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Main equipment that are used for
safety to minimize the risk of
exposure to the common bloodborne
Lab 1-phelopoy'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'omy.pptx
How can a correctional health care worker be
exposed to bloodborne pathogens on the job?
Needlesticks or cuts from used needles or sharps.
Contact of your eyes, nose, mouth, or broken
skin with blood.
Assaults  bites, cuts, or knife wounds.
Splashes or punctures  especially when drawing

悖 悋悒惡惘  悋悴惘忰 悖 惡悋悒惡惘 悋悽慍
悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠

悖  悖 悖 悖 惺 悋愕悸
.惡悋惆 悋愕惘 悴惆

悖 悋悴惘忰 悖 悋惺惷悋惠 悋悋惺惠惆悋悄悋惠
.惡悋愕 悋悴惘忰

愕忰惡 惺惆 悽悋惶悸 惓惡 悖 惘悵悋悵
How can you protect yourself?
Get the hepatitis B vaccine.
Read and understand your employers Exposure Control
Dispose of used sharps promptly into an appropriate
sharps disposal container.
Use sharps devices with safety features whenever
Use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as
gloves and face shields, every time there is a potential
for exposure to blood or body fluids.
Clean work surfaces with germicidal products.

悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡 悋忰 惺 悋忰惶

悋惠惺惘惷  悋惠忰 悽愀悸 悋 悋惘悖
.悋惺 惶悋忰惡

惺 悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠  惠悽惶
 惠悽惶 悋愕惡悸 忰悋悸  悋惘
.悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠

悋悖悋 慍悋惠 悵悋惠 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖悴慍悸 悋愕惠悽惆
.悵 悖 悋

( 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆

惘悸   悋悴 惆惘惺 悋悋慍悋惠 惓
悖 惆 J
惷惠惺惘 悋忰惠悋 悋 
.悋悴愕 愕悋悧

惡惆悸 惡惠悴悋惠 悋惺 悖愕愀忰 惠惴
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Reduces Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
 Bloodborne Pathogenssuch as hepatitis B virus
(HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
 use personal protective equipment, or PPE.
 Wearing appropriate PPE can significantly reduce
risk, since it acts as a barrier against exposure.
 Employers are required to provide, clean, repair,
and replace this equipment as

惘愕 惓 惡悋惆 悋悸 悋悖惘悋惷 愕惡惡悋惠
悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡
悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡 惘愕 
悋惡愆惘悸 悋悋惺悸 惶 惘愕 

惺惆悋惠 悖 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋
.悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸

悋悋愕惡悸 悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋惘惠惆悋悄 悒
悖 惡惘 惡愆 悋悽悋愀惘  悖 
.悋惠惺惘惷 惷惆 忰悋悴慍 惺

悋惺惆悋惠 悵 惠惘 悋惺 悖惶忰悋惡 惺 惠惺
悋愕惠惡惆悋悋 悒惶悋忰悋 惠惴悋

Lab 1-phelopoy'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'omy.pptx
Selecting Personal Protective
Personal protective equipment may include gloves, gowns,
laboratory coats, face shields or masks, eye protection,
pocket masks, and other protective gear.
 The PPE selected must be appropriate for the task. This
means the level and type of protection must fit the expected
exposure. For example, gloves may be the only PPE needed
for a laboratory technician who is drawing blood

悸悋愆悽惶 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 惠愆 惆
悋惺悋愀 悋惺惡悋悄悋惠 悋悋慍悋惠
悋悖惺悸 悖 悋悴 惆惘惺 悋悽惠惡惘悸
惺惆悋惠 悋悴惡 悖惺悸 悋惺 忰悋悸
.悋悖悽惘 悋忰悋悸

悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 惠 悖 悴惡
.悸 悋愕惡悸 悋悽惠悋惘悸 J
悸悋忰悋 惺 愕惠 悖 惺 悵悋
.悋惠惺 悋惠惺惘惷 惺 惠悋愕惡 J
悖 悴惡
悋悋慍悋惠 惠 惆 悋惓悋 愕惡 惺
悋忰惆悸 悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 
惡愕忰惡  悋悵 悋悽惠惡惘  J
Lab 1-phelopoy'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'omy.pptx
Single use gloves cannot be washed or decontaminated for reuse.
Non-latex gloves, glove liners, powderless gloves or similar alternatives must
be provided if workers are allergic to the .gloves normally provided.
Gloves are required for all phlebotomies outside of volunteer blood
donation centers.

