Technology Transfer to/from ChinaDragonstarprojectThe document discusses technology transfer opportunities in China. It begins with an overview of China's innovation history, describing three stages of development from an early stage in 1978 to the current stable development stage. It then outlines China's innovation system, including its legal and policy framework and management structures that support technology transfer. Finally, it provides an example of a French technology that was commercialized in China through licensing to a medical devices company, which then acquired the technology's owner. The document advocates for trained technology transfer professionals and increased international cooperation to help diversify technology markets across regions.
The Myth of Librarian Neutrality: Adobe Digital Editions and the Digital Righ...Lydia ThornePresentation for CAPAL15: Academic Librarianship and Critical Practice, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, May 31- June 2, 2015.
Mi vidanancycaNancy Capuz es una chica de 17 años de la comunidad de Angahuana Alto. Estudió primaria en la Escuela "Mushuc Ñan" y secundaria en el Colegio Universitario "Juan Montalvo", aunque no ha realizado estudios superiores. En su mensaje a los jóvenes les aconseja pensar bien las cosas antes de actuar y darse cuenta de la importancia de los estudios, que son una herencia valiosa que los padres pueden brindar.
Social Comparison, Trait Hope, and Cognitive Task Performance: A Goal Orienta...Gabriel Sebastian LizadaPresentation for 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology and PAP 52nd Annual Convention
Ly Syin Lobster PortfolioLy Syin LobsterLy Syin Lobster has a B.A. in Mass Communications and experience in social media management, content creation, and administrative work. She has helped authors, entrepreneurs and ministries develop their online presence through social media, blogs, and websites. Ms. Lobster's skills include creating engaging social media content, managing content on various platforms, writing blog posts and press releases, and producing newsletters. She has published articles in several local publications and managed social media for increasing engagement and sales leads for clients.
Technology Transfer to/from ChinaDragonstarprojectThe document discusses technology transfer opportunities in China. It begins with an overview of China's innovation history, describing three stages of development from an early stage in 1978 to the current stable development stage. It then outlines China's innovation system, including its legal and policy framework and management structures that support technology transfer. Finally, it provides an example of a French technology that was commercialized in China through licensing to a medical devices company, which then acquired the technology's owner. The document advocates for trained technology transfer professionals and increased international cooperation to help diversify technology markets across regions.
The Myth of Librarian Neutrality: Adobe Digital Editions and the Digital Righ...Lydia ThornePresentation for CAPAL15: Academic Librarianship and Critical Practice, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, May 31- June 2, 2015.
Mi vidanancycaNancy Capuz es una chica de 17 años de la comunidad de Angahuana Alto. Estudió primaria en la Escuela "Mushuc Ñan" y secundaria en el Colegio Universitario "Juan Montalvo", aunque no ha realizado estudios superiores. En su mensaje a los jóvenes les aconseja pensar bien las cosas antes de actuar y darse cuenta de la importancia de los estudios, que son una herencia valiosa que los padres pueden brindar.
Social Comparison, Trait Hope, and Cognitive Task Performance: A Goal Orienta...Gabriel Sebastian LizadaPresentation for 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology and PAP 52nd Annual Convention
Ly Syin Lobster PortfolioLy Syin LobsterLy Syin Lobster has a B.A. in Mass Communications and experience in social media management, content creation, and administrative work. She has helped authors, entrepreneurs and ministries develop their online presence through social media, blogs, and websites. Ms. Lobster's skills include creating engaging social media content, managing content on various platforms, writing blog posts and press releases, and producing newsletters. She has published articles in several local publications and managed social media for increasing engagement and sales leads for clients.
Know it All - Parents eSafety PresentationalexfinvleChildnet International Know it All eSafety presentation for parents.
Updated statistics (2011) from original 2008 version.
Introduction to KAIST GCCRiri KusumaraniIntroduction to KAIST GCC. If you have interest in having cooperation with KAIST GCC or South Korea Companies, Don't hesitate to contact me.
Telkom 2Sylvi EllyusmanLima faktor yang menentukan tingkat persaingan dalam suatu industri menurut model five forces Porter dijelaskan dalam dokumen tersebut. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah ancaman masuknya pesaing baru, ancaman produk pengganti, kekuatan pembeli, kekuatan pemasok, dan intensitas persaingan antar pesaing yang ada. Telkom berupaya mempertahankan posisinya di industri dengan melindungi hak kekayaan intelektual dan tetap
Posterscope OOH BE Trends 2016Posterscope BelgiumThe document discusses several trends in out-of-home advertising including the growth of contactless mobile payments enabling direct response advertising, increased real-time services allowing brands to influence consumer behavior, challenges from ad blocking increasing the need for accountability from out-of-home media, and consumers demanding experiences rewarding their attention. It also covers the rise of content sharing through apps, the potential for beacons to enhance consumer engagement, the development of programmatic out-of-home buying, use of advertising to benefit society, and opportunities for personalization at scale through real-time triggers.
SunampDragonstarprojectSunamp is a thermal energy storage company headquartered in Edinburgh that has developed modular heat batteries for storing excess heat and electricity from renewable sources. Their core product is the Sunamp Heat Battery, which uses phase change materials to store and discharge heat energy at high power levels. Sunamp is seeking collaborations with Chinese companies in HVAC, energy, and automotive to refine their products for the Chinese market and expand their thermal energy storage solutions.
• L’edat mitjana està dividida
en dos períodes
- l’alta edat mitjana.
- la baixa edat mitjana.
Organització de la societat:
Esdeveniments històrics importants:
- Al 472, caiguda de l’imperi romà.
- El 711 els musulmans invadeixen la
península ibèrica.
- Al 1492 descobriment d’amèrica.
- l’any 1123
- absis central (Sant Climent de Taüll.)
- feta per el mestre Taüll.
- Obra romànica.
- Simone maritini
- any 1284-1344
- Museu dels Uffizi de florència
- Obra gòtica.
Caracterísitques cant gregorià:
- És vocal a capella sense instruments.
- El text és en llatí.
- És música religiosa.
- La majoria d’obres són anónimes.
Tipus de cant gregorià:
- sil·làbic: cada sil·laba té una nota
- Melismàtic: una vocal amb moltes
notes diferents.
- salmòdic: moltes sil·labes tenen la
mateixa nota.
Característiques de la música
-és monòdica i també hi ha acompanyament
- Els joglars canten les cançons-
- Els trobados componens les cançons i la
- El tema principal és l’amor.
Un trobador és un poeta cantor de l’edat
mitjana que componien les cançons i les
músiques, vivien en castells o cases
pairals. Els trobadors eren molt especials
igual que els joglars.
Joglars: els joglars eren aritstes
d’entretaniment. Vivien en pobles
o castells que visitaven. Els
joglars també eren molt especials
igual que els trobadors i tots dos
eren diferents que la resta.
Goliards: era una persona que
es dedicava a cantar i a recitar
poemes en llatí i en llengües
ARPA: és un instrument de corda.
TAUT: també és un instrument de corda.
FLAUTA DE PICO: també és un
instrument de vent.
CORNETA: és un instrument de vent.
VIOLA: és un instrument de corda.