1. The document defines a child as under 14, adolescent as 14-18, and adult as 18 or over.
2. Adolescents ages 14-18 can work conditionally, while children under 14 are completely prohibited from working.
3. For adolescents to work, they must obtain a certificate of fitness from a medical practitioner, which is valid for 12 months, and they cannot perform hazardous or underground work.
4. When employing adolescents, the weekly work hours are limited to 30 hours in a factory and 42 hours in an establishment, spread over no more than two shifts between 7am and 7pm.
4. Definition of child, adolescent, adult
Child means a person who has not completed 14th years of age.
Adolescent means a person who has completed fourteenth
years but has not completed eighteenth year of age.
Adult means a person who has completed eighteen year of
5. Completed 18th years of age
Absolutely allowed to work
Aged 14-18 years
Conditional allowed to
Aged below 14 years
Completeelly prohibited to
Adult worker Adolescent worker Child worker
Classification of workers on the basis of age
6. Prohibition on Agreement
No parent or guardian of a child shall make an agreement with any one allowing the child to be
appointed for any work. (S.35)
Here guardian shall include a legal custodian of a child or any person having authority over a child
There is no such provision for adolescent worker. So, the is confusion whether parent or guardian of an
adolescent can make agreement in respect of employing the adolescent as worker.
Fine which may extend to 1,000 Taka. (S. 285)
7. Adolescent worker : Prohibition & Allowance
Conditions for
employing adolescent
1. Fitness certificate
2. Not employed in
prohibited work
An adolescent cannot be employed or permitted to work in any occupation and establishment unless
8. Solution to dispute as to age of child & adolescent
Mode of Resolving
Age Dispute
1. Birth registration
2. School certificate
3. Certificate issued by
medical practitioner
A certificate of fitness shall remain valid for a period of 12 months.
9. A certificate of fitness shall remain
valid for a period of 12 months.
The registered medical practitioner
shall give his decision after
examining the adolescent.
Free payable for certificate of fitness
shall be paid by the employer.
The fee shall not be recoverable from
the concerned adolescent, or his
parents, or guardian.
The application is made by any of 4 types of
His parents
His guardians
The employer
Payment of fee
Application to registred medical
Validityof the certificate
Decision of the practitioner
Certificate of fitness for adolescent worker
10. Work prohibited for an adolescent worker
Prohibited Worker for
Hazardous Work
Work with
dangerous machine
Work in under-
ground and
11. Working hours for adolescent worker
Work in Factory
Daily 5 Hours
Weekly 30 Hours
Work in
Establishment (H.)
Daily 7 Hours
Weekly- 42 Hours
Total Number of
worked hours
In factory- 36 hours in a week.
In establishment- 48 hours in a
Establishment shall be limited
2 shifts.
Not exceed more than 7. 遜
Not allowed to
7.00 oclock in evening and
7.00 oclock in the morning
12. Cont
An adolescent may be in one relay only and this shall not be
changed more than once in a period of 30 days.
Weekly holiday apply also to the adolescent workers.
Not allowed to work in more than one establishment in a day.