtii synkretismi
eli eri uskontojen vaikutteiden
Kuubasta tietoa
3. Perinteinen kuubalainen ruoka on
kotiruokaa, jota tehd辰辰n lempe辰sti
hauduttaen. Pavut ja riisi luovat
perustan keittobanaaniin, juuresten ,
broilerin ja possun sek辰 kalojen
t辰ydent辰m辰辰n kokonaisuuteen,
unohtamatta valkosipulia, sitruksia,
maustekastikkeita ja hedelmi辰. Aterian
kruunaa makea j辰lkiruoka.
4. El capitolio : Havannan p辰辰hallintorakennus
Guanabacoan historiallinen museo: Guanabacoan
historiallisella museolla on afrokuubalaisiin uskonnollisiin
kultteihin liittyv辰 etnografinen kokoelma.
Bas鱈lica Menor de San Francisco de As鱈s: Havannan
vanhassa kaupungissa sijaitseva toinen kohde, jossa
yhdistyv辰t museo ja kirkko.
Casa de la M炭sica: Te Quedar叩s on tanssipaikka, jossa voit
nauttia Kuuban parhaiden yhtyeiden tajunnanr辰j辰ytt辰vist辰
Cementerio Crist坦bal Col坦n: 1876 perustettu hautausmaa
Kuuban n辰ht辰vyydet
5. Suomi vs Kuuba
Aina kylm辰 ja loskaa
J辰辰r辰 kulttuuri
Aina l辰mmin ja aurinkoa
Iso meri
Tanssiva kulttuuri