The plasma membrane forms the outer boundary of the cell and is selectively permeable. It regulates communication between the cell's interior and exterior environments. The cytoplasm contains the cytosol and various organelles. The cytosol is the intracellular fluid that contains dissolved nutrients, waste products, and cytoskeletal elements. It is the site of many cellular chemical reactions. The nucleus houses the cell's DNA within chromosomes and controls most cellular functions. Nutrients and waste diffuse across the membrane, while the cell maintains concentrations using membrane transport proteins and cellular energy.
3. Plasma Membrane
forms the cells flexible outer surface, separating the cells internal environment
(inside the cell) from the external environment (outside the cell).
Selective barrier
communication among cells and between cells and their external environment.
consists of all the cellular contents between the plasma membrane and the nucleus
Cytosol: The fluid portion: contains water, dissolved solutes, and suspended particles
houses most of a cells DNA.
Chromosome: a single molecule of DNA associated with several proteins, contains
thousands of hereditary units called genes that control most aspects of cellular
structure and function.
4. Plasma Membrane: structure
Lipid bilayer
3 types of lipid:
75% Phospholipid,
20% cholesterol,
5% glycolipids
molecules: dual
Integral Protein
Peripheral Protein
Modification of
1. Glycoprotein
2. Lipoprotein
5. Glycocalyx
The carbohydrate portions of glycolipids and glycoproteins form
an extensive sugary coat.
Cell to cell pattern varies
The glycocalyx acts like a molecular signature that enables
cells to recognize one another.
One of the basis of the immune response that helps us destroy
invading organisms.
enables cells to adhere to one another in some tissues and
protects cells from being digested by enzymes in the extracellular
The hydrophilic properties of the glycocalyx attract a film of
fluid to the surface of many cells.
6. Function of Membrane Protein
Act as,
Ion Channels
Cell identity marker
7. 1. Membrane Fluidity
lipid molecules readily exchange places with
their neighbors within a monolayer (~107 times
a second).
This gives rise to a rapid lateral diffusion,
10million times per second
It depends on number of cholesterol and double-
bond [kink] present in fatty acids
"flip-flop" : occurs less than once a month for
any individual molecule.
Membrane Physiology
8. Importance of membrane Fluidity
Rigid membrane would lack mobility
A completely fluid membrane would lack the
structural organization and mechanical support
required by the cell
Allows interactions to occur within the plasma
membrane enables the movement of the membrane
components responsible for cellular processes such as
cell movement, growth, division, and secretion.
self-seal if torn or punctured.
9. 2. Membrane Permeability
Selectively permeable
permeable to nonpolar, uncharged molecules, such as oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and steroids
Impermeable to ions and large, uncharged polar molecules
such as glucose
Slightly permeable to small, uncharged polar molecules such
as water and urea, a waste product from the breakdown of
amino acids.
Importance: allows a living cell to maintain different
concentrations of certain substances on either side of the
plasma membrane.
10. 3. Electrochemical Gradient
The selective permeability of the plasma membrane allows a living cell to
maintain different concentrations of certain substances on either side of the
plasma membrane.
A concentration gradient is a difference in the concentration of a
chemical from the inside to the outside of the plasma membrane.
Typically, the inner surface of the plasma membrane is more negatively
charged and the outer surface is more positively charged. A difference in
electrical charges between two regions constitutes an electrical gradient.
Because it occurs across the plasma membrane, this charge difference is
termed the membrane potential
Oxygen molecules and sodium ions (Na) are more concentrated in the
extracellular fluid than in the cytosol; the opposite is true of carbon dioxide
molecules and potassium ions (K).
The combined influence of the concentration gradient and the electrical
gradient on movement of a particular ion is referred to as its
electrochemical gradient.
