The Lamborwoody car runs on wood pellets and aims to provide an alternative fuel source to gasoline as gas prices rise and reliance on foreign oil has led to wars. It meets EPA regulations, is endorsed by GreenPeace, and uses a vast network of wood pellet sellers so drivers are never without fuel. The car comes with leather interior, power windows, air conditioning, and even has an onboard wood burning fireplace, helping customers celebrate Earth Day by making an environmentally friendly choice.
2. Gas Prices are rising! Soon
they will hit 5$ gallon
Our dependence on foreign
oil has caused us two major
3. Alternative is right in your backyard!
-Wood is excellent biofuel.
- Wood is 100% bio-fuel
-Wood is is 100% renewable
- Wood is known to men from
centuries – It has withstood
test of time.
4. Cool Features
• Only car that meets and exceeds EPA
• Only car endorsed by GreenPeace.
• Supported by vast network of wood-pellet
sellers for your fuel needs. You will never be
out of fuel with this car.
5. Add-Ons
-Fully equipped
with leather
interior, Power
Window, A/C and
real wood burning
6. Get your Lamborwoody today!
• Celebrate Earthday by
knowing you made a
• Great financing options and
lease options available for
qualified buyers.
• Call 1-800-LAMBORWOODY
today for more information
or visit nearest showroom.