This document contains data from three weighings of three empty glass vessels and three laboratory instruments - a pipette, burette, and erlenmeyer flask. The first weighing records the empty weights of the glass vessels. The second and third weighings record the weights of each instrument after being placed in the glass vessels to measure the combined weights.
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Lab quimica pesadas
1. Pesos de los Vasos VASO 1 VASO 2 VASO 3
Vac鱈os 29.4 g 33.8 g 30.4 g
Instrumento VASO 1 VASO 2 VASO 3
Pipeta 39.2 g 43.1 g 39.7 g
Bureta 38.9 g 43.6 g 40.2 g
Probeta 38.9 g 43.4 g 39.5 g
Instrumento VASO 1 VASO 2 VASO 3
Pipeta 39.2 g 43.4 g 39.9 g
Bureta 39.2 g 43.7 g 40.5 g
Probeta 38.8 g 43.4 g 39.8 g
Instrumento VASO 1 VASO 2 VASO 3
Pipeta 38.8 g 43.1 g 39.9 g
Bureta 39.2 g 43.9 g 40.0 g
Probeta 38.4 g 43.4 g 39.5 g