The capacity for cholera culture testing was increased in 19 of 34 districts in Balochistan, where 7,789 samples were tested and 197 cases were identified. Recent demands for Congo and Dengue PCR kits were met with 150 of each being provided to a lab. Trainings were conducted for lab assistants on proper sample collection for cholera, AJS, and typhoid in 11 flood-affected districts, and for ELISA testing of Dengue, HAV, and HEV in Quetta. Assessments were done of laboratories in 7 districts to identify gaps and strengthen facilities.
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Lab Response in Flood Emargency updated.pptx
1. Laboratory Response in Flood Emergency
Lab activities Districts Outcome/Response
The cholera culture testing
capacity increased in
In out of 34 districts 19 districts
reported positive cases .The last case is
reported from Chaman districts
In this period total 7789 Cholera samples were
cultured and tested including RDTs. In which 197
cases were reported from 19 districts
In recent days 150 Congo
and 150 Dengue PCR kits
were given to PPHl Lab on
their high demand
The Congo and Dengue screened and
Elisa confirmed samples from southern
and Northern border of Balochistan
will be reconfirm through PCR
The Congo PCR is restreeted in PPHL laboratory
after the availability of the PCR kits provided by the
Trainings of lab assistants
on Proper sample collection
of Cholera, AJS and
Naseerabad, Sohbatpur, Jhal Magsi
,Jafarabad, Quetta, Chaman, loralai,
Kech /Turbat Derabughti , Lasbela, Zhob
and Gawadar
35 people were trained about Cholera, AJS and
Typhoid sample collection, Packing and transportation
to laboratory in flood effected districts.
The Elisa training given on
Dengue, HAV and HEV
Quetta PPHL laboratory staff In Quetta PPHL Laboratory 15 people were trained
about Dengue, HAV and HEV Elisa testing.
The assessments of
laboratories to strengthen
Naseerabad, Sohbatpur ,Jhal Magsi
,Jafarabad , Chaman, loralai and Usta
Along with gap identification basic SOPS of Diagnostic
lab like proper disposal of waste, following SOPS