This presentation focuses on Creation of vector analysis in Arcgis of a particular area
A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
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Lab report 5 vector analysis
1. Geoprocessing: Vector Analysis
Soil Type Bearing Capacity (kN/sq. m.)
Gravel 450
MediumSand 250
Fine Sand 150
SoftClay 100
Openfile toworkwithinArcMap.
In thiscase, openD:/Practical Data/Geographical Analysis(Vector)andselectlanduse,roads,
streamsand soil files streamsandsoil files.
Checkthe attributesof the layersadded especiallyforlanduse andsoil.
Categorize these layersintodifferentcolorsperfieldtype if needed.(Rightclicklayer-
>properties->categories->selectfieldandshow all values)
1. we needonlybushland.
Selecttool inAnalysistoolsof ArcToolbox.
Give inputas Landuse.shp,giveoutputfilename asbushland.shp.inSql window,give command
LU_type = Bush land
3. Condition:2, site shouldnotbe inhabited.Sincewe alreadyextractedbushlandoutof the map, the same done for
Condition:3,the site shouldbe within500mdistance from inhabitedarea.
To get the 500m bufferof inhabitedarea,we needtoseparate inhabitedareafromthe landuse
map first,usingSelecttool asbefore.
Nowwe give LU_TYPE = InhabitedinSQLwindow.
Figure: Inhabited land separated
4. Afterseparatinginhabitedarea,bufferthe inhabitedareaby500m.
To selectsite within500mbufferof inhabitedarea,use clip tool with:
Inputfile asbushland.shp,Clipfeature asinhabited500.shp andoutputfile asop_clip1.shp
Figure: Op_clip1.shp
Condition 4:our site mustnot be within150m of streams.
For this,we have to bufferstreamsby150m. Then use the erase tool to remove the portionsof
the site (op_clip1.shp) thatintersectswiththe bufferedstreamfile.
6. Nowuse the erase tool to remove the portionsof the site within150m bufferof streams:
Condition 5: the site mustbe within500m of the existingroad.So,we have tobufferroadby 500m and
clipour currentoutputfile op_clip2.shpwiththe bufferedroadfile.
To bufferthe roadby 500m, use buffertool
Thenclipthe outputfile withroadbufferfile withinputfileasop_clip2,andclipfeature asRoad500.shp
9. Nowto getthe portionsof the outputfile whichhave gravel,use cliptool withInputfileas
op_clip3.shpandclipfeature asgravel.shp
Condition:7, our site should notbe within100m of the road.
To create bufferof road for 100m: