The students of the 2° C.D. "Giovanni XXIII" presented a retelling of the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare". In the fable, the hare brags about his speed and challenges the tortoise to a race. During the race, the hare gets overconfident and stops to take a nap while the tortoise steadily makes progress. When the hare wakes up, he sees the tortoise is near the finish line and cannot pass it to win the race. The moral of the fable is not to underestimate one's opponent.
12. when the Hare awoke from his nap, he
saw the Tortoise just near the winning-
post and could not run up in time to
save the race.
13. The hare awoke and when he saw the turtle near the finish line, made
a quick jump, but the turtle had arrived and won the race, leaving the
superb hare with diddly squat.