11. What can diffuse through membrane
Protein - free Lipid Bilayers Are Highly
Impermeable to Ions
The smaller the molecule and the more soluble it is
in oil can pass easily
Small nonpolar molecules, such as O2 (32 daltons)
and CO2 (44 daltons), readily dissolve in lipid
bilayers and therefore rapidly diffuse across them
Uncharged polar molecules also diffuse rapidly
across a bilayer if they are small enough. Water (18
daltons), ethanol (46 daltons), and urea (60 daltons),
glycerol (92 daltons) diffuses less rapidly; glucose
(180 daltons), can not
lipid bilayers are highly impermeable to charged
molecules (ions)
Transportation Across the membrane
12. Types Transportation
carrier proteins channel proteins
carriers, permeases, or transporters
bind the specific solute to be transported
and undergo a series of conformational
changes in order to transfer the bound
solute across the membrane
need not bind the solute
they form hydrophilic pores that
extend across the lipid bilayer
Against concentration
passive Diffusion Active Diffusion
13. Passive Diffusion
Is a passive process in which the random mixing of particles in a solution occurs
because of the particles kinetic energy.
They move down their concentration gradient.
14. Several factors influence the diffusion rate
of substances across plasma membranes
Steepness of the concentration gradient : The greater the difference in concentration
between the two sides of the membrane, the higher the rate of diffusion.
charged particles
Temperature: The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of diffusion
diffusion processes occur more rapidly in a person with a fever
Mass of the diffusing substance: The larger the mass - the slower its diffusion rate.
Smaller molecules diffuse more rapidly than larger ones.
Surface area: The larger the membrane surface area -the faster the diffusion rate.
the air sacs of the lungs have a large surface area
Diffusion distance: The greater the distance -the longer it takes.
Diffusion across a plasma membrane takes only a fraction of a second because it
is so thin.
15. Simple Diffusion
is a passive process in which substances move freely through the lipid
bilayer of the plasma membranes of cells without the help of membrane
transport proteins
Nonpolar, hydrophobic molecules including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and
nitrogen gases; fatty acids; steroids; and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and
Small, uncharged polar molecules such as water, urea, and small alcohols
also pass through the lipid bilayer by simple diffusion.
16. Facilitated Diffusion
Solutes that are too polar or highly charged to move through the lipid bilayer
by simple diffusion can cross the plasma membrane by a passive process
called facilitated diffusion.
Through a membrane channel [ion channels] - integral transmembrane
proteins that allow passage of small, inorganic ions that are too hydrophilic to
penetrate the nonpolar interior of the lipid bilayer.
Eg. For Na, K, Ca ions
a carrier (also called a transporter) is used to move a solute down its
concentration gradient across the plasma membrane.
The solute binds to a specific carrier on one side of the membrane and is
released on the other side after the carrier undergoes a change in shape.
E.g Glucose transporter
17. Osmosis
Type of passive diffusion
is a type of diffusion in which there is net movement of a solvent through a
selectively permeable membrane
the solvent is water, which moves by osmosis across plasma membranes
from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water
During osmosis, water molecules pass through a plasma membrane in two
(1) by moving through the lipid bilayer via simple diffusion, as previously
described, and
(2) by moving through aquaporins- integral membrane proteins that
function as water channels.
the solution with the impermeable solute also exerts a force, called the
osmotic pressure.
18. Tonicity
Isotonic solution: The concentrations of solutes that cannot
cross the plasma membrane are the same on both sides of the
membrane in this solution.
E.g NaCl: 0.9%
hypotonic solution: a solution that has a lower concentration
of solutes than the cytosol.
hypertonic solution: higher concentration of solutes than
does the cytosol
19. Active Diffusion
Uphill [against concentration gradient]
Some polar or charged solutesTwo
sources of cellular
energy can be used to drive active
(1) Energy obtained from hydrolysis
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the
source in primary active transport;
(2) energy stored in an ionic
concentration gradient is the source in
secondary active transport..
