8. 2. Anterior oblique - Dorsi-palmar oblique
Position of patient and cassette
• From the basic postero-anterior position, the hand is externally rotated
45 degrees with the fingers extended.
• The fingers should be separated slightly and the hand supported on a 45-
degree non-opaque pad.
• A sandbag is placed over the lower end of the forearm for
9. Direction and centring of the X-ray beam
• The vertical central ray is centred over the head of the fifth
• The tube is then angled so that the central ray passes through the
head of the third metacarpal, enabling a reduction in the size of the
10. KVP and mAs for Anterior Oblique - dorsi-palmar oblique
• KVP - 60
• mAs - 6
12. 3. Posterior-Oblique - both hands (ball catcher's or Norgaard projection
Position of patient and cassette
• The patient is seated alongside the table.
• However, if this is not possible due to the patient’s condition, the patient may
be seated facing the table
• Both forearms are pronated and placed on the table with the palmer surface
of the hands in contact with the cassette.
• The fingers are separated and extended but relaxed to ensure that they
remain in contact with the cassette.
• The wrists are adjusted so that the radial and ulna styloid processes are
equidistant from the cassette.
• A sandbag is placed over the lower forearms for immobilization.
13. Direction and centring of the X-ray beam
• The vertical central is centred over a point midway between the inter-
phalangeal joints of both thumbs.
14. KVP and mAs posterior oblique - both hands
• KVP - 60
• mAs - 6
16. Summary
• At the end of the experiment , the student will be able to explain and
demonstrate basic and advanced Radiographic positioning for Hand.
18. Disclaimer
All data and content provided in this presentation are taken from the
reference books, internet – websites and links, for informational
purposes only.