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Lori Langer de Ramirez, Ed. D.
Director, World and Classical Languages & Global Language Initiatives
                                        The Dalton School, New York
L ls   parent ppt
21st Century Skills

           Communicating and
             collaborating with
                teams of people
                 across cultural,
                 geographic and
           language boundaries
FL Standards (ACTFL)
 Cultures                                       Comparisons
 Gain knowledge and                         Develop insight into the
 understanding of other                        nature of language
 cultures                                               and culture
                          Communicate in
                          languages other
                          than your own
 Connections                                    Communities
 Connect with                           Participate in multilingual
 other disciplines and                     communities at home
 acquire information                       and around the world
Excellent language
 teaching and learning involves...

Grammar and
  vocabulary in
  context rather
  than learning
  verbs and
  vocabulary from
  isolated lists.
Why? Some benefits...


Excellent language
teaching and learning involves...

    Connections to other disciplines reinforce what
    students are already learning; rather than
    lessons based on topics that are irrelevant to
More benefits...

  Research has shown that
       math and verbal SAT scores
    climb higher with each additional
         year of language study.
Excellent language
teaching and learning involves...

of culture in
all lessons;
rather than
from its

Knowledge of other cultures helps
create more empathetic, skillful and
responsible global citizens.
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
L ls   parent ppt
The Importance of Mother Tongue

It is VERY important for students to continue to
     read, write, speak and understand their home
     language. If your child is able to read
                                  and write in
                                  your language,
                                  there will be
                                  better success in
                                  learning these
                                  skills in English !
                       With one big and one
                       small wheel (one good and
                       one not so good language)
                       you can go farther and
 With one wheel (one
 language), you can                       With two equal-sized wheels
 go from place to                         (two strong languages) you
 place.                                   can comfortably go
                                          anywhere you want!

(images courtesy of
Jim Cummins)
Third-culture kids
A third culture kid is a person who has spent a significant part of his
or her developmental years outside their parents culture. The third
culture kid builds relationships
to all the cultures, while not having
full ownership in any. Although
elements from each culture are
assimilated into the third
culture kids life experience,
the sense of belonging is in
relationship to others of the
same background,
other TCKs.
How parents can be supportive
Courtesy of International School of Bangkok
Investigate information
Investigate resources
 Ask about
  language classes
 Encourage real-
  world use of TL
 Seek out a broad
  range of
 Connect with ISM
L ls   parent ppt

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L ls parent ppt

  • 1. Lori Langer de Ramirez, Ed. D. Director, World and Classical Languages & Global Language Initiatives The Dalton School, New York
  • 3. 21st Century Skills Communicating and collaborating with teams of people across cultural, geographic and language boundaries
  • 4. FL Standards (ACTFL) Cultures Comparisons Gain knowledge and Develop insight into the understanding of other nature of language cultures and culture Communication Communicate in languages other than your own Connections Communities Connect with Participate in multilingual other disciplines and communities at home acquire information and around the world
  • 5. Excellent language teaching and learning involves... Grammar and vocabulary in context rather than learning verbs and vocabulary from isolated lists.
  • 6. Why? Some benefits... better greater problem- cognitive solving flexibility higher-order thinking skills
  • 7. Excellent language teaching and learning involves... Connections to other disciplines reinforce what students are already learning; rather than lessons based on topics that are irrelevant to students.
  • 8. More benefits... Research has shown that math and verbal SAT scores climb higher with each additional year of language study.
  • 9. Excellent language teaching and learning involves... Incorporation of culture in all lessons; rather than language separate from its cultural context
  • 10. More benefits... Knowledge of other cultures helps create more empathetic, skillful and responsible global citizens.
  • 21. The Importance of Mother Tongue It is VERY important for students to continue to read, write, speak and understand their home language. If your child is able to read and write in your language, there will be better success in learning these skills in English !
  • 22. Balanced Bilingualism With one big and one small wheel (one good and one not so good language) you can go farther and faster. With one wheel (one language), you can With two equal-sized wheels go from place to (two strong languages) you place. can comfortably go anywhere you want! (images courtesy of Jim Cummins)
  • 23. Third-culture kids A third culture kid is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside their parents culture. The third culture kid builds relationships to all the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture are assimilated into the third culture kids life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of the same background, other TCKs.
  • 24. How parents can be supportive
  • 25. Courtesy of International School of Bangkok
  • 28. Communicate Ask about language classes Encourage real- world use of TL Seek out a broad range of conversation partners Connect with ISM teachers