.悋愕惠悽惆悋悋 悒惺悋惆悸 惠愀惘悋 悖 悋悋忰惆 悋悋愕惠悽惆悋 悵悋惠 悋悋慍悋惠 愃愕  悋

 悋悽悋悸 悋悋慍悋惠 悖 悋悋慍悋惠 惡愀悋悋惠 悖 悋悋惠愕 愃惘 悋悋慍悋惠 惠惘 悴惡
悋悋慍悋惠 惠悴悋 忰愕悋愕悸  惺悋 悋惺悋 J
悋 悒悵悋 悋悋惓悸 悋惡惆悋悧 悖 悋惡惆惘悸
.悸惺悋惆 悋惠惘悸

.悋惠愀惺 惡悋惆 悋惠惡惘惺 惘悋慍 悽悋惘悴 悋惆 愕忰惡 惺悋惠 悴惺  愀惡悸 悋悋慍悋惠
 When splashes, sprays, splatters, or droplets of blood or
OPIM pose a hazard to the eyes, nose or mouth, then
masks in conjunction with eye protection (such as
goggles or glasses with solid side shields) or chin-length
face shields must be worn.
 Protection against exposure to the body is provided by
protective clothing, such as gowns, aprons, lab coats, and
similar garments.
 Surgical caps or hoods, and shoe covers or boots are
needed when gross contamination is expected, such as
during orthopedic surgery or autopsies

悋惘悵悋悵 悖 悋惘悵悋悵 悖 悋惡惺 惠愆 惺惆悋
悖 悋惆 愀惘悋惠 悖
惺 悋惘悽愀
悋惘惠惆悋悄 悴惡 悋 悖 悋悖 悖 悋惺
悋惺 忰悋悸 惺 悴惡 悒 悋惡悴 悋悖惺悸
悵悋惠 悋惴悋惘悋惠 悖 悋悋悸 悋惴悋惘悋惠 惓
悋悴 惆惘惺 悖 悋惶惡悸 悋悴悋惡悸 悋惆惘惺
.悋惡悋悸 悋悵 惡愀

悴愕 悋惠惺惘惷 惷惆 悋忰悋悸 惠惘 惠
惓 悋悋悸 悋悋惡愕 悽悋 
悋悽惠惡惘 惺悋愀 悋悛慍惘 悋惺惡悋悄悋惠
.悋悋惓悸 悋悋惡愕

悖愃愀悸 悖 惡惺悋惠 悒 忰悋悴悸 悋
惺惆 悖忰悵悸 悖 悖忰悵悸 悖愃愀悸 悴惘悋忰悸
 悋 悴愕 惠惓 忰惆惓 惠惺
惠愆惘忰 悖 悋惺惴悋 悴惘悋忰悸 悖惓悋悄 悋忰悋
What is OPIM? OPIM stands for Other
Potentially Infectious Materials
 . This refers to potentially infectious materials other than blood. There are other bodily fluids and body tissues
that can carry and transmit pathogens from one person to another. Other Potentially Infectious Materials are
listed below:
 Vaginal Discharge
 Saliva, mostly when it contains blood
 Cerebrospinal fluid from the brain and spinal cord
 Any bodily fluid that contains blood
 Unfixed tissue from a person or the closely related primates such as chimpanzees and monkeys
 Human cell cultures used in a laboratory
 Pathogenic microorganisms
What is OPIM? OPIM stands for Other
Potentially Infectious Materials

. .
 忰 悋 悖悽惘 悴愕惆悸 悖愕悴悸 愕悋悧 悋 悋惆 愃惘 惺惆悸 惠 悖 忰惠 悋惆 悒 悵悋 愆惘
: .
悖惆悋 悵惘悸 惺惆悸 惠 悖 忰惠 悋惠 悋悖悽惘 悋悋惆 悛悽惘 悒 愆悽惶  悋悖惘悋惷 愕惡惡悋惠

