Brayan Yesid peñuela Triviño es un estudiante del Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra que creó un sitio web llamado Tic.combobritalia para compartir información tecnológica.
This document provides a checklist to help determine if an aging loved one needs assisted living. It lists signs to watch for regarding medications, food/groceries, daily activities, social contact, driving abilities, and calls to family/providers. Catching the need for assistance earlier rather than later can help defray emotional and financial costs. Up to 12 million older adults may need assisted living by 2030. Nursing home care costs average $74,825 annually currently and are estimated to rise to $200,000 within 30 years. Resources for caregivers are also listed.
Este documento describe un experimento para medir el movimiento armónico simple de una masa oscilante sujeta a un resorte. El procedimiento incluye graficar la posición y velocidad de la masa en función del tiempo para varias amplitudes y masas. El objetivo es comparar los resultados experimentales con un modelo matemático de movimiento armónico simple para determinar la amplitud, periodo y constante del sistema.
Beginner writing introduce yourself in a business setting - Lesson 4(t)SkimaTalk
This document provides instructions for an online lesson on preparing answers to common job interview questions. The lesson includes homework where students write 300 character responses to 5 questions about their specialty, experience, strengths, accomplishments, and weaknesses. During the lesson, the teacher will have the student read their homework, provide feedback, and ask follow-up discussion questions. The teacher is instructed to structure the lesson by introducing the topic, reviewing the homework, proofreading it with the student, and concluding with discussion questions.
The document discusses how various design elements of a magazine targeted towards an alternative audience would appeal to that target demographic. These include:
1) Using an edgy, rough font for the masthead that connotes aggressiveness and fits the alternative genre.
2) Featuring photos of musicians like Billie Joe from Green Day and Oli Sykes from Bring Me the Horizon showing alternative styles of dress, hair, tattoos and makeup that the target audience could relate to.
3) Including symbols like Green Day's grenade logo with blood, writing in all capital letters, and a sans serif font to make the magazine seem bold and aggressive in a way that would inspire the target audience.
This document provides information on advertising solutions for education clients, including station board advertising at 12 railway stations in Mumbai and vinyl wrapping of 12 train coaches to advertise Tasgaonkar College. It also lists the company's address and contact information.
El documento discute la diferencia entre nativos digitales e inmigrantes digitales. Los nativos digitales, o jóvenes, han crecido con la tecnologÃa y la usan con facilidad sin manuales o cursos. Los inmigrantes digitales, o adultos, deben aprender a usar la tecnologÃa como una necesidad a pesar del mayor costo de tiempo y esfuerzo. Aunque los nativos usan la tecnologÃa con facilidad, los inmigrantes que quieren incorporarla son progreso, y ambos grupos pueden aprender uno del otro
This document provides a summary of a lecture on macroeconomic theory and stabilization policy. The lecture discusses business cycles and how they relate to changes in actual output levels and rates of change. It notes that a recession can be defined as successive quarters of declining growth rates, even if output levels are not falling. The lecture then addresses the problem of "stagflation" seen in some economies in the 1970s-1980s - when growth rates were falling yet inflation was high. This contradicted traditional Keynesian models, suggesting supply-side factors were involved. The lecture analyzes demand-supply diagrams and how demand-side policies cannot effectively address stagflation if caused by supply shocks. It questions policies adopted in a recent
Using articles of clothing and accessories from the Fashion Merchandising department to create a Familiar Symbol Display. Cinderella's night at the ball was reflected.
Este documento describe un experimento para medir el movimiento armónico simple de una masa oscilante sujeta a un resorte. El procedimiento incluye graficar la posición y velocidad de la masa en función del tiempo para varias amplitudes y masas. El objetivo es comparar los resultados experimentales con un modelo matemático de movimiento armónico simple para determinar la amplitud, periodo y constante del sistema.
Beginner writing introduce yourself in a business setting - Lesson 4(t)SkimaTalk
This document provides instructions for an online lesson on preparing answers to common job interview questions. The lesson includes homework where students write 300 character responses to 5 questions about their specialty, experience, strengths, accomplishments, and weaknesses. During the lesson, the teacher will have the student read their homework, provide feedback, and ask follow-up discussion questions. The teacher is instructed to structure the lesson by introducing the topic, reviewing the homework, proofreading it with the student, and concluding with discussion questions.
The document discusses how various design elements of a magazine targeted towards an alternative audience would appeal to that target demographic. These include:
1) Using an edgy, rough font for the masthead that connotes aggressiveness and fits the alternative genre.
2) Featuring photos of musicians like Billie Joe from Green Day and Oli Sykes from Bring Me the Horizon showing alternative styles of dress, hair, tattoos and makeup that the target audience could relate to.
3) Including symbols like Green Day's grenade logo with blood, writing in all capital letters, and a sans serif font to make the magazine seem bold and aggressive in a way that would inspire the target audience.
This document provides information on advertising solutions for education clients, including station board advertising at 12 railway stations in Mumbai and vinyl wrapping of 12 train coaches to advertise Tasgaonkar College. It also lists the company's address and contact information.
El documento discute la diferencia entre nativos digitales e inmigrantes digitales. Los nativos digitales, o jóvenes, han crecido con la tecnologÃa y la usan con facilidad sin manuales o cursos. Los inmigrantes digitales, o adultos, deben aprender a usar la tecnologÃa como una necesidad a pesar del mayor costo de tiempo y esfuerzo. Aunque los nativos usan la tecnologÃa con facilidad, los inmigrantes que quieren incorporarla son progreso, y ambos grupos pueden aprender uno del otro
This document provides a summary of a lecture on macroeconomic theory and stabilization policy. The lecture discusses business cycles and how they relate to changes in actual output levels and rates of change. It notes that a recession can be defined as successive quarters of declining growth rates, even if output levels are not falling. The lecture then addresses the problem of "stagflation" seen in some economies in the 1970s-1980s - when growth rates were falling yet inflation was high. This contradicted traditional Keynesian models, suggesting supply-side factors were involved. The lecture analyzes demand-supply diagrams and how demand-side policies cannot effectively address stagflation if caused by supply shocks. It questions policies adopted in a recent
Using articles of clothing and accessories from the Fashion Merchandising department to create a Familiar Symbol Display. Cinderella's night at the ball was reflected.