2. SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet
used for remote access to network devices
Telnet: Telnet is an unencrypted protocol used for
remote terminal access to network devices.
It allows a user to establish a text-based session with
a remote device and execute commands remotely.
SSH: SSH is a secure replacement for Telnet.
It provides encrypted communication between the
client and the server, ensuring confidentiality and
integrity of the data transmitted.
4. Configuring ssh password
Steps to configure ssh password
Change the host name
Assign the Ip address for all devices
Assign the domain-name
generate the rsa key for the encryption purpose
Create user name and password for user and enable
Apply ssh configuration
10. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) separate
an existing physical network into multiple
logical networks. Thus, each VLAN creates its
own broadcast domain.
Communication between two VLANs can only
occur through a router that is connected to both.
11. VLAN- Types
In short, there are 2 types of VLANs:
Port-based VLANs (untagged)
With port-based VLANs, a single physical switch is simply divided into
multiple logical switches. The following example divides an eight-port
physical switch (Switch A) into two logical switches.
Tagged VLANs
With tagged VLANs, multiple VLANs can be used through a single switch
port. Tags containing the respective VLAN identifiers indicating the VLAN
to which the frame belongs are attached to the individual Ethernet frames as
they exit the port. If both switches understand the operation of tagged
VLANs, the reciprocal connection can be accomplished using one single
cable connecting from a trunk port.
12. VLAN- Types
VLAN-1 (Default VLAN)
Data VLAN: is a VLAN dedicated to carrying user data traffic. It is used
to segregate and isolate different types of network traffic, such as user devices,
servers, or specific applications.
Management VLAN: is a VLAN specifically designated for
managing network devices, such as switches, routers, or wireless access points.
Native VLAN: The native VLAN is a VLAN that is assigned to an
802.1Q trunk port without tagging the frames with a VLAN ID.
16. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
VLAN Configuration (SW-1)
Switch(config)#VLAN 10
Switch(config)#name Staff
17. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
Assigning Ports to VLAN (SW-1)
SWA(config)#interface fastethernet0/2
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 10
18. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
Assigning trunk Ports to VLAN (SW-0)
SWA(config)#interface fastethernet0/10
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,99
19. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
Assigning trunk Ports to VLAN (SW-1)
SWA(config)#interface fastethernet0/10
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
SWA(config-if-range)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,99
20. Management VLAN
Create vlan mngt
Assign the ip address for all device
Sw# vlan 99
Sw#name mnget
Sw#interface fa0/2-52
Sw#sw mode acess
Sw#sw acc valn99
Step 2
Assign the ip address to switch
Sw#interface vlan 99
Sw#ip address
Sw# no shut
21. Step 3
Create the vty password and enable password.
Step 4
Sw#ping the device of vlan mngt otr vlan99
step 5
Access the switch from the device
. Telenet switch address
.. telnet
User pass
Enable pass
24. VLAN- Virtual Local Area Network
Native VLAN
The VLAN services developed with backward compatibility to support old
devices that does not support VLANs is called native VLAN. It is associated
with Trunk port.
SWA(config)#vlan 100
SWA(config)#name Native
SWA(config)#interface f0/10 (trunk port)
SWA(config)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
SWA(config)#show int f0/10 switchport
SWA(config)# show int trunk