This document contains over 30 quotes about the relationships between humans and dogs. Many of the quotes express how dogs provide unconditional love and companionship to humans. Several quotes note that a person's character can be judged by how they treat animals, and that dogs often know and love their owners more than people love themselves. The document suggests that life is more complete and meaningful with a dog.
Robert Mickelsen was born in 1951 in Virginia but raised in Hawaii. He had one year of college before apprenticing as a lamp worker for two years in the mid-1970s, then selling his glass designs at craft fairs for a decade. A class in 1987 expanded his vision for working in glass. By 1989 he stopped craft shows and began exclusively marketing through galleries, propelling his successful career showing in prominent galleries and exhibitions each year.
The document discusses a hand painter who takes 4 hours to paint a single hand and photographs his work. It remarks on how remarkably lifelike the eyes are in his paintings and notes that it took him 10 hours to paint a two-handed eagle in a specific frame.
The document discusses a hand painter who takes 4 hours to paint a single hand and photographs his work. It remarks on how remarkably lifelike the eyes are in his paintings and notes that it took him 10 hours to paint a two-handed eagle in a specific frame.
If the U.S.A. lost the war, there would be major consequences for the country. The United States could lose significant territory and economic influence. Defeat may also damage American pride and global standing.
This short document appears to be about a musical performance. It mentions Andre Rieu performing the song "Plaisir d'amour" and includes the name Adriana. The document provides very little context or details to summarize further in just 3 sentences.
1. Cadou al Rusiei pentru SUA
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
2. Omagiul Rusiei pentru SUA
Artist Zurab Tesereteli
Nu s-a auzit p但n acum despre acest lucru.
De ce presa nu l-a semnalat ?
Este vorba despre monumetul LACRIMA, fcut si instalat de rusi 樽n
onoarea celor care au murit la 11 septembrie, fiind, 樽n acelasi timp, o
declaratie 樽mpotriva terorismului. Este foarte impresionant, fiind aliniat
cu Statuia Liberttii.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
3. 11 septembrie 2006 - 2:30 pm
Peninsula din portul Bayonne, New Jersey
Dezvelirea unui monument al Lumii Noi
樽n amintirea victimelor din 11 septembrie
Av但nd o 樽nltime de peste 3o m, Lupta 樽mpotriva terorismului mondial
aduce un omagiu victimelor din 9 septembrie si este un simbol al solidarittii
樽n lupta 樽mpotriva terorismului mondial.
Creat de sculptorul rus Zurab Tsereteli, monumentul a fost un cadou din
partea poporului rus. Dezvelit la 11 septembrie 2006, are vedere direct spre
Statuia Liberttii i fostul World Trade Center.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
5. Av但nd 30 m i c但ntrind 175
tone, monumentul a fost
transportat pe ocean din Rusia 樽n
Statele Unite 樽n ase sec釘iuni,
c但ntrind fiecare 樽ntre
28 i 63 tone, i a fost asamblat
de un grup de meteri rui.
Artistul rus Zurab Tsereteli a stat
c但teva luni 樽n SUA pentru a
supraveghea construirea
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
6. Aceasta este
LACRIMA, fcut i instalat
de rui 樽n onoarea celor ucii
la 11/9, fiind i o declara釘ie
樽mpotriva terorismului. Este
foarte impresionant.
LACRIMA este aliniat cu
Statuia Libert釘ii.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
13. La baza monumentului sunt gravate numele celor ucii la 11/9.
Baza seamn cu cea a Vietnam Memorial.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
16. Zurab Tsereteli este unul din cei
mai proeminen釘i i prolifici artiti
rui. Sculptor, designer i arhitect,
el surprinde evenimente istorice
semnificative 樽n sculpturi i
monumente ce se vd 樽n muzee i
locuri publice din Rusia, Europa,
Israel, Uruguay i Statele Unite.
Printre operele notabile ale
artistului se afl Victoria,
monument 樽n Memorialul
Rzboiului din Moscova, Petru cel
Mare 樽n centrul Moscovei i
Binele 樽nvinge Rul, o sculptur
realizat din rachete americane i La scurt timp dup atacuri,
ruseti dezmembrate i aflat pe Tsereteli a vizitat ground zero i a
terenul cldirii Na釘iunilor Unite din cutat pe malul din New Jersey
New York. un loc potrivit pentru un monument
樽n onoarea victimelor atacurilor
teroriste de la World Trade Center.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
17. Lacrima placat cu nichel, care face parte din monument, c但ntrete
patru tone i are o 樽nl釘ime de aprox.12 m.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni
18. Monumentul este fcut din o釘el
acoperit cu bronz.
PPS: AZV2, Miami, Fl. Amazing Grace - Mantovanni