悋惡悸 悋悒惘悋慍悋惠


悋惆 惺 忰惠 惺惆悋 悽悋惶悸 悋惺悋惡

悋愆 悋忰惡 悋惆悋愃  悋悽悋惺 悋愕悋悧

惆 惺 忰惠 悋悴愕  愕悋悧 悖

悋惘惆悸 悋愆惡悋慍 惓 悋惓悸 悋惶悸 悵悋惠 悋惘悧愕悋惠  悖 愆悽惶  悋惓惡惠悸 愃惘 悋悖愕悴悸

悋悽惠惡惘  悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悽悋悋 慍悋惘惺

悖惘悋惷 悋愕惡惡悸 悋惆悸 悋忰悸 悋悋悧悋惠
Decontaminating and Disposing of
Personal Protective Equipment
Ensure that workers remove personal protective
equipment before leaving the work area. If a
garment is penetrated by blood or OPIM, it must
be removed immediately or as soon as feasible.
Once PPE is removed, it must be placed in an
appropriately designated area or
container for storage, washing, decontamination,
or disposal.
Ensure wash hands immediately or as soon as
feasible after removal of gloves or other personal
protective equipment
惺惆悋惠 惡悒慍悋悸 悋惺悋 悋  悋惠悖惆
愀悸 愃悋惆惘悸 惡 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸
悖 悋惆 悋悽惠惘 悒悵悋 悋惺
 悖 悋惘 惺 悒慍悋惠 悴惡 悋惓惡
. 惠 悖惘惡
悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悒慍悋悸 惡悴惘惆
悽惶惶悸 愀悸  惷惺悋 悴惡
悖 悋愕惡 惡愆
悖 悋惠愀惘 悖 悋愃愕 悖 惠悽慍 忰悋悸
.悋 悋惠悽惶
悖 悋惘 惺 悋惆 愃愕  惠悖惆
悒慍悋悸 惡惺惆  惠 悖惘惡 
悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悖 悋悋慍悋惠
What should you do if youre exposed?
Wash needlesticks and cuts with soap and
Flush splashes to nose, mouth, or skin with
Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or
sterile wash.
Report all exposures promptly to ensure that
you receive appropriate followup care.
惡悋悋悄 悋悴惘忰 惡悋悒惡惘 悋悽慍 悋愃愕
悋悴惆 悖 悋 悖 悋悖  悋惡惺 悋愃愕
悋忰 悖 悋惴 惡悋悋悄 悋惺 惘
.悋惺 悋愃愕 悖 悋忰
惺 悋惠惺惘惷 忰悋悋惠 悴惺 惺 惡悋悒惡悋愃 
悋惠悋惡惺悸 惘惺悋悸 惺 忰惶 惷悋 悋惘

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Lab 1-phelopoy'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'omy.pptx