20. Primary Active Transport
Carrier proteins that mediate primary active transport are often called
hydrolysis of ATP changes the shape of a carrier protein
E.g Sodium potassium pump
Three Na + in the cytosol bind to the pump protein
Binding of Na triggers the hydrolysis of ATP into ADP
This chemical reaction changes the shape of the pump protein, expelling
the three Na into the extracellular fluid
Two K + in the extracellular fluid to the pump protein
The binding of K + triggers release of the phosphate group from the
pump protein
As the pump protein reverts to its original shape, it releases K + into the
Secondary active transport indirectly uses energy obtained from the
hydrolysis of ATP.
The energy stored in a Na+ or H + concentration gradient is used to drive
other substances across the membrane against their own concentration
Some of the stored energy can be converted to kinetic energy (energy of
motion) and used to transport other substances against their concentration
If these transporters move two substances in the same direction they are
called symporters
Na + /glucose and Na/amino acid symporters
If these transporters move two substances in the opposite direction they are
called antiporters
Na+ /H + and Na+/Ca+ antiporters
22. Transport in Vesicles
small, spherical sac.
Vesicles also import materials from and release materials into
extracellular fluid
Endocytosis: materials move into a cell in a vesicle formed
from the plasma membrane.
Receptor mediated
Bulk phase endocytosis
Exocytosis: materials move out of a cell by the fusion with the
plasma membrane of vesicles formed inside the cell.
23. Endocytosis
1. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
highly selective type- cells take up specific ligands.
A vesicle forms after a receptor protein in the plasma membrane recognizes and
binds to a particular particle in the extracellular fluid.
E.g. For cells take up cholesterol containing low-density lipoproteins (LDLs),
transferrin (an iron-transporting protein in the blood), some vitamins, antibodies,
and certain hormones by receptor-mediated endocytosis.
24. Phagocytosis
The cell engulfs large solid particles
E.g worn-out cells, whole bacteria, or viruse
Phagocytes, those cells, that are able to
carry out phagocytosis [Macrophage,
Phagocytosis begins when the particle binds
to a plasma membrane receptor on the
phagocyte, causing it to extend pseudopods
Pseudopods surround the particle outside
the cell, and the membranes fuse to form a
vesicle called a phagosome
Phagocytosis is a vital defense mechanism
that helps protect the body from disease
25. bulk-phase endocytosis [Pinocytosis]
tiny droplets of extracellular fluid are taken up.
No receptor proteins are involved; all solutes.
Dissolved in the extracellular fluid are brought into the cell the
plasma membrane folds inward and forms a vesicle containing a
droplet of extracellular fluid.
The vesicle detaches or pinches off from the plasma
membrane and enters the cytosol.
exocytosis releases materials from a cell.
All cells carry out exocytosis, but it is especially important in
two types of cells:
(1) secretory cells that liberate digestive enzymes, hormones,
mucus, or other secretions;
(2) nerve cells that release substances called neurotransmitters
In some cases, wastes are also released by exocytosis.
During exocytosis, membrane-enclosed vesicles called
secretory vesicles
Segments of the plasma membrane lost through endocytosis are
recovered or recycled by exocytosis. The balance between
endocytosis and exocytosis keeps the surface area of a cells
plasma membrane relatively constant.
Transport in vesicles may also be used to successively move a
substance into, across, and out of a cell. In this active process,
called transcytosis.
vesicles undergo endocytosis on one side of a cell, move
across the cell, and then undergo exocytosis on the opposite
Transcytosis occurs most often across the endothelial cells that
line blood vessels and is a means for materials to move
between blood plasma and interstitial fluid. For instance, when
a woman is pregnant, some of her antibodies cross the placenta
into the fetal circulation via transcytosis
28. Cytoplasm
Cytosol(intracellular fluid) + organelles
7590% water
Various dissolved and suspended components: different types of ions,
glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, proteins, lipids, ATP, and waste
Function: The cytosol is the site of many chemical reactions required
for a cells existence. For example, enzymes in cytosol catalyze glycolysis.