  • 1. Main equipment that are used for safety to minimize the risk of exposure to the common bloodborne pathogens
  • 3. How can a correctional health care worker be exposed to bloodborne pathogens on the job? Needlesticks or cuts from used needles or sharps. Contact of your eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin with blood. Assaults bites, cuts, or knife wounds. Splashes or punctures especially when drawing blood. 悖 悋悒惡惘 悋悴惘忰 悖 惡悋悒惡惘 悋悽慍 悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠 悖 悖 悖 悖 惺 悋愕悸 .惡悋惆 悋愕惘 悴惆 悖 悋悴惘忰 悖 悋惺惷悋惠 悋悋惺惠惆悋悄悋惠 .惡悋愕 悋悴惘忰 愕忰惡 惺惆 悽悋惶悸 惓惡 悖 惘悵悋悵 .悋惆
  • 4. How can you protect yourself? Get the hepatitis B vaccine. Read and understand your employers Exposure Control Plan. Dispose of used sharps promptly into an appropriate sharps disposal container. Use sharps devices with safety features whenever possible. Use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and face shields, every time there is a potential for exposure to blood or body fluids. Clean work surfaces with germicidal products. 悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡 悋忰 惺 悋忰惶 B . 悋惠惺惘惷 悋惠忰 悽愀悸 悋 悋惘悖 .悋惺 惶悋忰惡 惺 悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠 惠悽惶 惠悽惶 悋愕惡悸 忰悋悸 悋惘 .悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖惆悋惠 悋悖悋 慍悋惠 悵悋惠 悋忰悋惆悸 悋悖悴慍悸 悋愕惠悽惆 .悵 悖 悋 ( 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆 PPE ) 惘悸 悋悴 惆惘惺 悋悋慍悋惠 惓 悖 惆 J 惷惠惺惘 悋忰惠悋 悋 .悋悴愕 愕悋悧 惡惆悸 惡惠悴悋惠 悋惺 悖愕愀忰 惠惴
  • 5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reduces Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Bloodborne Pathogenssuch as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). use personal protective equipment, or PPE. Wearing appropriate PPE can significantly reduce risk, since it acts as a barrier against exposure. Employers are required to provide, clean, repair, and replace this equipment as Needed.. 惘愕 惓 惡悋惆 悋悸 悋悖惘悋惷 愕惡惡悋惠 悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡 B (HBV) 悋惡惆 悋惠悋惡 惘愕 C (HCV) 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悋惺悸 惶 惘愕 ( HIV .) 惺惆悋惠 悖 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋 .悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 悋悋愕惡悸 悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悋惘惠惆悋悄 悒 悖 惡惘 惡愆 悋悽悋愀惘 悖 .悋惠惺惘惷 惷惆 忰悋悴慍 惺 悋惺惆悋惠 悵 惠惘 悋惺 悖惶忰悋惡 惺 惠惺 悋愕惠惡惆悋悋 悒惶悋忰悋 惠惴悋 ..惷惘惘
  • 7. Selecting Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment may include gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, face shields or masks, eye protection, pocket masks, and other protective gear. The PPE selected must be appropriate for the task. This means the level and type of protection must fit the expected exposure. For example, gloves may be the only PPE needed for a laboratory technician who is drawing blood J 悸悋愆悽惶 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 惠愆 惆 悋惺悋愀 悋惺惡悋悄悋惠 悋悋慍悋惠 悋悖惺悸 悖 悋悴 惆惘惺 悋悽惠惡惘悸 惺惆悋惠 悋悴惡 悖惺悸 悋惺 忰悋悸 .悋悖悽惘 悋忰悋悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 惠 悖 悴惡 .悸 悋愕惡悸 悋悽惠悋惘悸 J 悸悋愆悽惶 J 悸悋忰悋 惺 愕惠 悖 惺 悵悋 .悋惠惺 悋惠惺惘惷 惺 惠悋愕惡 J 悖 悴惡 悋悋慍悋惠 惠 惆 悋惓悋 愕惡 惺 悋忰惆悸 悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 惡愕忰惡 悋悵 悋悽惠惡惘 J 悸悋悋慍 悋惆
  • 9. Single use gloves cannot be washed or decontaminated for reuse. Non-latex gloves, glove liners, powderless gloves or similar alternatives must be provided if workers are allergic to the .gloves normally provided. Gloves are required for all phlebotomies outside of volunteer blood donation centers. .悋愕惠悽惆悋悋 悒惺悋惆悸 惠愀惘悋 悖 悋悋忰惆 悋悋愕惠悽惆悋 悵悋惠 悋悋慍悋惠 愃愕 悋 悋悽悋悸 悋悋慍悋惠 悖 悋悋慍悋惠 惡愀悋悋惠 悖 悋悋惠愕 愃惘 悋悋慍悋惠 惠惘 悴惡 悋悋慍悋惠 惠悴悋 忰愕悋愕悸 惺悋 悋惺悋 J 悋 悒悵悋 悋悋惓悸 悋惡惆悋悧 悖 悋惡惆惘悸 .悸惺悋惆 悋惠惘悸 .悋惠愀惺 惡悋惆 悋惠惡惘惺 惘悋慍 悽悋惘悴 悋惆 愕忰惡 惺悋惠 悴惺 愀惡悸 悋悋慍悋惠
  • 10. When splashes, sprays, splatters, or droplets of blood or OPIM pose a hazard to the eyes, nose or mouth, then masks in conjunction with eye protection (such as goggles or glasses with solid side shields) or chin-length face shields must be worn. Protection against exposure to the body is provided by protective clothing, such as gowns, aprons, lab coats, and similar garments. Surgical caps or hoods, and shoe covers or boots are needed when gross contamination is expected, such as during orthopedic surgery or autopsies 悋惘悵悋悵 悖 悋惘悵悋悵 悖 悋惡惺 惠愆 惺惆悋 悖 悋惆 愀惘悋惠 悖 OPIM 惺 悋惘悽愀 悋惘惠惆悋悄 悴惡 悋 悖 悋悖 悖 悋惺 悋惺 忰悋悸 惺 悴惡 悒 悋惡悴 悋悖惺悸 ( 悵悋惠 悋惴悋惘悋惠 悖 悋悋悸 悋惴悋惘悋惠 惓 ) 悋悴 惆惘惺 悖 悋惶惡悸 悋悴悋惡悸 悋惆惘惺 .悋惡悋悸 悋悵 惡愀 悴愕 悋惠惺惘惷 惷惆 悋忰悋悸 惠惘 惠 惓 悋悋悸 悋悋惡愕 悽悋 悋悽惠惡惘 惺悋愀 悋悛慍惘 悋惺惡悋悄悋惠 .悋悋惓悸 悋悋惡愕 悖愃愀悸 悖 惡惺悋惠 悒 忰悋悴悸 悋 惺惆 悖忰悵悸 悖 悖忰悵悸 悖愃愀悸 悴惘悋忰悸 悋 悴愕 惠惓 忰惆惓 惠惺 惠愆惘忰 悖 悋惺惴悋 悴惘悋忰悸 悖惓悋悄 悋忰悋 悋悴惓惓
  • 11. What is OPIM? OPIM stands for Other Potentially Infectious Materials . This refers to potentially infectious materials other than blood. There are other bodily fluids and body tissues that can carry and transmit pathogens from one person to another. Other Potentially Infectious Materials are listed below: Vaginal Discharge Semen Saliva, mostly when it contains blood Cerebrospinal fluid from the brain and spinal cord Any bodily fluid that contains blood Unfixed tissue from a person or the closely related primates such as chimpanzees and monkeys Human cell cultures used in a laboratory Pathogenic microorganisms
  • 12. What is OPIM? OPIM stands for Other Potentially Infectious Materials . . 忰 悋 悖悽惘 悴愕惆悸 悖愕悴悸 愕悋悧 悋 悋惆 愃惘 惺惆悸 惠 悖 忰惠 悋惆 悒 悵悋 愆惘 : . 悖惆悋 悵惘悸 惺惆悸 惠 悖 忰惠 悋惠 悋悖悽惘 悋悋惆 悛悽惘 悒 愆悽惶 悋悖惘悋惷 愕惡惡悋惠 悋惡悸 悋悒惘悋慍悋惠 悋 悋惆 惺 忰惠 惺惆悋 悽悋惶悸 悋惺悋惡 悋愆 悋忰惡 悋惆悋愃 悋悽悋惺 悋愕悋悧 惆 惺 忰惠 悋悴愕 愕悋悧 悖 悋惘惆悸 悋愆惡悋慍 惓 悋惓悸 悋惶悸 悵悋惠 悋惘悧愕悋惠 悖 愆悽惶 悋惓惡惠悸 愃惘 悋悖愕悴悸 悋悽惠惡惘 悋愕惠悽惆悸 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悽悋悋 慍悋惘惺 悖惘悋惷 悋愕惡惡悸 悋惆悸 悋忰悸 悋悋悧悋惠
  • 13. Decontaminating and Disposing of Personal Protective Equipment Ensure that workers remove personal protective equipment before leaving the work area. If a garment is penetrated by blood or OPIM, it must be removed immediately or as soon as feasible. Once PPE is removed, it must be placed in an appropriately designated area or container for storage, washing, decontamination, or disposal. Ensure wash hands immediately or as soon as feasible after removal of gloves or other personal protective equipment 惺惆悋惠 惡悒慍悋悸 悋惺悋 悋 悋惠悖惆 愀悸 愃悋惆惘悸 惡 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 . 悖 悋惆 悋悽惠惘 悒悵悋 悋惺 OPIM 悖 悋惘 惺 悒慍悋惠 悴惡 悋惓惡 . 惠 悖惘惡 悋愆悽惶悸 悋悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悒慍悋悸 惡悴惘惆 悽惶惶悸 愀悸 惷惺悋 悴惡 悖 悋愕惡 惡愆 悖 悋惠愀惘 悖 悋愃愕 悖 惠悽慍 忰悋悸 .悋 悋惠悽惶 悖 悋惘 惺 悋惆 愃愕 惠悖惆 悒慍悋悸 惡惺惆 惠 悖惘惡 悋愆悽惶悸 悋忰悋悸 惺惆悋惠 悖 悋悋慍悋惠
  • 14. What should you do if youre exposed? Wash needlesticks and cuts with soap and water. Flush splashes to nose, mouth, or skin with water. Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile wash. Report all exposures promptly to ensure that you receive appropriate followup care. 惡悋悋悄 悋悴惘忰 惡悋悒惡惘 悋悽慍 悋愃愕 .悋惶悋惡 悋悴惆 悖 悋 悖 悋悖 悋惡惺 悋愃愕 .惡悋悋悄 悋忰 悖 悋惴 惡悋悋悄 悋惺 惘 .悋惺 悋愃愕 悖 悋忰 惺 悋惠惺惘惷 忰悋悋惠 悴惺 惺 惡悋悒惡悋愃 悋惠悋惡惺悸 惘惺悋悸 惺 忰惶 惷悋 悋惘 .悋悋愕惡悸